Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Manishinath Bhawan,
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden.
New Delhi. 110 027.
Dated: 17th September, 2013

Dear Comrade,

                It is the long desire of many of our comrades that the personnel retired from Income-tax Department must come together under the banner of an all India organisation.  .  We have decided to take initiative in this regard.  There are quite a number of Income tax Pensioners Associations functioning in various States.  No such association however exists in many other Charges.  To have a quicker communication, we have opened a website for the Income-tax Pensioners Federation. We have placed a draft constitution on the website.  We want you to go through the same, suggest amendments; changes etc and improve it further.  We may have to convene a meeting of the preparatory committee for further action in the matter.  We shall be grateful if you will kindly make your suggestions to the undersigned in the following e mail address:

                                Phone No. 98110 48303
                                Website: “itpfchq.blogspot.com.”

                We are in touch with many state units to explore the possibility of organizing the preparatory committee meeting.  As and when the same is finalized we shall inform you.
                With thanks and greetings,

Yours fraternally,


Friday, 13 September 2013

Constitution of the
Income-tax Pensioners Federation

Article I.
                Name :- The name of the Association shall be the "Income-tax Pensioners Federation" hereinafter referred to as ITPF.
Article II.
                Central Head Quarters: - The Central Head Quarter of the ITPF shall be at "Manishinath Bhawan", A-2/95, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi - 110027. Any dispute arising from the action taken in consonance with the provisions of this constitution shall, therefore, only be under the jurisdiction of the Courts of law situated in New Delhi.
Article III.
                Aims and Objects: - The aims and objects shall be:
                (i) to protect and promote the interest of  the Pensioners, who retired from  service of the Income tax Department, Government of India. t
                (ii) to control, coordinate and guide the activities of the Circles /Branches,,
                (iii) to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the aims and objects mentioned above or any one of them.

Article IV.
                Membership :- Any Pensioner of the Income-tax Department shall be entitled to become  a member of the ITPF provided he/she agrees to abide by the constitution, rules, regulations, directives and discipline of the ITPF an application in the prescribed form (Annexure-A) duly signed.
Article V.
                Admission: - Any Pensioner desirous of becoming a member of the ITPF shall make an application in writing in the prescribed form (Annexure-A) to the Secretary General   together with a payment of Rs.100/- as admission fee.  The application will be scrutinized by the Circle Executive for the purpose of affording membership.  The application will be considered by the Circle Executive for grant of membership at the next Executive Meeting to the applicant individuals.  In case the Circle Executive is of the considered view that the applicant should not be afforded membership, then the same will be forwarded to the Secretary General, CHQ for a final decision by the Secretariat of the CHQ.
Article VI.
                Forfeiture of membership: - A member may lose his membership if he is in default of payment of renewal  fee or  the monthly subscription ( as prescribed by the Circle Conference) continuously for a period of six months.  Those members who forfeited their membership for default of payment of subscription or renewal fees (as the case may be) shall not be entitled to vote, contest or participate in the Conference of the ITPF CHQ/Circle Conference/ Branch General Body meetings.  Those who forfeited their membership may rejoin the ITPF on payment of arrears and the readmission fees. Readmission fee is at the rates on par with the admission fee.
Article VII.
                (a) Renewal fees :- Every member of the ITPF shall  renew his/her membership once in a year (in the month of April) by making a payment of renewal fees of Rs.100-.The renewal fees shall be collected and  remitted to the Central Head Quarters of ITPF along with a list of paid up membership in the month of April every year.
                (b) Subscription: - Every member of the ITPF shall effect payment of monthly/annual subscription at the rates decided by the Circle Conference.  The Circle Conference will determine the rate of subscription to be collected from each member of the concerned Circle on the basis of a resolution adopted at the Conference in this regard.  The Circle Conference will also decide the portion of the subscription collected from the members to be retained by the Branches concerned.
                Article VIII.
                Membership register: - The membership register will be maintained by the ITPF CHQ on the basis of the application for admission received.  The Circle//Branch Secretaries shall intimate to the CHQ the change in address of individual members.  The Circle HQrs will also maintain a register of membership in respect of the members of the Circle concenrned.

Article IX.
                Organisation and Management: CHQ. : - For the functioning, managment and administration and governance of the ITPF, there shall be:
A. (i)       Central H.Qrs. All India Delegates Conference: - The All India Delegates Conference shall be the Supreme body of the ITPF.  The Conference shall be composed of the Members of the Secretariat of the CHQ and delegates   elected by the Circles as per Clause A(iv) of Article IX.  The Conference shall ordinarily meet once in every three years .However, the Central Working Committee of ITPF shall have the powers to extend the date of Conference by another 3 months in case of unavoidable circumstances and exigencies.  The Conference shall normally consider inter-alia the following agenda:-
                (a) to consider and adopt the report and audited statement of accounts of the ITPF CHQ submitted by the Central Working Committee and other reports if any :
                (b) to elect Office bearers/Secretariat members;
                (c) to consider matters as may be referred to by the Central Working Committee,
                (d) to amend the Constitution,
                (f) to discuss and decide all questions of Policy and Programme,
                (g) to consider and pass resolution on problems and demands of the pensioners.,
                (h) to consider and decide any other matter for which due notice is given,
                (i)   to appoint an Auditor.
                Note :- (i) Resolution proposed to be moved and considered at the Conference should reach the  Secretary General at least 30 days in advance.
                (ii) Resolution affecting any change in the provisions of the Constitution shall not be considered as carried unless it is passed by not less than two third of the members present and voting.  Any resolution seeking amendment to the Constitution shall be submitted to the ITPF CHQ clearly two months in advance to the date of Conference.  The CHQ proposal to amend the Constitution of ITPF shall be circulated on or before 30 days of the Conference. The resolution to amend   the Constitution shall be deemed to have been carried only after its approval by the Government and shall accordingly take effect from the date of grant of such approval by the Government.
                (iii)  The election for the CHQ Secretariat shall be held at the Conference through secret ballot from among the delegates.  The election officer shall be appointed by the C conference on the basis of the suggestion made by the   CHQ Secretariat. The person so appointed as Election shall r be a member of the ITPF.  .
(iv) The tenure of the office bearers elected at the All India Conference shall ordinarily be three years and may be extended only by three months in case of unavoidable circumstances and exigencies.  On the expiry of the term of three years or three years and three months as the case may be the office bearers so elected shall cease to be the office bearers.
 (v) any subject not on the agenda may be considered with the approval of the Chair.
A. (ii)      Special Conference: - A Special Conference may be convened on the recommendation of the Central Working Committee or on requisition made by not less than two thirds of the Circles.
A. (iii)    Notice for Conference/Spl. Conference: - Notice for holding the Conference shall be issued at least 45 days before the date of commencement of the Conference.  In the case of Special Conference the notice shall be issued 20 days prior to the date of commencement of the Special Conference.
A. (iv)(a) Delegates :- The Circles shall be entitled to send delegates who must enjoy the primary membership of the ITPF on the following basis to attend the Conference and each such delegate shall pay a sum of Rs.100/- as delegate fee. One delegate for every 200 members or part thereof provided the part is 100 or more, subject to a minimum of one delegate for each Circle.
 A(iv) (b) The number of delegates for the All India Conference will be determined on the basis of the paid up membership (renewal fees) of the concerned circles. Each Circle shall be entitled to depute one delegate for every 200 paid up members or part thereof provided the part is 100 or more subject to the minimum of one delegate for each circle.    The CHQ Secretariat on the basis of the paid up membership shall intimate the number of delegates entitled to be sent by the concerned circles prior to the All India Delegates Conference.   The delegates will normally be selected from among the members of the Circle Secretariat.  In the case of those Circles where the entitled number of delegates exceeds the number of office bearers, the Circle Working Committee/Executive Committee shall be entitled to elect the number of extra delegates from among the members of the ITPF of that Circle. 
                NOTE: Every delegate including the CHQ Office bearers shall have the voting right.  In the case of those Circles who have chosen to depute fewer delegates than it is entitled to, the Circle General Secretary shall have the right to cast the vote of the absentee delegates.
A. (v)       Voting power :- The voting power of each Circle/ shall be fixed on the basis of one vote for every 200 fully subscribed and renewed membership or part thereof, provided the part is 100 or more, subject to a minimum of one vote for each Circle.  The voting right of each Circle/ shall be exhibited prior to the commencement of the election.  The decision of the Committee comprising of Secretary General, Finance Secretary and Auditor shall be final to resolve the dispute if any arising from the exhibited voting right.
A. (vi)     Quorum: - The quorum for the Conference/Special Conference shall be 15% of the entitled delegates, provided however, that at least half the number of Circles are represented.  For adjourned meeting no quorum will be required.
Article IX B.(i) Central Working Committee :- It shall consist of the CHQ Secretariat members and the Circle Secretaries or any other Circle Office bearer duly authorised by the Circle Secretary in case he/she is unable to attend the Central Working Committee meeting.
B(ii) Central Working Committee shall  meet once in a year  ordinarily and more frequently if necessary.  A clear 15 days notice shall be given for the meeting which period may be reduced to 7 days in case of emergency.
B(iii) If it is not possible to convene a Central Working Committee meeting for any reason, the Secretary General  may circulate the matter among the members of the Central Working Committee and  record a minute based on the majority decision of  the members of the Central Working Committee.
B(iv) In  between  the sessions of  the Conference, the Central Working Committee shall exercise the powers of the Conference enumerated in clause,(g),(h)  of Article (IX) (A) (i) and the following :
B(iv)(a) to decide upon suspension, expulsion and other disciplinary action against any member of the ITPF, on the basis of the report of  the Secretary General.
B(iv)(b) To take a final decision on any Organisational or election dispute in the Circle or s on the basis of  the report of the  Secretary General as provided for in Article IX C (V) and (d).
B(iv)(c) In the event of any dispute in the Circle where by the functioning of Circle is impaired to appoint an Ad-hoc Committee with delegated powers of the Circle/ as the case may be for a  period not exceeding six months, as per the report of the  Secretary General as provided for in Article IX (C) (V) (c) and (d).
B(iv)(d) The decision of the Central Working Committee in the matters referred to the clauses B(iv)(b) and B(iv)(c) above shall be final and binding on all concerned.
B(iv)(e) To decide upon the formation and modalities of Circles and their functioning.
B(iv)(f) In the event of any vacancy arising in the Secretariat including the post of Auditor, , the Central Working Committee shall have the powers to fill in such vacancy by co-option.
B(v) Quorum :- The quorum of the Central
Working Committee shall not be less than 1/3rd of its strength.  For adjourned meeting no quorum is required.
B(vi) Voting Power :- Voting shall be on the basis of one vote for every Central Working Committee member.  In case of a tie, the President shall have a casting vote besides his own.
        In between the two Central Working Committees the CHQ  Secretariat of the Federation shall meet from time to time and take necessary decision for the smooth functioning of the Federation.  It will issue necessary directions to the Circles to ensure the compliance of the provisions of this Constitution, the decisions taken at the Central Working Committees/Conference as the case may  be.  Such directions will be complied by the Circles.
C.(i) Secretariat :- It shall consist of (a) President (b) Three Vice Presidents (c) Secretary General (d) Additional Secretary (f) Finance Secretary (h) two Assistant Secretaries.
C(ii) All the members of the Secretariat  shall be primary members of the ITPF.
C(iii) All  Secretariat  members shall be elected by the Conference with their consent to be expressed in writing though they may not be physically present at the Conference.
C(v) Powers and Functions of the members of the Secretariat :-
C(v)(a) The President shall preside over the Conference and the meetings of the Central Working Committee.  In all matters of procedure the ruling given by the President shall be final.
C(v)(b) The Vice- Presidents shall assist the President in his work.  In the absence of the President, one of the Vice Presidents shall preside and in the absence of the President and the Vice Presidents any member proposed, elected and present in the meeting will preside over the meeting.
C(v)(c) The Secretary General shall be the Chief Executive of the ITPF.  He shall carry out the mandate of the Conference and the Central Working Committee.  He shall conduct all correspondence, representations with the authorities concerned, prepare all reports and returns, sign papers and cheques, issue pay orders, maintain all records, convene the Central Working Committee and the meetings of the Conference under instructions of the Central Working Committee, and do such other things as may be necessary from time to time.  Between the two meetings of the Central Working Committee he will act on matters of vital importance on the basis of the majority decision of the members of the Central Working Committee obtained under Article IX B (iii).  He shall be allowed an imprest cash of Rs. 2,000/- and shall render accounts for the same to the Finance Secretary.  He will also have powers to incur expenses of recurring character.
C(v)(d) In case of any dispute arising among the members of the Sectt, or among the Central Working Committee members or among members of the General Body of any Circle/, the  Secretary General shall have power to convene a meeting of the disputants or their representatives and submit a report with his recommendation to the Central Working Committee which shall be convened for taking a decision in the matter for resolving  the dispute.
C(v )(e)  The Additional Secretary shall assist the Secretary General in the day today functioning of the Federation.  In the absence of Secretary General, he shall function as Secretary General of the Federation
C(v)(g) The Finance Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance of accounts and will be responsible to the Central Working Committee for rendering a proper account of the monies vested with him.  He shall keep an imprest cash of Rs. 2,000/- with the Secretary General  He shall render the audited accounts to the meeting of the Central Working Committee and to the Conference.
C(v)(h) The Asstt. Secretaries shall function under the direction of the Secretary General..
Article X. Organisation and Management of Circles:-
A(i) The Circle Head Quarters will  normally be  at the place where the State capital is located.  The list of Circles with its Head Quarters is annexed as Annexure B.
A(ii) Circle Delegate Conference :- Circle Delegates Conference will be supreme deliberative body for the management of the affairs of the respective Circles.  It shall consist of Circle Office bearers and other delegates duly elected by the respective s /Branches.  The Circle Conference shall ordinarily meet once in two years. However, the Circle Working Committee/Executive Committee may extend the tenure of office by a period not exceeding 3 months on account of unavoidable exigencies.  The Circle Conference will:-
A(ii)(a) Consider and adopt the report of the Circle Secretary and Audited Statement of accounts of the Circle submitted on approval of the Circle Executive Committee.
A(ii)(b) To elect Office bearers (Circle Secretariat Members) and/or Executive Committee  members from among the delegates and appoint an Auditor and ratify the appointment of the Election Officer.
Note: The tenure of the office bearers so elected at the Circle Conference shall normally be two years extendable by another three months in the case of unavoidable circumstances and exigencies. On the expiry of the said term of  two years or two years and three months as the case may be they shall cease to be the office bearers of the Circle concerned.
A(ii)(c) Consider and decide upon the matters referred by the Circle Executive Committee.
A(ii)(d) To suspend as a measure of discipline any Office bearer viz. the members of the Circle Sectt./al Sectt/Branch Sectt or any member of the ITPF of the concerned Circle.
A(ii)(e) To pass resolutions on demands/problems.
                Note :- (1) Resolutions  proposed  to be moved at the Circle Delegate Conference should  reach  the Circle Secretary at least 20 days in advance.
                (2) Elections shall be held by Secret ballot.
                (3) The Circle Delegate Conference shall appoint an Election officer for conducting the election at the conference.
A (iii) Spl. Circle Delegate Conference: - A Special Circle Delegates Conference may be convened at the recommendation of the Circle Executive Committee or on requisition made by  not less than 2/3rd of the branch and al Secretaries or at the instance of the ITPF CHQ, New Delhi.
A(iv) Notice for the Circle Delegates Conference/Special Circle Delegates Conference :-The notice for the holding of Circle Delegates Conference shall be issued at least 30 days before the date of commencement of the Conference.  In case of Special Circle Delegates Conference the notice shall be issued 14 days prior to the date of commencement of Special Circle Delegate Conference.
A(v) Delegates :- The Branches/s shall be entitled to send delegates, who are primary members of the ITPF on the following basis to attend the Circle Delegates Conference and each delegate shall pay a sum of Rs. 100/- as delegate fee :
                One delegate for every 20 members or part thereof provided the part is 10 or more subject to a minimum of one delegate for each Branch. Nothing in the foregoing provision shall prevent the Branches from deputing fewer delegates than entitled to.  In that case the branch secretary shall be entitled to vote for and on behalf of the absentee delegates.
                2. The Circle Secretariat shall determine the number of delegate each branch is entitled to depute to the Circle Delegate Conference on the basis of every 20 paid  up membership.  The Circle Secretariat of those circles mentioned in Article IXA(v) will determine the number of delegate in the branches of those circles on the basis of paid up membership at the rate of one delegate for every 10 member.
                3. In the case of branches where the paid up membership is 20, the Branch Secretary shall be the delegate to the Circle Conference.  If the paid up membership is 40, then Branch President and the Branch Secretary shall be the delegates for the Circle Conference.  In the case of those branches where the membership is 60/80, the Branch Treasurer and the Branch Jt. Secretary shall be the delegates to the Circle Conference in that order.  In respect of those branches where the paid up membership exceeds 80, Branch General Body shall decide the names of the extra delegates the branch is entitled to depute  to the Circle Conference.  In determining the number of delegate each branch is entitled to depute to the Circle Conference the part beyond the multiples of 20 shall be ignored if the said part is less than 10 and shall be counted as 20 if  the said part is more than 10.  In the case of branches mentioned under Note-1 of Article XA(v), the words '10', '20','30' and '40' shall be substituted in place of '20','40' and '60/80' mentioned supra in this clause.  In the case of these branches the part exceeding 5 will be treated as 10 and less than 5 shall be ignored.
A(vi)(a) Voting power :- Voting  power in each /Branch of the circles other than those mentioned in Note 1 of Article XA(v) shall be fixed on the basis of one vote for every 20 fully subscribed membership or part thereof  provided that part is 10 or more subject to a minimum of one delegate for each branch.  The voting right of each branch shall be exhibited prior to the commencement of election.  The Circle Office Bearers shall be the delegates of the Circle delegate Conference as specified in Art.XA(ii) of the Constitution.  They will  have the voting  rights at the Conference at the rate of one vote for each of the  Circle Office Bearers.
A(vi)(b): Voting of  each /branch in the case of those circles mentioned in note in Article XA)V) shall be fixed on the basis of one vote for every 10 fully subscribed  membership or part thereof provided the part is 5 or more subject to a minimum of one delegate.
A(vii) Quorum :- Quorum for the Circle Delegate Conference/Special Circle Delegates Conference shall be 15% of the delegates entitled to attend the Conference.  However, for the adjourned meeting no quorum will be required.
B.(i) Circle Executive Committee :- It shall consist of Circle Secretariat, Branch Secretaries/Branch representative as the case may be ..
B.(ii) Circle Executive Committee shall  meet once in six months ordinarily and more frequently if, necessary, A clear 15 days notice shall be given for the meeting which period may be reduced to 7 days in case of emergency.
B.(iii) The Circle Executive Committee shall exercise the following  powers :
B.(iii)     (a)  To take appropriate decisions to carry out the directive of the ITPF CHQ.
B.(iii)     (b) To take appropriate decision to pursue the local demands of the Pensioners of  the Circle.
B.(iii)     (c) To decide upon suspension of any member of the ITPF of the concerned Circle on the basis of the report submitted by the Circle Secretary.
B.(iii)     (d) In the event of any dispute in any Branch of the concerned Circle whereby the functioning of the Branch is impaired, to appoint an Ad-hoc Committee with delegated powers of the Branch for a period not exceeding three months.
B(iv) Quorum :- The quorum  of  the Circle Executive Committee shall not be less than 1/3rd of its strength.
B.(v) Voting :- Voting  shall be on the basis of one vote for every Executive Committee member.  In case of a tie, the Circle President shall have a casting vote besides his own.
C.(i) Circle Secretariat :- It shall consist of (a) Circle President, (b) three Circle Vice Presidents, (c) Circle General Secretary, (d) Circle Treasurer, (e) Circle Joint Secretary,
C(ii) All members of the Circle Sectt. shall be primary members of the ITPF of the respective Circles.
C(iii) All  members of the Circle Secretariat. shall be elected by the Circle Conference through secret ballot.
C(v) Power and functions of Circle Sectt. :-
C(v)(i) Circle President :- He shall preside over all meetings of the Circle  and shall exercise general supervision over the work of the Circle.
C(v(ii) Circle Vice Presidents :- They shall assist the President in the discharge of his duties and any of them shall act as President, in the absence of President.
C(v)(iii) Circle General  Secretary :- He shall be the Chief  Executive of the Circle and shall administer the affairs of the Circle under the control and direction of the Circle Delegates Conference and the direction of CHQ.
                He shall have the powers to incur an expenditure not exceeding Rs. 1,000/- at a time.  He shall conduct all correspondence of the Circle.  He shall maintain register of members, prepare annual reports, convene all the meetings, keep minutes of the proceedings there of and perform such other functions as may be entrusted to him by the Circle Executive Committee.
C(v)(vi) Circle Joint Secretary :- He shall assist the  Circle Secretary and attend to the duties assigned by the Circle Executive Committee.  He shall act as Circle General Secretary, in the absence of the Circle     General Secretary and the al Secretaries.
C(v)(vii) Circle Treasurer :- He shall be responsible for the maintenance of accounts and will be responsible to  the Circle Executive Committee for rendering a proper account of the monies vested in him.  He shall keep an imprest cash of Rs. 1,000/- with the Circle General Secretary.  He shall render the audited account before the Circle Delegates Conference.        

A(viii) al Secretariat :- It shall consist of al President/al Vice President, al Secretary, al Joint Secretaries and al Asstt. Secretaries, al Treasurer and Asst. Treasurer and such other office Bearers as is decided upon by the Circle Conference that will be held immediately after adoption of this Constitution.
A(ix) Powers and functions of al Sectt :- The powers and functions of the al President, al

Article XII. A .Organisation and Management of  Branches:
A(i) Branch Executive Committee :- There shall be a Branch Executive Committee for each of the Station  which is normally  where the district capital is located or the station at which the Circle has decided that the Branch must exist taking into account the number of members residing in a particular locality..  The Circle Conference to be held immediately after the adoption of this Constitution shall decide upon the number of Branch as  in each Circle as per the geographical and Organisational  requirement.  The Branch Executives shall consist of the Branch Secretariat and a Committee member for every 25 primary members elected from among the members of the ITPF of the concerned Branch through secret ballot or at the Annual General Body meeting of the Branch.  The tenure of the Branch Sectt. shall be for a period of one year extendable by three months as decided by the Branch Executive Committee and they shall cease to be the Branch office bearers on the expiry of the tenure of one year or one year and three months as the case may be.
A(ii) Branch General Body meeting shall consist of all primary members of the Branch and shall meet once in a year, extendable by three months on the basis of such decision by the Branch Executive Committee.  The Branch General Body meeting will elect the Branch Executive Committee and the Branch Sectt.  Every primary member will have one vote.
A(vi) Powers and functions of the Branch Secretariat and Branch Executive Committee :- (a) Branch President : He shall preside over all the meetings of the Branch Executive Committee and Branch General Body meeting.
                (b) Branch Secretary: He shall be the Chief Executive of the Branch and shall administer the affairs of the Branch and carry out the directions received from /Circle/CHQ.  He shall conduct all correspondence of the Branch.  He shall maintain register of members, prepare annual branch reports, convene all meetings, keep minutes of the proceedings thereof and do such other things as may be entrusted.
                (c) Branch Treasurer: He shall be responsible for collecting the subscription from the members of the ITPF as also the admission fee from the primary members and arrange to remit the dues to the /Circle/CHQ.  Besides, he shall maintain the accounts of the Branch and present the same to the Branch Executive Committee and Branch General Body meeting.
                (d) Branch Executive Committee shall be responsible to take appropriate steps to carry out the directions received from the /Circle/Central Head Quarters.

Article XIV.          Allocation of subscription: - The amount of subscription and the mode of remittance to the Circle and al Head Quarters and the permissible extent of retention by the Branches etc. shall be decided upon by the Circle Conference which will be held immediately after the adoption of this Constitution.  However, it will be subject to the conditions imposed under Article VII lbid.

Article XV. Application of  funds :-
                The application of funds of the ITPF shall be as under :
                (a) meeting expenses of  the Office Bearers.
                (b) payment of expenses of the administration of the affairs of the ITPF at CHQ, Circle,  and Branch.
                (c)  upkeep of the journal or any other periodicals of the ITPF.
                (d) payments in furtherance of the aims and objects of the ITPF.
                (e) the funds shall be deposited in the Bank/Banks and shall be operated by the Secretary General  or Finance Secretariat the CHQ, Circle General Secretary and Treasurer, al Secretary and Treasure, Branch Secretary and Treasurer of Circle,  and Branch respectively.
Article XVI.
                On adoption of the audited statement of account and report by the respective Circle Conference/Circle General Body meeting as the case may be, the same shall be submitted to the ITPF CHQ.  Similarly the al Secretaries and Branch Secretaries shall submit the statement of accounts to the respective Circle Secretaries and al Secretaries.

Article XVII.        Accounting year: - It shall be the financial year i.e. from 1st April to 31st March, and the account shall be audited each year by the Auditor.
Article XVIII.       Discipline:-
                (i) The Conference shall be competent to take disciplinary action against any member of the Secretariat, a delegate, a member of the Working /Executive Committee and primary member of ITPF for indulging in any disloyal conduct and for actions that may tantamount to injuring the interest of the ITPF.  The Conference shall have powers to suspend any one from the primary membership of the ITPF for a fixed period of time or until review or expel as it deemed fit on the basis of the consideration of the report placed by the CHQ Secretariat before the Conference.
                (ii) In between the two Conferences such powers to take disciplinary action shall be vested with the Central Working Committee subject to a review by the succeeding Conference.
                (iii) The Circle Conference/Circle Working Committee shall also exercise powers to suspend an ITPF member including the Circle Sectt./Circle Executive Committee Members but will immediately report the matter to the ITPF CHQ for further action.

                (iv) The ITPF CHQ Secretariat shall call for explanation from the CHQ Secretariat Member/Circle Secretariat Member/Circle Executive Committee member/Circle Working Committee Member/and members etc to explain his alleged disloyalty or action which is injurious to the interest of ITPF and shall submit a report to the Conference or CHQ Working Committee or Secretariat meetings, as the case may be, recommending action with reasons thereof.  The Secretary General shall issue such notice under his signature on behalf of the CHQ Secretariat seeking explanation from the concerned individual.  The Secretariat shall consider on merits such explanation received from the individual member concerned before confirming or altering the decision of the Circle Conference/Circle Working Committee as the case may be or placing the suggestions of the Secretariat to the All India Conference.

                (v) No order of suspension, expulsion or any other form of disciplinary action shall be taken by either the Circle/CHQ Conference, Circle Executive Committee/Central Working Committee without affording reasonable opportunity to the concerned member.
Article XIX.          Channel of communication:-
 The ITPF CHQ alone shall enter into correspondence and negotiation with the Central Government or any other higher authorities of the Govt. of India.  The Circle / Branch shall have the channel of communication with the local authorities.
Article XX.
                Dissolution of the Federation can be decided upon by a Special Delegates Conference called for the purpose after giving one month notice and by a majority of three fourth of the delegates present and after making necessary arrangements for the distribution of the assets and liabilities.
Annexure - A
Application form for admission as
ITPF Member
(to be obtained in triplicate)

1. Applicant's Name   (in block letters)

2. Designation in the office at the time of retirement.     :

3. Date of entry into service
4. Date of retirement.           :

4. Office in which employed               :

5. Employment No. if allotted.

6. Residential Address                        :

                I declare that the particulars furnished above are correct.  I agree to abide by the Constitution, discipline, and directive of the ITPF.  I may be enrolled as a member of the ITPF.

Station   :
Date                        :              

(To be filled in by the ITPF Office Bearers)
Name of the Branch in which the applicant
is admitted as a primary member       

Name of the                                           :

Name of the Circle                                                :

Receipt no. issued to the applicant for
having received the admission fee    :

Signature of the Branch//Circle
                                                                                                                                                                     Secretary as the case may be

Forwarded to the General Secretary, ITPF, Manishinath Bhawan,
A-2/95, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110 027.

Annexure - B

Sl.No.     Name of the Circle        Circle H.Qrs.

1.    ITPF Andhra Pradesh Circle         Hyderabad
2.     ITPF North Eastern Circle.            Guwahati
3.     ITPF Bihar Circle                     Patna
4      ITPF Mumbai Circle                       Mumbai
5.     ITPF Delhi Circle                            New Delhi
6.     ITPF Gujarat Circle.                        Ahmedabad
7.     ITPF Kerala Circle                          Kochi
8.     ITPF Madhya Pradesh Circle     Bhopal
9.     ITPF Karnataka & Goa Circle       Bangalore
10.   ITPF Orissa Circle .                        Bhubaneshwar
11.   ITPF Pune Circle                     Pune
12.   ITPF North West Circle                Chandigarh
13.   ITPF Rajasthan Circle                    Jaipur
14.   ITPF Western UP Circle            Kanpur
15.   ITPF Eastern UP Circle                  Lucknow
16.   ITPF Vidharba Circle                      Nagpur
17.   ITPF West Bengal Circle               Calcutta

18.   ITPF Tamilnadu Circle                   Chennai
WELCOME ALL..... This is the website for Income Tax Pensioners Federation

NCCPA CIRCULAR DT23 september 2022

NATIONAL CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS. (Registered under the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021 PAN No.  AAEAN858...