Monday, 3 April 2017

Dear Comrade of Tamilnadu Unit.

We are placing the amended version of the bye laws and memorandum of association.  The suggestions received have been incorporated.  To the extent the e mail addresses are available, the same has been e mailed.  Kindly go through the same and any more suggestions are there, we shall consider the same in the GB Meeting. After the GB the final version will again be placed on the website.  with greetings, yours fraternally,Convenor.


Name of the Society
Address of the Society
121, Mahathma Gandhi Road,
Nungambakkam, Chennai-600 034
Jurisdiction of the Society
Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry(UT)
Members of the Society
Retired officials of Income-tax department residing in Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry(UT).
Date of Formation
@@- 2017
Registration District
District Registrar, Chennai (Central)

a.    To strive for the all round interests and welfare of the members of the Association.
b.    To interact with various Govt. Departments / Agencies in the matter of settlement of Pensions, Dearness relief, Health schemes and any Other benefits due to the members.
c.    To take up the problems of the members as well as the members of the family of the deceased members to the attention of the concerned officers and department for settlement.
d.    To guide the members about their basic legal rights.
e.    To arrange seminars and conferences to the benefit of members by enlightening them on their rights and duties.
f.     To secure legal opinion and legal aid to the members.
g.    To provide temporary help to the family of the members in the event of death by accident or otherwise of such member.
h.    To promote amongst the members ideals such as camaraderie, equity, brotherhood, co-existence and fellow feeling.
i.      To arrange free health-care camps.
j.      To arrange cultural programmes and sports events.
k.    To guide the members in their vocation.
l.      To ensure activities and benefits to all the members of the Association irrespective of their religion, caste or creed and subject to the bye-laws of the Association.
m.  To provide any other service, which the General body may decide from time to time.
n.    The Association may join hands with other Associations having similar objects in arranging programs to fulfill its objects.

We the undersigned are, in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association desirous of forming a society namely Tamil Nadu Income Tax Pensioners Association under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975, hereinafter referred to as The Act.

The Secretary is authorized to present this memorandum and the bye-laws to the Registering Authority for Registration.

Sl. No.
Date of Birth
Designation in the Association










Name of the Society
Tamil Nadu Income Tax Pensioners Association
Address of the Association
121,Mahathma Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam,
Date of formation
The District Registrar, Chennai Central
Working hours
11:00 AM  to  04:00 PM on all working days except Saturdays, Sundays and Government Holidays.
Jurisdiction of the Association
Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry(UT)
Members of the Association
Retired officials of Income-tax Department residing in Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry(UT).

  1. To strive for the all round interests and welfare of the members of the Association.
  2. To interact with various Govt. Departments / Agencies in the matter of settlement of Pensions, Dearness relief, Health schemes and any Other benefits due to the members.
  3. To take up the problems of the members as well as the members of the family of the deceased members to the attention of the concerned officers and department for settlement.
  4. To guide the members about their basic legal rights.
  5. To arrange seminars and conferences to the benefit of members by enlightening them on their rights and duties.
  6. To secure legal opinion and legal aid to the members.
  7. To provide temporary help to the family of the members in the event of death by accident or otherwise of such member.
  8. To promote amongst the members ideals such as camaraderie, equity, brotherhood, co-existence and fellow feeling.
  9. To arrange free health-care camps.
  10. To arrange cultural programmer and sports events.
  11. To guide the members in their vocation.
  12. To ensure activities and benefits to all the members of the Association irrespective of their religion, caste or creed and subject to the bye-laws of the Association.
  13. To provide any other service, which the General body may decide from time to time.
  14. The Association may join hands with other Associations having similar objects in arranging programs to fulfill its objects.

a.    General Body has the authority to amend the Memorandum and Bye-laws by means of a Special Resolution, without detrimental to the basic objectives of the Association, provided Three fourths of the members present at the meeting express their consent to the amendment and comply with the provisions of the Act.
b.    Members desirous of proposing amendments to the Memorandum or Bye-laws have to send in their proposals at least Ten days before the date fixed for the General Body meeting.  Such proposal shall be in writing.
c.    As per Section 12(3) of the Act an amendment of the memorandum or the by-laws shall be registered under the Act and on such registration shall take effect from the date of the passing of such resolution.

  1. Retired officials of the Income-tax department residing in the state of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry(UT) who agree to the objects of the Association and who co-operate with it and who wish to be admitted as member are eligible to become member of the Association.
  2. Those who desirous of becoming members have to submit their application in the prescribed form along with Subscription.  The Subscription shall be as under unless otherwise revised by the General Body:
                                                              i.      Annual subscription                        Rs.200/-
                                                            ii.      Life subscription                  Rs.2500/-

  1. The President / Secretary is empowered to admit a member.  If for any reason, the application for membership is not accepted, the applicant concerned must be informed of such non-acceptance along with due reason within 30 days.  Such admission or rejection will have to be ratified in the Executive Committee meeting which follows the admission / rejection.  The decision of the President / Secretary / Executive Committee is appealable to the General Body. The decision of the General Body in this regard is final.
  2. Any member acting against the interest of the Association may be removed from membership by the General Body.  The Secretary, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall issue a show cause notice to the member to furnish his explanation within Seven days. The Executive Committee, after considering his explanation if any received and if he is found to have acted against the Association, a resolution shall be adopted by simple majority of the members present in the meeting for presenting the same with the explanation of the member before the General Body for final decision.
  3. The membership ceases in the event of death of the member, member becoming insane, member declared ineligible under any law, acting against the aims and objectives or interest of the Association, termination of membership or resignation by the member.
  4. A member has the right to vote in person.
  5. A member shall be entitled to participate in the meetings, cultural / educational functions and other lawful gatherings arranged by the Association.
  6. A member shall attend the General Body meetings in person.  Proxies are allowed to attend General Body meetings on production of proper written authorization from the member.  Under no circumstances, the proxies are permitted to vote, speak or participate in the discussion of the General Body meetings.
  7. A member shall provide information pertaining to any matter which is within his knowledge and which is required to be known to the Association.
  8. A member shall not indulge in activities which are prejudicial to the interest of the Association
  9. Members shall abide by all the rules laid down by the Association from time to time.
  10. The Association shall supply to any member, on application and on payment of Re.10/- per copy of document mentioned below:
                                                              i.      It's bye-laws,
                                                            ii.      The income and expenditure account and
                                                          iii.      The balance sheet

  1. The Executive Committee is empowered to call any person as special invitee for all it’s meetings and the General Body meeting.

a.    The General Body of Association shall be the supreme governing body.
b.    There shall be an Executive Committee of President, other Office bearers and members totaling Twenty elected / nominated by the General Body.
c.    For the sake of administrative convenience, there shall be four Zones in respect of members residing in the districts stated against each zone mentioned hereunder.

Zone Headquarters
Trichy, Thanjavur, Pudukottai, Ariyalur, Nagapattinam, Perambalur and Thiruvarur.
Salem, Karur, Namakkal, Erode, Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri.
Coimbatore, Thiruppur and The Nilgris.
Madurai, Ramnathapuram, Theni, Virudunagar, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Kanyakumari, Dindigul and Sivagangai.

Each Zone will be represented by a Zonal member in the Executive Committee.
d.    The administration of the Association shall be by the Executive Committee constituted as stated hereafter.  The President and the Secretary act as the representatives of the Association.
e.    The signatories to the Memorandum will be the members of the interim Executive Committee and continue till the new Office bearers and Executive committee members are elected as per bye-laws.
f.     There may be an advisory committee consisting of Three senior members of the Association to guide and advise the Executive Committee in achieving the objects of the Association.  The Executive Committee is empowered to nominate them and the term of the Advisory Committee is co-terminus with the Executive Committee.

a.    The shall be Office bearers viz, President, Two Vice Presidents, Secretary, Two Assistant Secretaries and a Treasurer.
b.     All the office bearers and Executive Committee members shall be elected by the General Body.
c.    Election shall be conducted within six months from the end of every third financial year.
d.    The Committee shall specify the date of election two months before the date of election.
e.    Three senior members selected by the Committee may be appointed as Returning officer and Assistant Returning Officers to conduct the election. The decision of the Returning officers is final in all matters in conducting the election and incase of difference of opinion among the Returning officers the issue shall be decided by simple majority among themselves.
f.     All the members as per the register of members maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Act are entitled to vote and contest in the election. The members earlier elected and occupied any office in the Committee are also eligible for re-election or re-nomination for the same post or any other post or as Committee Member.
g.    Any person contesting for any office shall be proposed and seconded at least by two members.  A member can either propose or second only one nomination.  Contravention of the above invalidates all the proposals / secondings made by the contravening member.
h.    A member ordinarily resides in Head quarters is eligible to be elected / nominated / co-opted for the post of Office bearer and Executive Committee member.  In special cases, the General Body by a resolution can waive this condition in respect of a specific member.
i.      Election is by raise of hand or through secret ballot.
j.      The newly elected Committee shall assume charge immediately after declaration of the election result.
k.    If there are no nominations for any post, the General Body can nominate any suitable member for such post / posts by simple majority of the members present.
l.      Any vacancy arising for any reason relating to any post and occurring during it’s term of office shall be filled by nomination by consensus or simple majority of the Committee from the Committee members or from the members. However, it shall be ratified in the immediately succeeding General Body meeting and if not ratified, the General Body is empowered to nominate any member for the vacancy for the remaining period.  No election need be conducted in respect of the vacancy.

Any member who commits any of the offences stated under Section 19 of the Act will be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

a.    The General Body meeting shall be called within six months from the end of the financial year that is to say the month of September every year.  The members are to be issued notice of the meeting Twenty one days before the scheduled date of the meeting.
b.    Quorum in the General body meeting:             Attendance of at least Fifteen per cent of the total members is necessary at every meeting of the General body / Extra-ordinary General body.  If within half an hour of the commencement of the meeting such attendance is not forthcoming, the meeting shall be adjourned by the President for half an hour and even after the adjournment, the quorum required is not met, the meeting shall be conducted with the members present and the number of members present shall be deemed to be the quorum required for the meeting.
c.    The subjects to be discussed in the General Body Meeting:
                    i.      As per sub-section 16(3)(a) of the Act, previous years audited Income and Expenditure Account and auditor’s report to be discussed in detail for approval.
                  ii.      Activities of the previous financial year shall be submitted for approval.
                iii.      Budget proposal for next financial year.
                iv.      The details for passing an ordinary resolution to augment the activities of the Association.
                  v.      If necessary, to pass special resolutions, on the subjects stated in Bye-law 16.
                vi.      If necessity arises nominations for vacant posts in the Executive Committee.
              vii.      If necessity arises, to elect a New Executive Committee and the related activities to be discussed.
            viii.      Appointment of an auditor for next financial year.
                ix.      Any other matter and matter for which a proper valid notice has been given by any member in advance subject to the approval of the chair.

Extra ordinary general body meeting can be convened by the Executive Committee to transact any urgent matter or business or on the request of ¾ of the members of the Association in writing. The Executive Committee shall, as per sub-section 28(1) of the Act within one month from the date of receipt of the requisition from the members, call for an Extra Ordinary General Body Meeting for taking any decision. In case, no extra ordinary general body meeting is convened based on such requisition, the requisitionists can convene the meeting as per section 28(2) of the Act. As per section 26(2) & (3) of the Act notice containing the place, date, time and topics for discussion shall be given 21 days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. The extra-ordinary general body meeting is only to discuss the particular matter or business and other matters are not allowed for discussion.

a.    To change the name of the Association in accordance with the provisions of Section 11(1) of the Act.
b.    As per Section 12(1) to amend the Memorandum relating the objects of the Association to enable the Association to
                       i.   carry on the administration of the Association economically and efficiently.
                     ii.   attain the main purpose of the Association by new or improved means.
                   iii.   amalgamate with any other registered Society.
c.    to amend the bye-laws in accordance with the provisions of Section 12(2) of the Act.

a.    The Committee shall meet once in three months.
b.    The meeting of the Committee shall be convened after giving at least Seven days notice.
c.    In emergent situations, the President / Secretary is empowered to waive the conditions mentioned in 17(a) & (b) of the bye-law.
d.    Whenever required, the Committee may constitute sub-committees from among themselves or from among members to carry on various activities of the Association.
e.    To fulfill the aims and objectives of the Association, the Committee is empowered to receive funds by way of donations, gifts, subsidies, loans etc. from members, any other person, institution or Government.
f.     If a member of the Committee, without informing the President / Secretary in writing, absents continuously for three meetings, that member may be removed from membership of the Committee after giving him an opportunity of being heard and the vacancy arising may be filled by the committee.
g.    The Executive Committee may evolve new Schemes to fulfill the objects of the Association.
h.    Quorum for Executive Committee meetings:    To constitute quorum for the Committee Meetings, one-third of the members of the Committee shall be present.  If the quorum is not forthcoming, the meeting shall be postponed to a future date.  If at such postponed meeting also no quorum is reached, the committee shall proceed to conduct the meeting and only the agenda set for the original meeting can be discussed.
  1. PRESIDENT:           Presides over the all meetings; supervises and gives guidance in the matters relating to the Association; exercises the power of casting vote; convenes Committee meeting in special circumstances. Takes steps to carry out the responsibilities of the Association in time as required under the Act.
  2. VICE PRESIDENT:             Assists the President in his duties.  In the absence of the President, performs the duties of the President.
                    i.      Convenes, with the consent of the President, the Executive Committee and Annual General Body / Extra-ordinary General Body Meetings.  Records the minutes of the meetings.
                  ii.      The Secretary shall set the agenda for all the meetings with the consent of the President.
                iii.      With a view to fulfill the objects of the Association, transacts with Government departments, non-government, Private organisations and Courts in accordance with the decision of the Executive Committee. Executes the programmes of the Association.
                iv.      The Secretary shall comply with the provisions of the Act in the payment of fees to the Registrar, filing of resolutions, statements, documents and records before the Registrar and also comply with the requirements of other Acts.
  1. ASSISTANT SECRETARY:         Assists the secretary in the working of the Association and discharges duties of the Secretary during his absence and any other work allotted by the Secretary / Executive Committee.
                    i.      Receives subscription from the members, donation and any other receipt from members or others, duly issues them receipts; deposits the money so received into the Bank account.  Writes accounts regularly and present it regularly before the Executive Committee.  Prepares the Receipts and Payments accounts and present it to the Executive committee.
                  ii.      Along with the Secretary and President comply with the provisions of the Act.

The Secretary shall be the person who will sue and be sued for and behalf of the Association.
a.   Day to day administration, staff to be employed and their service conditions:
The Executive Committee shall look after the day to day administration.  The committee members are not eligible to claim any remuneration for their services. If need arise in future separate workers shall be appointed and the duty and salary of the workers shall be fixed by the Committee.
b.   Bank Account Operation:
                    i.      The Association may, in accordance with the provisions of Section 24 of the Act, invest or deposit any portion of its fund in any one of the Nationalised Banks. The accounts shall be maintained in the name of the Association.  All money shall be credited to that account.
                  ii.      The account shall be operated jointly by the President, Secretary and the Treasurer.
                iii.      The Treasurer and the Secretary will jointly sign the cheque for withdrawal of amount from the bank and incase, any one of them is not available in station or for any other reason, the President shall sign as Joint signatory.
c.   Investments of Funds:
                    i.      The assets of the Association shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of Section 18 of the Act.
                  ii.      Treasurer can keep up to Rs.5,000/- for the day to day expenses of the Association and shall get the consent of the Executive Committee to keep more than Rs.5,000/- for any expenditure.
d.   Application of Funds:
                    i.      The funds of the Association shall be spent only for the objects of the Association.
                  ii.      No part of the funds of the Association shall be distributed by way of bonus or dividend or otherwise among its members.
                iii.      No payment shall be made out of the funds to any office bearer or any member of the Association by way of remuneration or honorarium for any service rendered to the Association.
e.   Accounts & audit of accounts:
                    i.      The accounting year of the Association will be of 12 months commencing from 1st April and ending on 31st March.
                  ii.      Bank accounts shall be opened in the name of the Association in any of the Nationalised Banks.
                iii.      The Records are open for inspection, during working hours, by any member with 7 days prior notice to the Secretary.
                iv.      If any clarification on accounts is needed by any member, he can get it from the Secretary.
                  v.      The General Body shall appoint auditors as required under the Act and the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Rules, 1978 (hereafter referred to as the Rules).
                vi.      As soon as the accounting year is over, the President, Secretary and  Treasurer shall initiate steps to get the accounts audited as provided under the Act for the purpose of placing them before the General Body.

A Register of Members of the Association shall be maintained in the Office of the Association.  It shall contain the names and address of the members, their date of birth and occupation.  Further, Cash book, Bank book, Receipt book, Vouchers, Register of receipts and disbursements, Ledger and Register of Assets shall be maintained in the offices of the Association.

All communications to the Members / Executive Committee Members shall be in electronic form as per the latest electronic address available in the record of the Association.  A copy of the communication shall be exhibited in the Notice Board of the Association.

If for any reason, the Association is to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved as per Section 41 of the Act. It shall be done by a special resolution and the Association should cease to function thereafter. Then, on no account should its assets be distributed to the members of the Association or to anyone else, but are to be appropriated / applied in accordance with the decision of the General Body and the provisions of the Act.

In the bye-laws stated above, if anything is left out or not provided, it may be amended in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Rules to suit the requirements.
We, the undersigned hereby certify that the above mentioned are the true and correct copy of Memorandum and Bye-law of the Association Tamil Nadu Income Tax Pensioners Association’.

1.  ZONES:
There shall be four Zones in respect of members residing in the districts stated against each zone mentioned hereunder:
Zonal Headquarters
Trichy, Thanjavur, Pudukottai, Ariyalur, Nagapattinam, Perambalur and Thiruvarur.
Salem, Karur, Namakkal, Erode, Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri.
Coimbatore, Thiruppur and The Nilgris.
Madurai, Ramnathapuram, Theni, Virudunagar, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Kanyakumari, Dindigul and Sivagangai.

        i.      The membership application of the Association shall be obtained in duplicate along with subscription.
      ii.      One copy of the application shall be forwarded to the Association.
    iii.      50% of the subscription collected may be retained by the Zone and the balance shall be remitted to the Association.

        i.      The Zonal Body consists of members residing in the respective Zones.
      ii.      The Zonal Body shall be the governing body of the Zone subject to the overall control of the General Body.
    iii.      There shall be Office bearers viz, Zonal President, Two Zonal Vice Presidents, Zonal Secretary, Two Zonal Assistant Secretaries and a Zonal Treasurer.

m.  All the office bearers and Zonal Committee members shall be elected by the Zonal Body.
n.    Election shall be conducted within Three months from the end of every third financial year.
o.    The Committee shall specify the date of election two months before the date of election.
p.    Three senior members selected by the Committee may be appointed as Returning officer and Assistant Returning Officers to conduct the election. The decision of the Returning officers is final in all matters in conducting the election and incase of difference of opinion among the Returning officers the issue shall be decided by simple majority among themselves.
q.    All the members residing in the respective Zone as per the register of members maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Act are entitled to vote and contest in the election. The members earlier elected and occupied any office in the Committee are also eligible for re-election or re-nomination for the same post or any other post or as Committee Member.
r.     Any person contesting for any office shall be proposed and seconded at least by two members of the Zone.  A member can either propose or second only one nomination.  Contravention of the above invalidates all the proposals / secondings made by the contravening member.
s.    A member ordinarily resides in Zonal Headquarters is eligible to be elected / nominated / co-opted for the post of Office bearer and Zonal Committee member.  In special cases, the Zonal Body by a resolution can waive this condition in respect of a specific member.
t.     Election is by raise of hand or through secret ballot.
u.    The newly elected Committee shall assume charge immediately after declaration of the election result.
v.    If there are no nominations for any post, the Zonal Body can nominate any suitable member for such post / posts by simple majority of the members present.
w.   Any vacancy arising for any reason relating to any post and occurring during it’s term of office shall be filled by nomination by consensus or simple majority of the Committee from the Committee members or from the members. However, it shall be ratified in the immediately succeeding Zonal Body meeting and if not ratified, the Zonal Body is empowered to nominate any member for the vacancy for the remaining period.  No election need be conducted in respect of the vacancy.
x.    The Zonal Secretary or the Zonal President or an authorized member of the Zone shall represent the Zone as Executive Committee member.

a.    Annual Zonal Body meeting shall be conducted within Three months from the end of the financial year.
b.    The subjects to be discussed in the Zonal Body Meeting:
                  x.      As per sub-section 16(3)(a) of the Act, previous years audited Income and Expenditure Account and auditor’s report to be discussed in detail for approval.
                xi.      Activities of the previous financial year shall be submitted for approval.
              xii.      Budget proposal for next financial year.
            xiii.      The details for passing an ordinary resolution to augment the activities of the Association.
            xiv.      If necessity arises nominations for vacant posts in the Zonal Committee.
              xv.      If necessity arises, to elect a New Zonal Committee and the related activities to be discussed.
            xvi.      Appointment of an auditor for next financial year.
          xvii.      Any other matter and matter for which a proper valid notice has been given by any member in advance subject to the approval of the chair.
        xviii.      The approved accounts of the Zone shall be submitted to the Headquarters of the Association within Ten days of the date of approval.

  1. The Zonal Committee shall meet once in three months.
  2. The meeting of the Zonal Committee shall be convened after giving at least Seven days notice.
  3. In emergent situations, the Zonal President / Zonal Secretary is empowered to waive the conditions mentioned in (a) & (b) above.
  4. Whenever required, the Zonal Committee may constitute sub-committees from among themselves or from among Zonal members to carry on various activities of the Association.
  5. To fulfill the aims and objectives of the Association, the Zonal Committee is empowered to receive funds by way of donations, gifts, subsidies, loans etc. from members, any other person, institution or Government.
  6. If a member of the Committee, without informing the Zonal President / Zonal Secretary in writing, absents continuously for three meetings, that member may be removed from membership of the Committee after giving him an opportunity of being heard and the vacancy arising may be filled.
  7. The Zonal Committee may evolve new Schemes to fulfill the objects of the Association.
  8. Quorum for Zonal Committee meetings:    To constitute quorum for the Committee Meetings, one-third of the members of the Committee shall be present.  If the quorum is not forthcoming, the meeting shall be postponed to a future date.  If at such postponed meeting also no quorum is reached, the committee shall proceed to conduct the meeting and only the agenda set for the original meeting can be discussed.

        i.      ZONAL PRESIDENT:           Presides over the all meetings; supervises and gives guidance in the matters relating to the Zone; exercises the power of casting vote; convenes Committee meeting in special circumstances.
      ii.      ZONAL VICE PRESIDENT: Assists the Zonal President in his duties.  In the absence of the Zonal President, performs the duties of the Zonal President.
    iii.      ZONAL SECRETARY:
A.   The Zonal Secretary, with the consent of the Zonal President, convenes Zonal Committee and Zonal Body meeting. Records the minutes of the meetings.
B.   The Zonal Secretary shall set the agenda for all the meetings with the consent of the Zonal President.
C.   With a view to fulfill the objects of the Association, transacts with Government departments, non-government, Private organisations and Courts in accordance with the decision of the Executive or Zonal Committee. Executes the programmes of the Association.
    iv.      ZONAL ASSISTANT SECRETARY:         Assists the Zonal secretary in the working of the Association and discharges duties of the Zonal Secretary during his absence and any other work allotted by the Zonal Secretary / Zonal Committee.
      v.      ZONAL TREASURER:
A.   Receives subscription from the Zonal members, donation and any other receipt from Zonal members or others, duly issues them receipts; deposits the money so received into the Bank account. Writes accounts regularly and present it regularly before the Zonal Committee. Prepares the Receipts and Payments accounts and present it to the Zonal  committee.
B.   Along with the Zonal President and Zonal Secretary comply with the provisions of the Act.

The Zonal Secretary shall be the person who will sue and be sued for and behalf of the Zone.

a.    Day to day administration, staff to be employed and their service conditions:
The Zonal Committee shall look after the day to day administration.  The Zonal committee members are not eligible to claim any remuneration for their services.  If need arise in future separate workers shall be appointed and the duty and salary of the workers shall be fixed by the Committee.
b.    Bank Account Operation:
              i.    The Zonal Committee may, in accordance with the provisions of Section 24 of the Act, invest or deposit any portion of its fund in any one of the Nationalised Banks in the name of the Association. The accounts shall be maintained in the name of the Association.  All money shall be credited to that account.
            ii.    The account shall be operated jointly by the Zonal President, Zonal Secretary and the Zonal Treasurer.
           iii.    The Zonal Treasurer and the Zonal Secretary will jointly sign the cheque for withdrawal of amount from the bank and incase, any one of them is not available in station or for any other reason, the Zonal President shall sign as Joint signatory.
c.    Investments of Funds:
              i.    The assets of the Association shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of Section 18 of the Act.
            ii.    Zonal Treasurer can keep up to Rs.5,000/- for the day to day expenses of the Association and shall get the consent of the Zonal Committee to keep more than Rs.5,000/- for any expenditure.
d.    Application of Funds:
              i.    The funds of the Association shall be spent only for the objects of the Association.
            ii.    No part of the funds of the Association shall be distributed by way of bonus or dividend or otherwise among its members.
           iii.    No payment shall be made out of the funds to any office bearer or any member of the Association by way of remuneration or honorarium for any service rendered to the Association.
e.    Accounts & audit of accounts:
              i.    The accounting year of the Association will be of 12 months commencing from 1st April and ending on 31st March.
            ii.    Bank accounts shall be opened in the name of the Association in any of the Nationalised Banks.
           iii.    The Records are open for inspection, during working hours, by any member with 7 days prior notice to the Secretary.
           iv.    If any clarification on accounts is needed by any member, he can get it from the Zonal Secretary.
            v.    The Zonal Body shall appoint auditors as required under the Act and the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Rules, 1978 (hereafter referred to as the Rules).
As soon as the accounting year is over, the Zonal President, Zonal Secretary and Zonal Treasurer shall initiate steps to get the accounts audited as provided under the Act for the purpose of placing them before the Zonal Body.

A Register of Members of the Zone shall be maintained in the Office of the Zone.  It shall contain the names and address of the members, their date of birth and occupation.  Further, Cash book, Bank book, Receipt book, Vouchers, Register of receipts and disbursements, Ledger and Register of Assets shall be maintained in the offices of the Zones.

NCCPA CIRCULAR DT23 september 2022

NATIONAL CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS. (Registered under the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021 PAN No.  AAEAN858...