Saturday, 27 November 2021
Virtual Meeting of ITPF National SECTT. Meeting on 29.11.2021 at 3.30 PM.
Friday, 26 November 2021
ITPF SECTT Meeting on 29.11.2021 at 3.30 pm
Thursday, 28 October 2021
Friday, 24 September 2021
we have decided to organize a webinar at 4.00 PM on 1st October 2021
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Monday, 13 September 2021
(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021
Website: mail:
13.c Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi. 110 001
SECy. GENERAL: COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)
Dated: 12TH SEPTEMBER,, 2021.
Dear Comrades
We send herewith a copy of TUI( P & R) letter calling upon its affiliates to observe Ist October, 2021 as the “FAY OF ELEDERLY’. Being an affiliate of TUI we did observe the day on Ist October, 2020 in the midst of the raging corona virus pandemic. This is year is no different as only a fraction of our country men could be vaccinated. However, the situation is slightly better as most of the government offices and private institutions have opened for operation, though not fully.
NCCPA calls upon its affiliates and state units to organise the programme through demonstration, rally, dharna, etc. as they deem fit as per the local conditions and send photographs for onward transmission to the TUI H.qrs
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
KKN Kutty
Secretary General.
OCTOBER 1, 2,021
The elderly, whose date of remembrance for the United Nations and of our struggle, is the 1st of October, that last year we spent more or less at the height of the coronavirus pandemic and the current one we face at the height of vaccination, although only for some countries and some sectors of the population.
The pandemic, like any crisis, only uncovered the pot, to highlight the economic and social scourges, which are inherent (structural and systemic) to the capitalist system, such as the great inequality, between a small group of the world bourgeoisie, of those who are representatives of the imperialist phase, and the vast majority of the world population, limited and lacking all basic services, which must survive in a high percentage of subhuman conditions.
The pandemic has meant the worsening of working conditions, unjustified layoffs, wage cuts, the bankruptcy of small businesses, but none of this is new, only now the pandemic serves as an argument, the pandemic has become the front man of the capitalist system, because all the ills of the system are being put in the name of the pandemic.
The conditions through which we, the elderly, have had to travel, existed since before the pandemic, the abuses in homes, residences, and nursing homes, the lack of free medical care and medicines, the misery pensions for retirees, the absence of pensions for the majority of the elderly people in the world, which go hand in hand with the illicit and corrupt enrichment of private retirement fund organizations; in the assault of the world's private banks on the resources of those who gave their lives to enrich them, before when we were active workers they exploited us, now when we are retirees they steal from us.
We older people are a responsibility of the State, beyond the fact that in the stage of our previous life we have worked more years or less years, with more or less remuneration, because to give us work and a decent remuneration, is also the responsibility of that State. Then every elderly person should have guaranteed conditions for a dignified life, like any human being.
It has become clear, as without a pandemic, that some people and countries are more important than others, because, for example, the pharmaceutical transnationals hand in hand with the rich countries have crowded a few countries with vaccines until they have surpluses, while the poor countries have a dropper, or it does not reach them. It is simply imperialist behaviour at this stage of capitalist development.
But it has also become clear that there is an ideological pandemic, which created in the laboratories of the bourgeoisie and imperialism, is lashing out at our peoples, with a variety of social democratic theories of class conciliation, which is aimed especially at workers, in order to make them believe that their situation of misery is negotiable, and that it can be fixed without fundamentally altering the capitalist system as such. They are even capable of questioning neoliberalism, to proposing supposed and non-existent variants of socialism, but without destroying the capitalist system. They are only proposing new economic strains of the same capitalist virus.
Consequently, it is the task of the elderly, of those who were conscious workers, and of those who have once retired have decided to fight, to take up the theoretical tools of the class struggle, to train the new generations, in the understanding of what the current system based on the exploitation of the labor force by capital, to arrive at the need to move towards a new type of society, of a totally different society, more humane and without exploitation.
As the world's only organization of retired persons, we have collected more than 600 signatures from various organizations in more than 60 countries, to the Open Letter that we announced at the ILO on the 14th of June. There are more and more organizations that join our fight, and with all of them we are going to make a GREAT DAY ON OCTOBER 1.
All kinds of activities (demonstrations, rallies, assemblies, various events, delivery of documents, etc., adapted to each reality) will surpass those that were already successful 5 previous World Days of Struggle of pensioners.
The photographs, videos and documents that will capture this new Day will be the best demonstration that pensioners will help to end Capitalism, which is the great evil of Humanity.
Thursday, 9 September 2021
Suò.: Central Government employees retired during the period from January, 2020 to June, 2021 — calculation of Gratuity and Cash payment in lieu of Leave — regarding
No. 1(5)/E.V/2020
Government of India Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure)
North Block, New Felhi Date the 7th September, 2021
Suò.: Central Government employees retired during the period from January, 2020 to June, 2021 — calculation of Gratuity and Cash payment in lieu of Leave — regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s 0. M. No.1/1/2020-E.II(B) dated 23.04.2020, read with O.M. No.1/1/2020 E.II(B) dated 20.07.2021, in regard to payment of Dearness Allowance (DA) during the period from 01.01.2020 up to 30.06.202 1 and to say that in terms thereof while the rate of DA during the said period shall remain at 17% of basic pay, the same has been enhanced to 28% of basic pay subsuming additional instalments arising on 01.01.2020{4%),01.07.2020 (3%) & ; 01.01.2021(4%) payable w.e.f. 01.07.2021.
As per the existing provisions contained in Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules 1972, DA on the date of retirement or death is reckoned as emoluments for the purpose of calculation of gratuity. Also, as per the existing provisions contained in CCS (Leave) Rules 1972, pay admissible on the date of retirement plus DA on that are reckoned for the purpose of calculation of cash payment in lieu of leave.
In view of the provisions of the aforesaid orders of this Ministry dated 23.04.2020 and 20.07.2021, calculation of gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave in respect of Central Government employees who retired on or after 01.01.2020 and up to 30.06.2021 are required to be made based on the rate of DA at 17% of basic pay.
Keeping in view that gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave are one-time retirement benefits admissible to employees on retirement and employees who retired during the period from 01.01.2020 to 30.06.2021 have been allowed lesser amount than what would have been calculable but for the aforesaid orders of this Ministry dated 23.04.2020 and 20.07.2021, the matter has been considered sympathetically with a view to allowing the same to such employees.
AccordingIy, the President is pIeased to decide that in respect of CentraI Government employees who retired on or after 01.01.2020 and up to 30.06.2021,
the amount ol DA to be taken into account for calculation of gratuity and cast
payment in lieu of leave will be deemed to be as under.
Employees retiring during the period
Notional Percentage of Dearness Allowance (DA) for calculation purpose
From 01.01.2020 to 30.06.2020 21% of basic pay
From 01.07. 2020 to 31.12.2020
24% of basic pay
01.01.2021 to 30.06.2021
28% of basic pay
All other conditions as stipulated in CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 and the orders of Department of Pension & PW vide O.M. No.7/5/2012-P&PW(F)/B dated 26.08.2016 in respect of employees borne on National Pension System (NPS) and CCS (Leave) Rules 1972, shall continue to be applicable while calculating gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave respectively.
In their application to the persons belonging to India Audit and Accounts Department, these orders are issued under Article 148(5) of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Hindi version will follow
(Annie G.Mathew)
Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of India
All the Ministries / Departments as per the standard Mailing list
C&AG of India
Orders Granting Gratuity & leave Encashment
Saturday, 4 September 2021
Confederation Issues
E mail:
Dated: 4th September, 2021.
Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman,
Finance Minister,
Government of India,
North Block,
Dear Madam,
Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers and the National Co-ordination Committee of Pensioners Association, representing the Central Government employees of the country and the Pensioners submit the following issues for your kind consideration and favourable response.
The Dearness allowance and Dearness Relief arrears.
In the wake of the emergence of the Covid 19 pandemic, in April, 2020, the Government decided not to release the DA/DR instalment that had become due on 1.1.2020 as also those that might become due on 1.7.2020 and 1.1.2021. The payment was deferred upto July, 2021. Accordingly, the allowance and relief that had become due had been restored in July, 2021. However, the arrears pertaining to 18 months have been held back or rather impounded. We submit that the decision of the Govt. to impound the arrears was sans any legal or moral ground. The employees and Pensioners, as you are aware, had responded to the Government’s appeal and had contributed one day’s salary/ pension to enable the Government to reach out to the covid affected people with financial assistance. The employees and Pensioners expected that the Government would give back the arrears. The Government is also aware of the fact that a similar order of the Government of Andhra Pradesh was subjected to judicial scrutiny by the A.P. High Court and the Court had come to the conclusion that the said decision of the A.P. Government was untenable. It may be pertinent to point out in this connection that quite a number of employees and pensioners were affected by the Covid virus and had undergone treatment costing lakhs of rupees. The release of the impounded arrears would be a great relief to the employees and pensioners.
Covid pandemic related problems.
Death compensation: As mentioned earlier, number of employees and pensioners died due to the covid, some at Hospitals and others at home. Despite providing treatment costing lakhs of rupees, they could not be saved. Their family is in distress now. The entire savings have been eaten up for the treatment. Most of them suffer a debt burden of an unimaginable dimension. We know that in bigger Government department, a welfare fund is in operation. But in small department no such contingency fund exist. It is our request that the Government decides to help these unfortunate families by way of a compensation grant of not less than 15 lakhs.
Reimbursement of hospital bills. The affected persons had to be admitted to the hospitals. In emergency cases, the employees and pensioners were taken to the nearby private hospitals. The Government as per the extant rules reimburse the expenses only when the employee/pensioner is admitted to CGHS recognised hospitals. There are very few CGHS empanelled hospitals in the country. Majority of them do not provide treatment for covid. The employees and pensioners with meagre salary are not capable of paying the huge hospitalisation bills. We request that orders may be issued to reimburse the bills of the private hospitals irrespective of the fact whether they are recognised or not, raised in connection with the covid treatment.
To provide vaccination facility in CGHS wellness centres/clinics/dispensaries.
Presently vaccination facility is not provided for in CGHS clinics/dispensaries. These clinics provide out-patient treatment to the Central Government employees/pensioners. Now that the lock-out has been lifted, the employees are to attend offices and they must have priority in vaccination. The deficiency of vaccine is felt all over the country. The primary health centres and State Government/Local body run hospitals, experience huge rush and it takes hours to get vaccinated. There is also inordinate delay in getting the slots even after registration. It is, therefore, requested that the CGHS clinics/Dispensaries and wellness centres be made vaccination centres for CG employees/ pensioners.
Compassionate appointments. Need for removing the ceiling.
In 1990s, the Government imposed a ceiling on compassionate appointments in all Departments except the Railways. This was said to be to abide by a directive of the Supreme Court. However, no such directive in specific terms had ever been made by the Supreme Court. Despite the repeated plea made by the staff side in the forum of JCM, the DOPT stuck to their position. There are departments, where not a single case of death in harness occur in a particular . year. But in the subsequent years, there might have been a few cases. The ceiling of 5% of the vacancies is highly illogical and untenable too. But still it continued. The covid period has taken away a number of lives of the employees. Their family is in distress. The very scheme was conceived to provide relief to the suffering family members While it must go only to deserving candidates, this can never be the way to ensure that. In any case it has now become very necessary that the ceiling must be removed to ensure that the deserving wards of the employees who died in harness are given livelihood. We request that orders removing the ceiling may kindly be issued without further loss of time.
Health insurance coverage for the pensioners residing in non CGHS areas.
Presently the pensioners who are residing in non-CGHS areas have no health scheme when they fall ill seriously. The paltry sum of FMA will not even meet the OPD requirements Oft-repeated representation from this section of pensioners have gone to deaf ears. The Government feels that the expenditure would be enormous. The successive Pay Commissions have recommended for the health insurance scheme, which is yet to be considered by the Government. They feel highly discriminated in as much as their erstwhile colleagues are able to avail treatment from recognised private hospitals. Insurance scheme, they know, may only be a poor substitute for the CGHS. But it is high time that the Government to take serious note of the issue and evolve a scheme. The Pensioners in the non CGHS areas had been the worst sufferers during the covid period.
Revise the pension entitlement of BSNL Pensioners and restore medical facilities.
(a).The pension revision of the absorbed BSNL Pensioners was due from 01-01-2017. The last pension revision was granted from 01-01-2007 with 30 per cent fitment recommended by the 2nd PRC. The 3rd PRC recommended 15 per cent fitment from 01-01-2017. Unfortunately, the government has not implemented the pension revision, linking it with pay revision in BSNL. The fact remains that the full liability of payment of pension and pensionary benefits to BSNL absorbed pensioners lies with the Government of India according to the agreement reached with the then recognised Federations of the employees and the Central Government and amendment made in the CCS( Pension) Rules, 1972. As such there is no justification for linking pension revision with wage revision of BSNL employees which is being delayed due to various reasons including bad financial condition.
BSNL Pensioners were absorbed from Department of Telecommunications during the formation of BSNL with effect from 01-10-2000 and their counterparts , Central Government pensioners have got the pension revision from 01-01-2016 as per the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission.
Huge loss in Pension and pensionary benefits are being incurred by these section of BSNL Pensioners due to the denial of pension revision.
Further, the minimum pension and family pension of BSNL absorbed pensioners continue to be Rs.3,500 whereas they are entitled to draw Rs.9.000 once the pension is revised at par with Central government pensioners.
(b). Denial of medical benefits to BSNL Pensioners.
BSNL pensioners are covered under BSNL- Medical Reimbursement Scheme. (MRS) at par with the employees. But the retirees are not being paid the medical allowance in lieu of outdoor treatment from 01-04-2018. In the case of medical bills, both indoor and outdoor are pending from 01-04-2019. Naturally, the aged and ailing retirees are put in distress even without considering the pandemic situation. BSNL management is adopting a negative rather arrogant stand with the lame excuse of lack of funds.
Revision of Pension and medical facilities of Punjab National Bank employees;
The Indian Bank Association has commenced discussion with the Bank employees representatives to effect revision of the existing pension scheme. The employees are no doubt the future pensioners and they have an important stake in those discussions. However, Pension is the entitlement of the Pensioners. To exclude them from the ambit of negotiation is totally an unjustified action. There are huge amounts accumulated in the pension fund of the Banks and these contributions have come from the present day pensioners when they were employees. We request you to kindly direct the IBA to hold discussions with the Punjab National Bank Pensioners Association and reach settlement with them
Medical facilities. The Bank employees do not have a common health care scheme. The present health insurance scheme is highly discriminatory. In the case of the employees, the Banks take the responsibility of making over the premia due from them whereas the Pensioners are to remit the premium from their own meagre pension. It must be the responsibility of the IBA to make the premium payment in the case of pensioners too. After all the insurance scheme benefits more the Banks rather than the pensioners. This apart, there is discrimination also in the matter of the coverage of the scheme. While family members and dependents are entitled in the case of the employees, the benefit is denied to the pensioners. We request that the Banks and especially the IBA may be asked to hold discussions and bring about uniformity in the scheme both in respect of entitlement and contribution as also parity with the working employees.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
K.K.N. Kutty/ R.N. Parasar
Secretary General, Secretary General
NCCPA. & Confederation of CGE&W
This meeting of the Central Government employees and pensioners being held at the Dharna venue at …………………expresses its concern over the non- settlement of certain important issues by the Governments. These issues have been brought to the notice of the Government on several occasions by the representatives of the Confederation and NCCPA.
The meeting appeals to the Government to take note of the serious discontent of the employees and pensioners over the non- settlement of these issues and direct the concerned to bring in an amicably satisfactory settlement on these issues with out further loss of time.
Release the impounded DA/DR arrears.
(a) death compensation for those who died due to covid;
(b) reimburse the hospital bills of covid patients;
© Vaccine facility at all CGHS wellness/clinic/dispensary centres
(d) remove the ceiling on compassionate appointments
(e) Health insurance scheme for pensioners who stay outside the purview of theCGHS;
3. Revise the Pension entitlement of BSNL
Pensioners and restore their medl. Facilities.
Revise the pension entitlement of PNB pensioners and grant uniform medical facilities to them.
Dear Madam, Kindly refer to the joint letter of the Confederation of CTEs and National co-ordination Committee of Pensioners Association dated 4th September, 2021. I shall be grateful if you will kindly cause discussions thereon with a view to reach a settlement.
E mail id to which the communication to be sent:
With greetings,
Yours faithfully,
Name & designation.Saturday, 28 August 2021
Manishinath Bhawan
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027
E mail.
President: Com. Umesh Mehta
Secretary General. Com. K.K.N. Kutty
Dated: 24th August, 2021.
Dear Comrades,
In our last communication, we had conveyed the good news of our obtaining the registration for our organisation under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. We reproduce that letter as an annexure. The ITPF is now a registered society, registration bearing No. Society/West/2021/8902574 signed by the Registrar or Societies/Firms Distt. West Delhi. This will enable us to function as a legal entity and we are obliged to abide by the directions issued by the Government from time to time to regulate the functions of societies. This will entitle us to operate bank account; to own movable and immovable properties. We shall take steps soon to transfer the funds of the Federation presently lying the in the bank account jointly operated by the Secretary General and Finance Secretary. We once again convey our sincere gratitude to all those comrades, who helped us to obtain the certificate of registration.
I am very happy to inform you that our sustained efforts to get registration from the Registrar of societies, Delhi for our Organization ITPF has at last borne fruit.
We received the registration Certificate today on 19th August, 2021 at 3.45 PM and the same has been placed on our website underneath this letter as also on our whatsapp group. We have crossed one of the hurdles on our onward march.
I was at Delhi from 11th onwards to give a push to our efforts in this direction, which had been saddled with innumerable hurdles and delays due to Covid19 pandemic. I place on record the yeomen services rendered by our Vice President Com. S.K.Sharma for the efforts he has undertaken to prepare the documents, submit it to the office of the Registrar, make innumerable personal visits to that office, meet out objections to be patient in the face of propensities of Indian officialdom and hope that one day “we shall overcome” .
In the final stage it has been possible only due to the efforts undertaken by Com. Ashok Kumar Kanojia former all India President of ITEF. But for his assistance and determination to get things done the Certificate would not have been in our hands today. Let me convey our sincere thanks and gratitude to all our Comrades who Co-operated with the Secretariat in this endeavour and specially Com. S.K.Sharma and Com. A.K.Kanojia.
With the legal entity having been Conferred, We are responsible to function within the parameters of the constitution and resolve the issues through interaction with the Govt. We shall be meeting soon in our NE meeting possibly on a physical platform. The possibility of such a meeting is under discussion with our President Com. Umesh Mehta and shall be soon finalized.
With greetings,
yours fraternally, KKN Kutty, Secretary General.
The National Co-orindation Committee of Pensioners Associations was contacted by the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers and proposed for a joint movement to highlight the denial of DR arrears and certain covid related issues, taken up but not yet resolved. The NCCPA has agreed to their proposal and accordingly we shall jointly organise a dharna programme at all State Capitals along with the working employees . Simultaneously, our members are to individually appeal to the Finance Minister for the release of arrears and settle the covid related demands. We have anneded their circular letter dated 24th August, 2021 which provides the requisite details.
While endorsing the decision, we appeal to our members to take part in the joint programme abiding by the covid protocol and ensuring that their physical presence at any place does not cause harm to them and others. Every member of ITPF must ensure that the e mail communication to the Finance Minister is sent .
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
KKN Kutty
Secretary General
(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021
Website: mail:
13.c Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi. 110 001
Secy. General: COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)
Dated: 24th August, 2021.
Dear Comrades,
One of the issues that was raised strongly and unanimously by the staff side of the National Council on 26th June, 2021 during the 48th meeting of the council was the delay in issuing orders for the grant of DA/DR which had become due from 1.01.2020. Though no assurance was held out by the official side at the meeting, it appears that the feeling of the employees were taken into consideration and the three instalments of DA/DR were granted and the orders were issued by the end of July, 2021. In April, 2020, in the wake of the covid pandemic and the consequent lock out, the Government had issued orders for freezing the payment of DA/DR which would be due from 1.1.2020, 1.7.2020 and 1.1.2021. The Government’s decision to impound the arrears for 18 months had in fact been conveyed in April, 2021 itself.
Prior to the issuance of the above orders the Government had made an appeal for contribution to the Prime Minister’s relief fund to combat the situation emerging from the pandemic. The people, especially the poor segment of the society had suffered immensely during the covid period due to the loss of job caused by the lock down and the extra burden of expenditure due to the spread of the disease. Quite a number of people had died due to the virus. The employees and the pensioners responded to the appeal and almost everybody contributed a day’s income to the relief fund. The decision to unilaterally withhold the payment of DA and DR was a jolt and there had been no consultation either formally or informally with the employees’ representatives. The resentment was more about the decision to deny the DA/DR for 18 months in the name of financial stringency. The 20 Trillion financial package, the Government announced thereafter benefitted mostly the corporate houses and other business enterprises . Nothing much was done by the Government to increase the purchasing power of the people which would have benefitted the economy as a whole. Though the freezing payment of DA/DR had no prior consultation, still the employees and pensioners did not raise their objection as they felt that their sacrifice would benefit the poor people The denial of payment of the arrears from 1.12020 to 1.7.2021 for eighteen month, however was different as it was was bereft of any legal or moral basis and the employees and pensioners apprehended that it would create an undesirable precedent. No such arbitrary steps had been taken in the past even against much greater financial crisis. The demand to pay back the withheld amount was, therefore made at the meeting on 26th, but elicited no response from the official side.
The demand for the payment of arrears gathered momentum especially after the 20 trillion package announcement, as the employees and pensioners began to doubt the Government’s stand on financial strength of its coffers. They felt that their hard earned income has been donated to the business enterprises. The similar action of the A.P. Government was questioned at the High Court, which led to it being set aside. The decision of the High Court unequivocally established that the action of the Government to deny DA which is part of the salary is void and untenable The Hgh Court’s decision portends the need for the reversal of the decision of the Government of India denying DA/DR arrears of 18 months.
This and many other issues, especially the covid related problems and the sufferings of the employees and pensioners were figured in the discussions at the recently concluded National Executive Committee meeting of the Confederation of CGE & Workers. The National Executive has come to the conclusion that collective action is needed to highlight the issues and decided to hold discussion with NCCPA for a joint action in the matter. It has now been mutually agreed to hold a physical dharna programme in all State Capitals on 7th September, 2021, the timings and duration can be decided by the local units of both Confederation and NCCPA. The Dharna participants will meet and pass a resolution to be submitted to the Finance Minister with copy to the Secretary, Department of Personnel. All Individual members will send a letter to the Finance Minister, the format of which will be sent later. The programme of action and the charter of demands on which the programme would be mounted is appended hereunder.
As per the discussion we had in our last NE meeting, we had submitted agenda items with brief notes for discussion at the National Council. However, those issues could not be figured in the agenda for want of time. Our President, Com. Shiv Gopal Misra who is also the staff side Secretary has taken up the matter with the Secretary, Pension and Secretary Health. A meeting has been promised to take place by the end of September, 2021.
The undersigned was at Delhi for a few days from 11.8.2021 to 20.8.2021. We had earlier decided to transfer the money in the joint account of the Secretary General and Treasure to a newly created bank account of NCCPA. However, this could not be accomplished as our Treasurer, Com.H.L. Sidhu had a cardiac problem and had been admitted to the hospital. He has been advised rest for atleast three months and is presently convalescing at his home. Further steps in this direction would be taken after he recovers from his illness. In the meantime, all affiliates are requested to clear their dues for the year 2019-20 and 2020-21by remitting the money to the present joint account, whose details are available on our website. Since NCCPA is now registered under the T.U. Act, we are to submit our accounts duly signed for the two calendar years 2020 and 2021 audited by a chartered Accountant.
Andcharter of demands.
it has been decided to organise a dharna programme on 7th September, 2021 at a Central Place in all State Capitals. This will be followed by an e mail campaign, the format of which will be sent in due course. The demands that will be highlighted through this programme are as under:-
Grant the arrears of DA/DR for the period between 1.1.2020 to 1.07.2021. held back by the Government to the employees and pensioners immediately.
Take immediate decision on the following covid related issues;
Grant compensation of not less than Rs. 15 lakhs in case of all covid affected deaths;
Reimburse the hospitalisation bills for all covid patients irrespective of the fact whether the hospital is recognised or not.
Ensure that all employees are provided with the vaccination facility preferably in the CGHS dispensaries.
Provide compassionate appointments in all death cases irrespective of the 5% ceiling.
Ensure that the pensioners who do not have any health care facility especially for in-patient treatment are provided with insurance coverage at the cost of the Government.
8, Revise the Pension of:
(a)BSNL and department of Telecome pensioners with effect from 1.1.2017
(b)Punjab National Bank Pensioners..
9. Grant the medical benefits to the BSNL pensioners.
The resolution to be adopted at the meeting (dharna programme) on 7th September, 2021 will be sent shortly. The format of e mail to be sent to the Honourable Finance Minister by each individual employee/pensioner will also be sent along with the resolution .
The affiliates and State COCs are requested to kindly make the programme a grand success by enlisting the participation of all employees and pensioners.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N Kutty
Secretary General
Thursday, 19 August 2021
Saturday, 7 August 2021
NCCPA Webinar today on 08.08.2021 at 4 pm
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
61st Anniversary of the Legendary Strike of 1960s..Join se bimar on 18th July 2021 at 14.30 Hrs
Saturday, 3 July 2021
Monday, 28 June 2021
The Virtual Seminar is on 29.06.2021 from 4.00 P.M to 5.30 P.M
Comrade KKN Kutty Secretary General NCCPA is the main Speaker
Language: English and Hindi mix in the Speech.
Topic: CGHS related issues and Medical Insurance Scheme for Pensioners & other medical issues
Q&A: Question and Answer Session at the end.
Request: All are requested to attend without fail and know the standpoint of our Organization on CGHS / Medical Insurance Scheme and other Health issues.
LINK: The Link is as under. All are advised to download ZOOM App in their Laptops or Mobiles. A click on the LINK in the Email is enough to take participants to the Zoom meeting hall.
Ragavendran Krishnan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: AIPRPA CHQ Sponsored Webinar
Time: Jun 29, 2021 03:45 PM India
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 4873 2035
Passcode: 040741
NOTE: Please do not forget to attend the important Seminar.
Saturday, 26 June 2021
The 48th meeting of the National Council JCM was held today under the chairmanship of the Cabinet Secretary
(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021
Website: mail:
13.c Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi. 110 001
SECy. GENERAL: COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)
Dated: 26th June, 2021.
Dear Comrades,
The 48th meeting of the National Council JCM was held today under the chairmanship of the Cabinet Secretary. As a member of the Standing Committee, National Council, the undersigned participated in the meeting. The decisions taken on various issues raised are contained in the letter of the Secretary, Staff Side, JCM, Com.Shiv Gopal Mishra, who is also our President. On expenditure department related items, the official side has offered to hold a bilateral discussions with the Staff Side. As you are aware, most of the issues are pending disposal at their end.
The question of DA/DR was raised by the Staff Side expecting some positive response from the Government. As expected the orders, if at all agreed by the Cabinet, will only be issued in September 2021 as I s the practice with the release of July related Dearness allowance/Relief. The Health Ministry has promised to hold a bilateral discussion with the staff side in the matter of health insurance scheme. Now that our proposal is with the government we may expect a fruitful discussion on the issue.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
Secretary General
No.NC-JCM-2021/NC Meeting Dated: June 26, 2021
All Member of the National Council
(Staff Side) – JCM
Dear Comrades,
Decision taken in the Staff Side meeting held on 25/06/2021
The Staff Side meeting of the National Council JCM was held on 25/06/2021 to discuss about the issues to be raised in the introductory remarks during the National Council – JCM meeting on 26/06/2021. After finalizing the points to be raised in the meeting and also after discussion on the 29 Agenda Points the following decision were taken unanimously:-
To protest against the arbitrary decision taken by the Government to Corporatize the 41 Ordnance Factories and to submit a protest letter to the Cabinet Secretary requesting him to place the views of the Staff Side on behalf of the 32 lakhs Central Government employees before the Hon’ble Prime Minister so as to reconsider and withdraw the decision considering the impact of the Government decision on National Security and Defence preperdness and also the future existenceof the 41 Ordnance Factories and its workforce.
Solidarity and support action to be observed by the NJCA on the day the Ordnance Factories Employees Federation serve strike notice to the Government and also various action programmes from the date of commencement of strike.
In case the Government fails to issue Government orders for releasing the frozen DA / DR with effect from 1/1/2020 before 15th of July 2021 then protest programme will be observed throughout the country by the ConstituentOrganizations. Date of the programme will be decided later onby the NJCA.
The following Staff Side members attended the meeting of the NC JCM physically on 26/06/2021
Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra (Secretary)
Shri M Raghavaiah, (Leader)
Shri Guman Singh, (Member)
Shri J.R. Bhosle, (Member)
Shri C.Srikumar, (Member)
Shri R.N.Parashar, (Member)
The other Staff Side members participated in the meeting virtually. The Secretary DOPT in his welcome speech stated the following:-
As you are aware the very foundation of the JCM is based on cooperation and harmonious
relations between the two sides, and the dialogue between the two sides must be a continuousand ongoing process. In fact, it is for this reason that DoPT has issued directions to allMinistries/Departments to hold the meetings of Departmental and Office Councils once in everyfour months period. Ministries/Departments have also been advised to revive the Departmentalor Office Council, in case these are not functioning effectively. I am happy to informthatnotwithstanding the challenging situation arising out of the Covid-19 Pandemic, theStandingCommittee of JCM met on 26.02.2021 under my Chairmanship and the proceedings were held ina very cordial and harmonious way,in keeping with the JCM spirit.
During the Covid-19 Pandemic, DoPT has played a proactive part and has exempted
Government servants from marking their biometrics attendance and has also allowed Work
from Home. DoPT also issued directions on 7.6.2021 providing for various type of leave to Staffwho could not attend duties on account of Lock-down or other difficulties which arose with thestaff. In a series of reliefs, special dispensation has been extended to PwDs and pregnantwomen. We also continue to facilitate on the one hand the smooth working of govt. offices withcurtailed attendance, and on the other, to ensure the safety and welfare of the employees.
I once again welcome all participants and also thank the Staff Side for their cooperation,
in finding amicable resolution to various staff related problems. The Staff Side is always
welcome to come up with new initiatives or ideas for good governance. I assure you of our
fullest cooperation in resolving issues, pertaining to the welfare of the employees, in a just andfair manner, which are also economically viable.
Thereafter presiding over the meeting Cabinet Secretary made the following remarks
As you are aware, this meeting was scheduled to be held in May, 2021 Due to
increase in COVID-19 cases, it has been delayed. As we know the JCM is an old &
established platform, in existence since 1966, for a constructive dialogue between the
representatives of the Staff Side and the Official Side for peaceful resolution of all
disputes between the Government as employer and the employees. The JCM
functions with the object of further increasing the efficiency of the public service
combined with the wellbeing of those employed and has contributed immensely over
the years in maintaining harmonious relations between the two sides.
The last meeting of the National Council of JCM was held in April 2019, and due to
various exigencies, it has been held after a gap of two years. However, I understand
that several informal meetings to discuss the progress of various demands of the Staff
Side have been held in DoPTin the meanwhile, and Secretary Personnel) has also held
a meeting of the Standing Council of JCM in February, 2021.
Before we start discussing the formal agenda of today's meeting, it is necessary to
understand the context in which today's meeting is being held. The global COVID-19
Pandemic, which began early last year, has continued to create distress across the
world, and our country too has also faced a lot of difficulties. Govt. of India has played
a pro-active role in mitigating the hardships faced by the citizens due to this
Pandemic, and the role played by the Central Govt employees, especially the frontline workers such as the health care personnel, the essential service providers as
also the law and order machinery, has been truly commendable. It is a matter of
great sadness that several employees have also lost their lives to COVID-19, for
which I express my deepest condolences. Needless to say,COVID-appropriate
behavior needs to be continued until the threat of the Pandemic subsides.
Government is well aware of the hardships faced by the Government Servants due
to the pandemic, and has adopted various welfare measures, such as free vaccination
forall, full salaries to those who could not attend duty due to Lock Down or
Quarantine, facility to work from home, notification ofCGHS rates for treatment of
COVID-19, full wages to daily wage workers, CGHS wellness Centres allowed to be
used for running vaccination programmesetc.
In today's meeting, we are going to deliberate on 29 Agenda Items, and I sincerely
hope that most of the agenda items would be resolved. I am of the view that the
meeting of the National Council of JCM, and that of the different Departmental
Councils under the JCM should be held regularly, for which instructions have already
been issued. Similarly, I would encourage the Staff Side to come up with innovative
ideas to increase the efficiency of the Central Govt.
Before I conclude, I would like to place on record my appreciation for the positive
and constructive approach shown by the Staff Side, and I hope that we continue to
function in the same spirit in future. I would also like to request the Departmental
Secretaries to take personal interest in coming up with solutions in their respective
domainsto the various demands raised by the Staff Side.
I also hope that today's meeting is conducted in an exemplary passion as envisaged in
the spirit of the JCM mechanism.
After the introductory remarks of the Chairman the following Important issues were raised on behalf of the Staff Side by the Leader, Secretary and other Staff side Members
Staff Side extend a warm welcome to the Cabinet Secretary Chairman of the National Council – JCM and all senior officers from various Ministries / Departments. I am thankful to the Chairman for convening this meeting inspite of the pandemic situation in the country. Many of our Staff Side Members wanted to attend the meeting physically however due to the various restrictions only six Staff Side Members were allow to attend the meeting physically and other are attending virtually. We are confident that all the burning issues agitating the minds of the employees and pensioners will be resolved through mutual understanding and cooperation.
At the outset the Staff Side would like to register their protest against the arbitrary and one sided decision taken by the Government in violation of all the previous written agreements and assurances given in the past by the Government. The Federations of the Defence Civilians employees served a strike Notice against the Government decision to corporatize the 41 Ordnance Factories in to 7 Corporations. Due to the intervention of the CLC (C) a settlement was reached on 9th October 2020 and accordingly the Federation deferred the Indefinite Strike. However the Ministry of Defence violated the conciliation settlement and proceeded with its decision to corporatize the Ordnance Factories in to 7 Corporation. Even the CLC by violating all the norms concluded the conciliation proceedings on 15/06/2021 in the actions of the three major Federations who served the strike notice. On 16/06/2021 the Cabinet without even giving an opportunity to the Federations to be heard by the Empowered Group of Ministers has approved to slice Ordnance Factories in to 7 Corporations. The employees are agitated and the Federations have decide to revive their indefinite strike. We the Staff Side request the Government through the Cabinet Secretary to withdrawn the decision to corporatize the ordnance factories on hold and start negotiations with the recognized Federations of Ministry of Defence for improvement of the functioning of Ordnance Factories.
All Central Government employees and pensioners are anxiously waiting for the outcome of this meeting since the DA due to employees and DR due to the Pensioners are freezed from 1/1/2020 for 18 months. The Central Government employees and pensioners have contributed more than Rs. 40,000/ Crores by not receiving the DA/DR due for them. Now since the economy is getting revived according to the Government itself, Central Government employees and pensioners may be given DA and DR retrospecvly with arrears. Hope Government will take a positive decision in this regard.
It has become ritual for the DOPT for issuing a letter to all the Ministries to hold the meeting of the Departmental Council- JCM. However in most of the Departments neither the JCM is functioning nor are meetings taking place in the Ministry of Defence the last JCM meeting of the Departmental Council was held during November 2016. In the 47th meeting of the National Council – JCM the Defence Secretary has assured that he will call the Departmental Council – JCM meeting however so far no meetings of the JCM has been convened. IN ISRO also the Departmental Council (JCM) is not yet constituted. Therefore Cabinet Secretary may direct all the Secretaries to hold the meetings of the Departmental Council minimum thrice in a year in accordance with the JCM Scheme.
A decision was taken in the last meeting to enhance the Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme in the GPF Scheme. It is regretted to inform the Chairman that so far no orders have been issued on the subject. Long back the scheme was revised under the EPF Scheme. The same benefit is not being extended to GPF subscribers. Government orders may please be issued in this regard at the earliest.
Some of the important Agenda points which the Staff Side has forwarded for inclusion in this meeting has not been included and we were not informed about the reasons for not including these agenda points. It is requested that these two points may please be included for today’s discussion.
Regularization of the legal strike period in the Industrial Establishments.
Withdrawal of the provisions of the FR 56(J) / (i) and Rule 48 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 since it is being largely misused.
Department of Pension vide its OM dated 19/07/2017 issued a clarification stating to grant family pension to a divorce daughter in such cases where the divorce proceedings had been filed in a competent Court during the life time of the employee / pensioner or his / her spouse but divorce took place after their death. It has been noticed that in some cases pensioner/ family pensioner who have been settled in remote areas and the divorcee daughter has come back to live with her old age parents (especially mother) and do not file the Divorce petition during the lifetime of the pensioner/Spouse due to financial constraints or no physical support to attend the court hearings in the main cities. They filed the cases after the death of the pensioner/family pensioner. These type of cases may also be considered sympathetically and also be allowed family pension if The date of the filing of divorce cases is after the death of parents but she is actually living with her parent before their death and that date is also mentioned in the divorced judgment.
Many items like Pharmacist re-designation etc were discussed in the last meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council – JCM held on 26/02/2021 However the decision taken in the meeting are not being implemented yet by issuing necessary government orders. It is requested that the issues discussed in the Standing Committee meeting may be settled without further delay.
As per DOPT Instructions the 3 years time limit has been withdrawn for consideration of compassionate Appointment cases. However in the Ministry of Defence in Navy cases are considered by for Compassionate Appointment in 3 Board meetings afterwards the applicants are being informed that their cases is closed and that there cases may be considered by the future Board. A clarification in this regard may please be issued.
The Supreme Court has upheld that the employees who have participated in the Selection Examination for direct appointment during the year 2003, but appointed after 1/1/2004 now also be given the brought of Old Pension Scheme. This benefit may please be extended to all similarly placed employees (Ref:- SLP No.173/21 dated 4/2/2021 in the case of Devindra Singh Bran Vs Union of India).
The Staff Side is all along demanding for withdrawal of NPS and to restore OPS to the employees recruited on or after 1/1/2004. In the meantime we have been demanding to evolve a mechanism by which the NPS employees get 50% of their last basic pay as minimum ensured pension. However the Government has not taken any decision on this. This needs to be considered sensitively by the Government.
Another burning issue which needs immediate settlement is the removal of basic pay ceiling limit for payment of NDA. Any employee who is deputed to work during night shift is entitled for NDA and on the plea of basic pay ceiling employees cannot be discriminated. Therefore DOPT is requested to issue necessary amendment in the orders issued by them.
After the above important issue raised by the Staff Side Cabinet Secretary directed the concerned officers to take note of the issues raised by the Staff Side and take steps to resolve the same and if required after having further discussions / consultations with the Staff Side.
Decisions taken on the Agenda points
Out of 29 Agenda Points 21 points were discussed in the meeting. Due to paucity of time it was decided that the remaining 9 agenda points pertaining to DOPT would be discussed by the Secretary (P) DOPT with the Staff Side within a fortnight. Decision taken on the 21 Agenda points are given below:-
Reimbursement of expenses on indoor treatment to Pensioners living in Non CGHS towns.
Decision:- the demand of the Staff Side for reimbursement of the expenditure incurred for out patient treatment of the pensioners staying in remote localities and introduction of Insurance Scheme would be considered by the Health ministry.
Grant of Medical Advance to the Central Govt. Employees.
Decision:-A Clarification will be issued by the Ministry of Health that in the cases of Medical treatment other then treatment covered under pakage rates should also be given 90% of the estimates as Medical Advance subject to CGHS rates.
Reimbursement of additional charges paid on account of overstay in the hospitals
Decision:-The demand of the staff side for Reimbursmnet of Additional Charges paid on account of over stay in the hospitals by CS (MA) beneficiaries would be considered by Ministry of Health.
Hospital Patient Care Allowance for C.G. Employees working in Hospitals.
Decision:-Health Ministry is considering a proposal to include various leftout categories for payment of HPCA. The Staff Side requested that other then the categories already forwarded by the Staff Side the categories of AC Maintenance Staff , Electrician, and civil engineering categories also may be included for HPCA. The Staff Side Members of Defence Ministry complained that inspite of Health Ministry orders Defence Peramedical Staff of Ordnance Factories and other Directorates are not being paid HPCA. Cabinet Secretary directed that Defence Ministry may issue instructions to implement the Government orders to the Defence Employees.
Grant of Recognition to all employees organisations fairly and transparently- restore function of departmental and office councils in terms of the JCM scheme.
Decision:-Secretary DOPT Clarified that instructions have been issued to all Ministries / Departments to hold regular meetings of the Departmental Council JCM and to settle the Recognisation cases in a time bound manner.
Settlement of the following COVID-19 related issues.
a). Staff Side insisted that Central Government employees including Railways and Defence, Postal etc should be declared as frountlineweriorrs.
b). Staff Side Demand for granting quarantine leave to COVID-19 positive tested employees, SCL to employees who were not able to attend duty due to non availiblity of Public Transport, Curfew etc. would be considered by DOPT.
c). Grant of Ex-gratia payment / compensation of Rs.20 lakhs to the family of all those employees who died of COVID-19 infection and Grant of out of turn compassionate appointment to the dependents of the employees who died of COVID-19 infection over and above the 5% ceiling limit,would be considered by DOPT
d). Ministry of Health to consider Payment of full reimbursement of Covid-19 medical treatment charges.
Evolve a health insurance scheme for all employees and pensioners to cover up all pensioners, who are outside the ambit of CGHS.
Decision:-The Matter would be considered by Health Ministry
Take steps to revive all PSUs which are either closed down or privatized, which are capable of manufacturing vaccine in the background of the acute shortage as also the oxygen units.
Decision:-Health Ministry is taking steps to revive the PSU vaccine manufacturing Units.
GPF for those who have been recruited on or after 1.1.2004.
Decision:-Demand of the Staff Side would be reconsidered.
Introduction of productivity linked bonus in place of Adhoc Bonus: raising the minimum ceiling for the purpose of payment of Bonus to 18000/- in accordance with 7th CPC.
Decision:-Decision would be taken depending upon the amendment in the Bonus Act by Labour Ministry.
Revision of Central Govt. Employees Group Insurance Scheme.
Decision:-The matter would be further discussed with the Staff Side.
Withdrawal of orders of DA/ DR freeze.
Decision:-Cabinet Secretary stated that Department of Expenditure would process the matter for getting the Cabinet Approval for restoring the frozen DA / DR from 1/7/2021. The Staff Side demanded that they are eligible for arrears from 1/1/2020 and the mode of payment can be discussed separately with the Staff Side. The Staff Side also demanded to extend the benefit to those employees who retired / expired between 1/1/2020 and 30/06/2021.
Central Government Employees may be granted one more option to switch over to 7th CPC from a date subsequent to 25th of July 2016.
Decision:-Additional Secretary Expenditure would discuss the matter with the Staff Side separately.
Settle All 7th CPC Anomalies represented by the Staff Side.
Decision:-A meeting of the National Anomaly Committee would be convened to discuss the issues.
Grant of Compassionate Allowance to the widow of Employees dismissed/ removed from service.
Decision:-The matter is under examination in the Department of Pension.
Withdrawal of New Pension Scheme (NPS) and restoration of Defined Pension Scheme under CCS(Pension) Rule 1972 to the employees who are recruited on or after 1.1.2004 at par with Armed Forces Personnel
Decision:-The demand of the Staff Side for minimum pension would be considered separately.
Exempt transport / Running allowance from income tax.
Decision:-Demand of the Staff Side would be brought to the notice of Department of Revenue.
Exemption from payment of income tax to Pensioners who have attained age of 80 years or more.
Decision:-Demand of the Staff Side would be brought to the notice of Department of Revenue.
To formulate a policy for direct appointment of Trained Trade Apprentices of Central Government Industrial Establishments like Railways, Defence etc. as per the amended provisions of Section-22 of Apprentice Act 1961.
Decision:-Railway Ministry and Defence Ministry to discuss the matter with the Staff Side.
Withdraw the decision to Corporatize the Railway Production Units and Ordnance Factories.
Decision:-Cabinet Secretary directed that the Ministry of Railway and Defence should discuss the matter with their Staff Side to evolve a solution. Secretary Staff Side handed over a copy of the Staff Side letter dated 25/06/2021 to the Cabinet Secretary demanding withdrawal of the decision taken by the Government to Corporatize the Ordnance Factories (copy of the letter is enclosed).
Grant of Gazetted Status to Senior Engineer of Ministry of Railway.
Decision:-The matter would be deiscussed by the CRB with the Staff Side of Railways.
Night Duty Allowance – Removal of ceiling of NDA i.e. Rs.43,600 was discussed at length and Cabinet Secretary directed Secretary(DoP&T) to discuss the issue with the Chairman Railway Board, Secretary(Deptt. of Exp.) and finalise it soon.
The following 8 Agenda Points will be separately discussed with the Secretary DOPT.
J.C.M. Coverage
Litigation cases on service matters
Eradication of injustice to Casual, Contract and Outsourced workers: providing them the right to form a union in terms of Article 19.1(c) of the Constitution of India: Regularisation of all casual, contingent and outsourced workers.
Fill up all vacant posts in all grades.
Grant of 5 (five) effective upgradations to all Group B & C employees in entire service life.
Undertake cadre review of all Groups –B&C Cadres in every five years before the cadre review of Group A Cadres.
Grant of Risk Allowance to the Employees involved in permanent and perennial recognized Risk Operations
The meeting ended with thanks to the Chair.
With greetings,
Yours Comradely,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Com G C Lala
The whatsapp group of pensioner comrades conveys death of senior comrades almost regularly. The second phase of covid 19, commenced its journey in our country just at the time the world could develop vaccination to prevent the spread of the deadly disease. Though India is considered the pharmacy of the world, the production was not even sufficient to cover the aged persons. Com. Lala, no doubt aged, was admitted to the hospital for covid treatment. He was looked after well and was shifted from the ICU to the ward having shown response to the medication. But even before a full day is passed he expired leaving his family in bereavement.
Com . G.C. Lala was the undisputed leader of the IT. Employees for quite a long period of time, especially for those working in Orissa charge.. Orissa was considered a small charge and was tagged on with Bihar and North eastern region at one point of time for administrative purpose. The non gazetted employees had found this arrangement extremely irksome as they were likely to be transferred to distant unknown localities where interaction with the people was difficult because of the language barrier. The difficulty to master the local language and the problems encountered in the new ambience compelled many of them even to decline the promotion which used to be very few and far between in those days. The union activities or the trade union consciousness in 1960s amongst the employees of the I.T. department was almost negligible especially in those parts of the country. The association activities were worth the name only in those charges where large metro-cities were located, the exception being the North Eastern Region
Com. G.C Lala though not belonging to Orissa State by birth took up the cudgels to strengthen the association of the employees there as he felt that an administrative bifurcation of the charge would never become a reality without a strong and militant movement. Com. G.C. Lala was a born leader and had possessed all the qualities of a lovable leader. The employees felt comfortable in his company and they also found him to be a fearless leader capable of calling a spade a spade. The authorities had found him difficult to deal with as he was not prone to provocation and was coolness personified. He was a great organiser and was able to persuade people with his convincing arguments. He was a close friend of com. K.N. Nayagam, who had taken over as the General Secretary of ITEF in 1967. He worked with him tirelessly to make possible his first mission a success. i.e. to create an administrative unit for Orissa employees. His efforts became fruitful and the success kindled the dire need of safeguarding the organisation they together built in Orissa. Orissa, though small in size remained an active unit of ITEF ever since then, carrying out all its agitational programmes with cent per cent participation of its members. He remained the General Secretary of Orissa Incometax employees Association for more than two decades.
In 1973, Com. Lala undertook courageously the task of hosting the Central Working Committee of ITEF at Bhubaneswar. Bhubaneswar, though the State Captial and built as a planned city, did not have the infra structural facilities needed to host an all India event then. Unexpectedly, the event faced serious dislocation and disruption due to the famous Loco running Staff Strike in the Railways. The strike had disrupted the train movement throughout the country, the efforts of the Government to break the strike having failed miserably. Quite a few units could not reach Bhubaneswar as the delegates for the meet were to travel in train. The neighbouring State from where the President of ITEF hailed, West Bengal, could not send its members to the meeting. All long distance trains had to be cancelled. The prestigious Howrah-Chennai Mail traversed between the two stations with military escort as a symbol of the atrocious attitude of the Government towards the striking workers. Naturally, Com. Lala was disappointed though he cleverly concealed his emotion from the pubic gaze. It was the first all India meet this writer was able to attend. Along with Com. Deshpande, the then General Secretary of the Karnataka Unit of ITEF, I had an unforgettable journey from Chennai (then called Madras) to Bhubaneswar Our train which was bound to go to Howrah was cancelled at Waltair, now Vizagapattinam. We took a passenger train from Waltair to Palassa, from Palassa to Khurda Road and from Khurda Road to Bhubaneswar. Unlike today there had been no mobile telecommunication facility. The host unit was in dark as to when we would reach or we would reach at all. We expected to spend long hours at Bhubaneswar Railway Station as the train was to reach only late in the night, as we had done at Waltair, Palassa and Khurda Road. The pleasant surprise that awaited us at the Bhubaneswar Station was beyond words. Com. Lala and his volunteer comrades had laid the carpet of the most pleasant welcome we might have ever received in our life. We were taken to the Birla Guest House where the delegates are to be housed .
Coming from the city of Chennai, whose climate is characterised as hot, hotter and hottest spanned over the year in such degrees, the extreme could of Bhubaneswar at that point of the year was intolerable. Out timidity prohibited us from expressing our anguish over the non availability of hot water for taking bath. We had no warm clothing and the mornings were too cold. It was the periodical hot tea that came to our rescue. Sugary as it was, consumption beyond a point was also difficult. Com. Lala sensed our discomfiture, made immediate arrangements for hot water, frequent cups of tea with less sugar and warm clothing for both of us. The Bhubaneswar working Committee was an unforgettable experience which more than anything else brought to light the organising capabilities of com. G.C. Lala. Most of the delegates had to stay for a few days more after the meeting giving nightmarish difficulties to the host unit. We had the tickets for the Howrah-Chennai mail but could not board the train from Bhubaneswar. Com. Lala’s help came in handy. He advised us to board a passenger train to Palassa as the Mail is bound to stop at Palasa Station for a longer period as the crew is likely to be changed there. We heeded to his well thought out advice and reached Chennai, though standing all the way from Palassa to Chennai.
Com. Lala made the best possible arrangements at Bhubaneswar. Had it been any other venue, the working committee would have been automatically cancelled. Not only the meeting was successfully conducted where the ITEF took the historic decision to be part of the indefinite strike of the Central Government employees and Railway men in 1974. Com. Lala was a well informed person, especially in the history, culture, civilisation, geography of our country. He voluntarily under took the role of a guide for the journey through the twin cities of Cuttack and Bhubaneswar. We were taken to the battlefield of Ashok the great, where he renounced war and embraced Budhism, the innumerable temples of Bhubaneswar, the ever shining examples of Indian temple architecture, the konark sun temple, the Puri Jagganath temple, the world famous Puri Beanch, the modern institutions that were coming up in and around Bhubaneswar City and a ride through the proposed Beach Road etc. Com. Lala was fond of travelling and had kept a catalogue of places, he must visit . His knowledge of historical events with accuracy of dates was always bewildering.
The All India Conferences and Central Working Committee meetings in those days were turbulent. Most of those meetings were day and night affair as the deliberations of the issue would cross over the time table set by many hours. Com. Lala had always been a trouble shooter in all those meetings and conferences. His presentation and intervention had helped to resolve many ticklish issues.
He rose to become an Asst. Commissioner in the official career, no mean achievement, for he entered the department as a stenographer In those days the stenographers had the maximum waiting period for promotion as the stagnation was the highest in that cadre. His knowledge and experience in official matters had made him a much sought after consultant in the official circle.
After his retirement he was active in the movement of the Pensioners. But his constant ill health ultimately compelled him to settle down at Ranchi, seldom moving out of that town.
ITEF for its present stature owes a great deal to the comrades like G.C. Lala. He is remembered for his ability to find amicable solution to the problems, be it organisational or career advancement. He had been active throughout his official career. In his death the ITEF has lost an able organiser, a fine friend and a great person. This writer remembers innumerable occasions when his sanguine advice had paved the way for resolution. The fond memories of Com.Lala will linger on for ever. The ITEF conveys their heartfelt condolences to all his family members, whose bereavement over his death is bound to be deep. The ITEF dips its flag in his memory.
K.K.N. Kutty,
Former Secretary General, ITEF.Wednesday, 26 May 2021
letter to Com President NCCPA.
Monday, 24 May 2021
Observance of Black Day on 26th May 2021 in support of our demands
(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021
Website: mail:
13.c Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi. 110 001
SECy. GENERAL: COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)
Dated: 23rd May, 2021
Dear Comrades,
We reproduce hereunder the extract from the circular letter issued by the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers in connection with the observance of Black day on 26th May 2021. In the matters of common interest, you are aware, the NCCPA and the Confederation endeavours to function jointly. In the present covid situation, whereby most of our cities and towns are under lock down a demonstrative action in front of Government offices is a rare possibility. We, therefore, request our affiliates, State Units, CGPAs and other members to join the programme wherever possible or wear the black badges on 26th May, 2021 even when you are at home. This is to convey our discontent and anger to the powers that be in a democratic manner.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty.
Secretary General.
Extract from the circular letter of the Confederation of CGE & Workers dated 23rd May, 2021.
Dear Comrades,
Kindly see the Press Statement issued by the Central Trade Unions on 20th May, 2021 calling upon all workers to observe 26th May, 2021 as Black day. The full text of the Press Statement has been placed on the Confederation’s website .
Confederation, as you all know, had been part and parcel of the joint movement of the Trade Unions in the country, ever since the new economic policies were ushered in and implemented by the successive Governments that came to power at the Centre since 1991. We endorse the call of the Central Trade Unions to observer 26th May, 2021 as Black day. We are aware that quite a number of cities and towns in our country are under lock down due to the rapid spread of the pandemic corona-Covid 19. There are stipulations made by the respective State Governments in so far as maintaining social distance is concerned. We request our members through our affiliates and State COCs to organise the protest programme adhering to those stipulations and taking care that our protest action in no way accentuate the spread of the disease. Kindly ensure that every member wears black badge on 26th May 2021 and if possible badges indicating the issues on which we are agitated, throughout the day . Please also ensure that black flags are kept in the office compound Written posters may be affixed in prominent places. The State units might publish pamphlets or leaflets highlighting the following issues;
The denial and continued freezing of the dearness allowance/dearness relief instalments that have become due to the CGEs/CG Pensioners since January, 2020;
The nugatory attitude of the Government in settling the demands of the CGEs even those cases where the highest court of the country, the supreme court has given their decision in favour of the employees/pensioners;
The impasse created in combating the pandemic corona covid 19 due to the deficiency of vaccines; medicines, hospital beds, oxygen, ventilators, ICUs etc which has resulted in the death of lakhs of people in the country. As of today, the number of covid related death in the country has crossed the 3 lakh mark. The above situation had been the product of the pernicious decisions emanating from the pursuance of the neo liberal economic policies, due to which the vaccine manufacturing PSUS were either closed down or hived off to the private entrepreneurs. The crony capitalism by virtue of which the tax payers money is allowed to flow into the hands of selected Industrialists, which has become of theme of governance of the present government had been the single significant culprit for the present situation in the country;
The unhindered spread of obscurantist and irrational beliefs by those occupying high positions in the Government and the society obliterating even whatever scientific temper exist in the society has accentuated the death toll and has created invincible impediments in the efforts of the health workers;
The continuous price rise of all petroleum products in the post-election fortnight without any rhyme or reason, especially when the international crude oil prices has crashed igniting inflation by the oil PSUs to make super profits out of human misery with the seal of approval of the government in power;
Withdrawing the benefits of both farmers and workers by passing legislations in the form of labour codes and farm laws and driving them to pitiable standard of living;
Refusing to render any assistance to the workers especially in the unorganised sectors who have lost their livelihood due to the lock down and corona;
The misuse and abuse of state power to imprison people who raise their voice in support of the poor workers and extreme intolerance towards dissenting views;
Above all the failure to provide adequate health care facilities to the people who are affected by the covid pandemic.
NCCPA CIRCULAR DT23 september 2022
NATIONAL CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS. (Registered under the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021 PAN No. AAEAN858...
Record of discussions and decisions at the National Sectt. meeting of ITPF held at Chennai. As scheduled the National secretariat...
Please click here for the nccpa news bulletin September 2016 issue. NCCPA NEW S LETTER
INCOMETAX PENSIONERS FEDERATION. ManishinathBhawan, A/2/95 Rajouri Garden. New Delhi. 110 027. Website: Ema...