Tuesday, 2 March 2021


With deep sorrow we heard the sudden demise  of com. M Krishnan, former Secretary General of Confederation of CGEs and workers and the NAtional Federation of Postal employees. He began his official service career in Govt. of India in Postal department. From the day one he chose to work for the workers and employees. His whole life was dedicated to them. Even after retirement from active service he remained in the forefront of the movement guiding  the comrades.  Being a member of the Chala area committee of CPI(M) he had the strenuous task of ensuring the victory of the LDF candidates in the  last local body elections which was a very hotly contested one. He acquitted himself very creditably and demonstrated the fine organisational ability he possessed.  He had the magnificent capacity to interact with people, convince them with his logical and matter of fact  arguments and persuasion. Above all he was a good speaker both in Malayalam and English. There were innumerable occasions in which he could resolve   the organisational problems with his persuasive ability. The CGE movement will miss this comrade for a very long time to come and his loss is certainly irreparable. Com. Krishnan was unfortunately afflicted with the deadly virus covid 19 along with his wife. Both were  admitted to the hospital and given the best possible treatment but com. Krishnan ultimately succumbed.  Mrs. Krishnan is recovering. NCCPA dips its flag in memory of this fine comrade and convey the heartfelt condolences of all its members , many of them had the opportunity   to work with com. Krishnan to the bereaved members of his family. K.K.N. kutty. Secretary general NCCPA and Vice President, Confederation.

NCCPA CIRCULAR DT23 september 2022

NATIONAL CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS. (Registered under the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021 PAN No.  AAEAN858...