Wednesday, 26 May 2021
letter to Com President NCCPA.
Monday, 24 May 2021
Observance of Black Day on 26th May 2021 in support of our demands
(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021
Website: mail:
13.c Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi. 110 001
SECy. GENERAL: COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)
Dated: 23rd May, 2021
Dear Comrades,
We reproduce hereunder the extract from the circular letter issued by the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers in connection with the observance of Black day on 26th May 2021. In the matters of common interest, you are aware, the NCCPA and the Confederation endeavours to function jointly. In the present covid situation, whereby most of our cities and towns are under lock down a demonstrative action in front of Government offices is a rare possibility. We, therefore, request our affiliates, State Units, CGPAs and other members to join the programme wherever possible or wear the black badges on 26th May, 2021 even when you are at home. This is to convey our discontent and anger to the powers that be in a democratic manner.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty.
Secretary General.
Extract from the circular letter of the Confederation of CGE & Workers dated 23rd May, 2021.
Dear Comrades,
Kindly see the Press Statement issued by the Central Trade Unions on 20th May, 2021 calling upon all workers to observe 26th May, 2021 as Black day. The full text of the Press Statement has been placed on the Confederation’s website .
Confederation, as you all know, had been part and parcel of the joint movement of the Trade Unions in the country, ever since the new economic policies were ushered in and implemented by the successive Governments that came to power at the Centre since 1991. We endorse the call of the Central Trade Unions to observer 26th May, 2021 as Black day. We are aware that quite a number of cities and towns in our country are under lock down due to the rapid spread of the pandemic corona-Covid 19. There are stipulations made by the respective State Governments in so far as maintaining social distance is concerned. We request our members through our affiliates and State COCs to organise the protest programme adhering to those stipulations and taking care that our protest action in no way accentuate the spread of the disease. Kindly ensure that every member wears black badge on 26th May 2021 and if possible badges indicating the issues on which we are agitated, throughout the day . Please also ensure that black flags are kept in the office compound Written posters may be affixed in prominent places. The State units might publish pamphlets or leaflets highlighting the following issues;
The denial and continued freezing of the dearness allowance/dearness relief instalments that have become due to the CGEs/CG Pensioners since January, 2020;
The nugatory attitude of the Government in settling the demands of the CGEs even those cases where the highest court of the country, the supreme court has given their decision in favour of the employees/pensioners;
The impasse created in combating the pandemic corona covid 19 due to the deficiency of vaccines; medicines, hospital beds, oxygen, ventilators, ICUs etc which has resulted in the death of lakhs of people in the country. As of today, the number of covid related death in the country has crossed the 3 lakh mark. The above situation had been the product of the pernicious decisions emanating from the pursuance of the neo liberal economic policies, due to which the vaccine manufacturing PSUS were either closed down or hived off to the private entrepreneurs. The crony capitalism by virtue of which the tax payers money is allowed to flow into the hands of selected Industrialists, which has become of theme of governance of the present government had been the single significant culprit for the present situation in the country;
The unhindered spread of obscurantist and irrational beliefs by those occupying high positions in the Government and the society obliterating even whatever scientific temper exist in the society has accentuated the death toll and has created invincible impediments in the efforts of the health workers;
The continuous price rise of all petroleum products in the post-election fortnight without any rhyme or reason, especially when the international crude oil prices has crashed igniting inflation by the oil PSUs to make super profits out of human misery with the seal of approval of the government in power;
Withdrawing the benefits of both farmers and workers by passing legislations in the form of labour codes and farm laws and driving them to pitiable standard of living;
Refusing to render any assistance to the workers especially in the unorganised sectors who have lost their livelihood due to the lock down and corona;
The misuse and abuse of state power to imprison people who raise their voice in support of the poor workers and extreme intolerance towards dissenting views;
Above all the failure to provide adequate health care facilities to the people who are affected by the covid pandemic.
NCCPA CIRCULAR DT23 september 2022
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