Monday, 9 November 2015


DATED: 14.9.2015.

Dear Comrade,

               You must have read from the Newspaper that the Government has extended the time limit for the 7th CPC to submit its report by four months. The Commission might therefore submit its report by 31st December, 2015.  No discussion on the report, if submitted on 31.12.2015 would be held in the quarter ended on 31.3.2016 as the Government officials would be busy with the budget session of the Parliament.  However, the reports emanating from the Commission indicate that the Chairman wanted the report to be given to the Government by 30th September, 2015.  Due to this uncertainty, the meeting we had planned to convene in October, 2015 of the National Sectt. Of the ITPF was postponed, as the main agenda was discussion on the recommendations of the 7th CPC. We must in any case hold the said meeting as and when the report is made available and formulates our stand on pension related matters. 
               Another development is that the Government after a lot of dilly dallying has now decided to concede the demand for one rank one pension to the Defence Personnel with revision every five years.  The reason for the procrastination on the part of the Government was the probable impact the decision would bring about on the civilian pension.  The Government has, it seems, now come to the conclusion that the public sentiments that might generate on the denial of one rank one pension would be very great whereas it would be insignificant in the case of civilian employees.  Before the 7th CPC one of the most important issues we have raised is the need to bring about parity between the past and present pensioners  and have demanded that the formulation made by the 5th CPC in the matter must be carried forward to be applicable to all pensioners who have become so after 1.1.1986.  The modified parity which has been implemented would not in any way benefit persons who had stagnated in a cadre for years while in service.  We send herewith a copy of the letter written by the Staff Side secretary, JCM National Council, Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra in the matter.  We would further request our members to once again go through the memorandum we have submitted to the 7th CPC especially the chapter dealing with the question of parity.  Even if the parity is brought about, it would not be anywhere equal to the dispensation made by the Government to the Defence Personnel. i.e. one rank one pension with  in built revision of every five years. 
               During the interregnum period between the National convention at Haridwar and to-date, the Mumbai and Delhi Units have informed of certain activities.  The Mumbai unit has taken certain concrete steps to form the I.T. Pensioners Association.  Adhoc committee has already been formed.  The Delhi Unit had its annual General meeting on 3rd September, 2015.  The Karnataka Unit has convened its annual general body meeting at Bangalore in the next month.  We have appended a brief report of the Delhi and Mumbai meetings for your information.
               In our Haridwar Convention, we had taken a decision to collect the information regarding the pending disciplinary proceedings against our members.  We shall be grateful if the State Units will kindly collect the requisite information and forward the same to us, so that we can compile the same and take up the matter for an expeditious disposal with the authorities
With greetings ,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.  

Copyof letter in No. A/cJV\CM-2015/7th CPC datd 11.9.2015  from Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary, Staff Side, National Council, JCM. 13/C/Feroseshah Road, New Delhi. 110 001  addressed to Justice Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur, Chairman, Seventh Central Pay Commission, New Delhi.

Dear Sir,
                              Sub: Parity between past and future pensioners.

               While urging for parity in pension, for past and future pensioners before the Seventh Central Pay Commission, Staff Side, National Council/JCM vide Chapter IV Para 4.1. Submitted as follows:-

“The Government have recently announced that one Pension shall  be implemented in respect of Armed Forces so that the glaring disparity between the persons of equivalent rank and status do not draw vastly unequal pensions if they retire at different point of time is undone.  Already there is a complete parity in pension among the Judges of Supreme Court, High Court and the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, irrespective of the date of their retirement”.  Now the Government of India has accepted the demand for one rank one pension in respect of Armed forces.

The detailed justification fo the same has already been submitted in our aforesaid memorandum, as well as during our oral evidence before the Central Pay Commission.

The Civilian employees of Central Government have been waiting anxiously for implementation of the same equally for them and hope that the Seventh Central Pay Commission would administer justice by recommending “One rank one pension to all other past and future pensioners irrespective of their date of retirement and remove the injustice done to them so long.

Yours faithfully,
Sd/ Shiv Gopal Mishra.
Activities at Mumbai.

               The comrades who attended the National Convention at Haridwar of the Income tax Pensioners Federation from Mumbai took the initiative to form a composite Association of Pensioners of Income tax Deparment  at Mumbai.  They invited about 35 comrades, who were active in both the ITEF and the ITGOA while in service.  28 Comrades could attend the meeting.  The rest seven comrades, while welcoming the move and extending their full support to the effort expressed their inability to attend the3 meeting due to their being out of Mumbai.  The meeting , though  a very small gathering,  expressed the need for such an organization in view of the  great amount of difficulties faced by the  pensioners  in resolving some of the unsettled issues.  Com. V.K. Sreedharan, former Secretary General ITGOA narrated the proceedings of the meeting at Hardwar and informed the gathering that barring one or two States, almost all States had sent in their representatives to attend the National Convention.  He said that the organisation at the apex level would be a Federation and each State is supposed to form a State association with specific constitution, bye laws and rules.  He also informed the members the need for getting the Association registered before the Registrar of Societies and the need for drafting the constitution to attune to the provisions of the Societies Act of each State.  Com. KKN. Kutty attended the meeting  and apprised the members of the crux of the demands placed by the Staff Side of the JCM. National Council before the 7th CPC.  He said that though the memorandum  was exhaustive, reasoning out the demands clearly, given the attitude of the Government, many of the genuine issues might not be getting a favorable response from the Government.  The Commission, though headed by a Justice of the Supreme Court is loaded with bureaucrats who are duty bound to abide by the directive of the Finance Ministry.  With all the debilities, he pleaded that the Pensioners must be optimistic as has been shown by the Defence Service personnel raising their demand for one rank one pension.  The comrades who assembled raised various queries, which was replied by Com. Kutty.   The meeting decided to form an adhoc committee with Com. V.K. Sreedharan as Chairman and Com. Ashok Salunkhe as the Convenor.  They will work out modalities for enrolling members and holding a State convention by  February, 2016.   The meeting also formed a legal committee to draft a suitable constitution for the association taking into account the various provisions of the Maharashtra State Societies Act.   The ITEF comrades rendered all help and assistance in the conduct of the meeting as the same was held in the shamiana at the Income tax premises (Aayakar Bhawan) Mumbai. 

Annual General meeting at Delhi.

               The first AGM of Delhi I.T. Retired Persons welfare Association was held at Delh9i (Conference fall, Income tax Office, Civic Centre, D. Block) on 3.9.2015. Com. Lajpat Rai, President of the Association, presided over the function.  The Chief Guest on the occasion was Shri Sudhir Chandra, former Chairman, Central Board of Direct Taxes.  Other Guests of honour were Shri P.J. Thomas, former Chairman, CVC  and former Chief Secretarfy, Kerala, Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra, General Secrfertaqry, AIRF and Secretary, Staff Side, National Council, JCM, Com. K.K.N. Kutty, President Confederation of CGE and workers, General Secretary, Incometax Pensioners Federation.  Com. Ashok Kanojia, President, ITEF, CHQ. and Shri M>M. Kapoor of BPS greeted the meeting.  The AGM was well attendedand the hall was packed to the brim. Com. Lajpat Rai in his presidential address touched upo:
(a)    Expansion of membership
(b)    Corpus fund
(c)    Facility of room and guest house
(d)    Excursion tour within India and abroad;
(e)    CGHS related problems

`              Com. Baswanad, General Secretary  gave a report of the Assoiciation’s acitiviites of the last one year and Com. Aggarwal presented the account.  Com. Shiv Gopal Misra enlightened the members of various pensioners’demands placed before the 7th CPC by the Staff Side.  Com. Kutty detailed the efforts undertaken to form the ITPF and its first convention at Haridwar. Shri P.C. Thomas addressed the house and greeted the members.   Later, the members who have crossed the age of 80 years were honoured. 

               To conclude the AGM in a hilarious manner, a hasya kavi sammelan was organized in which two renowed artists participated i.e. S/Shri Aggravanshi and Deepak Gupta.  It was announced that the next AGM will be held on 17th December, 2015  to observe Pensioners ‘day

                                             Com. KKN. Kutty addressing the Delhi AGM


On the diaz are (L to R) Com. K.K.N. Kutty, Shri P.C.Thomas, Shri

Sudhir Chandra, Com. Lajpat Rai, and Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra.

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NCCPA CIRCULAR DT23 september 2022

NATIONAL CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS. (Registered under the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021 PAN No.  AAEAN858...