Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Manishinath Bhawan
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi.110 027.

Website: itpfchq.blogspot.com.
E mail address: itpfchq@gmail.com.

Dated: 25th March, 2018..

All Office bearers :

Dear Comrades,

                We have sent you the following SMS which we hope you must have received.
ITPF  meeting on 16.4.2018 at Hyderabad. Notice on website.  All. Sectt. Members to attend. Kutty.

The  Sectt. meeting is being convened to give effect to our decision taken at the Kolkata meeting that the Sectt.  must meet once in three months at different places to boost the functioning of the Federation. As you are aware, at Kolkata meeting, the comrades from Hyderabad had agreed to host the next meeting. We had also indicated the tentative date would be 16th April, 2018.  Enclosed herewith is the formal notice. We request all to book the ticket to Hyderabad.  The meeting will commence at2.30 PM and shall be concluded at 6.00PM.  You may kindly make your return journey plan accordingly.  Com.S.K.Sharma and Com.Mittal and com.Negi will take steps to get in touch with the registration authorities and  do the needful to get registration for the ITPF.

                All members are requested to get in touch with Com. Suryaprasad whose mobile number is given  hereunder to know the venue and such other arrangements for the conduct of the meeting.

                                COM.SURYAPRASAD. 09177994424

                With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

Secretary General.


Notice is hereby givenfor ameeting of the National Sectt. of the ITPF at Hyderabad on 16th April, 2018 at 2.30 PM.   The exact venue of the meeting  will be intimated by the Host  Unit. The meeting will discuss the following agenda.

1.       Follow up action on registration.
2.       MACP Supreme court decision. Exploring the possibility of going to Court.
3.       Organisational development at different  affiliates levels.
4.       Finance.
5.       Journal subscription.
KKN Kutty.
Secretary General.


E MAIL: itpfchq@gmail.com
Website address:itpfchq.blogspot.com
Dated: 10.09.2016

Dear Comrade,
The National Executive of ITPF was held at Kolkata on 16.12.2017 as per the notice issued on 02.11.2017. 31 comrades attended the meeting representing the following Units.1.Rajastan 2.Mumbai, 3.Orissa, 4.NE Region, 5.UP West, 6.UP East, 6.Andra Pradesh, 7.Karnataka, 8.Delhi, 9.Tamilnadu, 10.West Bengal, 11.Vidharbha, Nagpur, 12.Gujarath
Kerala  informed their inability to depute a comrade to attend the meeting, but promised they would do so at the next meeting. The Units which were unrepresented were:-
a)         Bihar& Jharkhand .  b) MP& Chattisgarh. C) NW Region d) Pune
Excellent arrangements had been made by the host Unit West Bengal at Kolkata. The meeting was held at the Regional Training Institute, Kolkata and Boarding and lodging arrangements were made at the RTI Guest house.The following items had been the agenda for discussion.
1.         Registration
2.         Problems + demands of pensioners.
3.         Participation of NCCPA Dharna Programme
4.         Journal Subscription
5.         Finance
6.         Matter of urgency.
Com. Umesh Mehta, President was in the chair. He was assisted by Com. R.B. Deshpande and Com. Shantikumar. The meeting commenced by paying homage to Com. PS. Rashtrapal and Com. Lajpat Rai, Com. Shambu Prasad, Com. Vinod Behari Srivastava and other departed comrades. The decisions taken briefly are hereunder:
1.         Registration: noted the progress made. A committee consisting of Com. S.K. Sharma, Com. Negi and Com. Mittal was set up. The Secretary General will hold a meeting of the committee in March 2018.
2.         The major problem that came up for decision was the revision of pension. All Unit representatives informed the house the steps taken by them to expedite the revision process. Another important matter was the various issues connected with CGHS and Medical facilities.
The revision of pension on account of the CAT Mumbai judgement over the date of effect of Pay Scale revision of Inspectors and ITOs; the Supreme Court Judgement on date of effect of MACP; Vigilance cases; Review DPC and notional promotion; option No.1 in pension revision recommended by the 7th CPC; Pension Adalat were some of the other issues discussed at the meeting.  The house unanimously opined the NCCPA must explore the possibilities of continuing struggles for getting Option No. 1 accepted by the Govt. The meeting also wanted the NCCPA to take legal recourse for this purpose.
It was informed that the following units have been  provided with Office spaces

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