Friday, 27 December 2019

Manishinath Bhawan,
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi. 110 027.

President: Com. Umesh Mehta
Secretary General: Com.K.K.N. Kutty
Dated: 20th December, 2019.
Dear Comrades,

Report of the al India Conference
of ITPF held at Vadoara
on 7th and  8th December, 2019.

The preparation for the conduct of the all India Conference /Gl. Body meeting was made with a lot of anxiety.  It was mainly concerning of the financial requirement and the possibility of collecting funds in time.  The Vadodara Unit took several decisions to ensure that the conduct of the conference must not suffer from financial crunch.  Accordingly, they decided, in the first meeting itself, to collect donations from their members to meet out the estimated expenditure. However, during the course of translating various decisions into action, they naturally encountered problems connected with the overshooting of the estimate However, every member of the Unit rose to the occasions and they could collect by way of donations from their own members the funds required to meet out various expenses of the conference. Initially many of the comrades were skeptical of the ability of the 200 members to collect the requisite funds.  The original schedule of the conference has to be slightly changed due to mainly of this apprehension.   Com. Umesh had a smiling face when we met on 5th i.e. two days before the commencement of the conference, as he said that the unit decision has been abided by each of their members and the leadership was grateful that they could bring into existence a good precedence to be followed in the years to come by many units. 

Yet another objective was to ensure that the ITPF chq becomes financially strong after the second conference . This was a task, the success of which depended upon the co-operation from all Units.  Till today, the organizers of the conference have no idea as to whether it could at all be achieved.  There had been some admirable response from certain units, while others seems to have ignored altogether the decision.  We are to bringing  out a souvenir to commemorate  the second conference. In view of the lukewarm response from some units, the release of the souvenir has now been shifted to Feb=March, 2020 ie. I any case before the next National Executive Committee meeting.  The Units are therefore, once again requested to kindly procure advertisements so that the souvenir could be released without further loss of time as also to reach the target fixed for the units.

Exemplary and excellent arrangements had been made by the host Unit, Vadodara for the conduct of the conference.  Every delegate had been accommodated in hotels with good comforts.  Those who reached Vadodara before 7th were accommodated at the IT. Guest house.  Extremely good and simple food had been served in both the venues.  Both the principal CCIT, Gujarat and CCIT Vadodara had extended fullest co-operation and the newly built assembly hall was made available for the inaugural session of the conference, in which the Chief Guest was Dr. Ranranjan Singh, CCIT, Baroda. 

Inaugural session.

The session commenced dot on time at 6.00PM on 7th and  was attended besides the delegates the members of ITPF, Vadodara Unit.  The Conference was inaugurated by Co,m. Shiv Gopal Mishra, President, NCCPA and the secretary general, AIRF in the presence of the Chief Guest.  The session was also attended and addressed by  Com. Amitab Dey, Secretary General, ITGOA .,Com. Ropak Sarkar, Secretary General, ITEF,  Com. Ravi Nair, President, ITEF,  Com. Bhat and Madhusudan, President and General Secretary of ITEF, Gujarat Unit, Com. Jadeja, President, ITGOA Gujarat Unit . Com. Umesh Mehta presided over the meeting.  Com.  KKN Kutty presented the issus that would come up for discussion at the business session slated for the next day    Earlier,  Com. J.N. Patel & A.R. Desai on behalf of the host unit welcomed the guests and delegates to the conference.  Com P.M. Shukla proposed the vote of thanks .  The session was concluded exactly at 7.30PM to enable the delegates, guests and observers to take the dinner, which had been arranged by the host unit. 

The National Sectt. Of ITPF met at 8.00 PM to transact  the pre decided agenda and took the following decisions. 

(a)    To comment the report of the Secretary General along with the Statement of accounts for discussion at the conference proper.
(b)   Request the Conference to authorize the Sect. to make the requisite amendments to the constitution  required by the Registrar or Societies.
(c)    To recommend to the conference to nominate com. P.V. Ramachadran to be the Chairman, of both the Steering and Credential Committees.
(d)   To recommend a time table for the conduct of the conference.(the draft presented by the Secretary general was accepted with certain minor modifications)
(e)   To recommend the name of Com. Dhiren Joshi as the Internal Auditor of the ITPF (he will audit the accounts for the years 2015-19 also)
(f)     To allow the delegates to raise the issues  which are not included in the agenda as per the availability of time

Business session.

                The business session commenced at 10.00AM on 8th at the convention hall of the hotel in which the delegates had been accommodated.  Com. Umesh Mehta presided over the meeting.  He was assisted by a presidium consisting of Com. Shanthi Kumar, Com. S.K. Sharma and Com. R.B.Deshpande.   After paying homage to the comrades, who passed away  during the period between 2015-19, Com. President requested for the approval of the agenda for discussion.   Earlier, Com. KKN Kutty had presented the elaborate condolence resolution.   .  The house approved the agenda and the first item i.e. confirmation of the minutes of the last conference was adopted unanimously.  The  proposal of the Sectt to nominate Com. P.V. Ramachandran, as Steering Committee and Credential Committee chairmen were approved.  The discussion on  the report and accounts were taken up together  by the house.  The Secretary General presented a brief resume of the report, which had already been placed on the website and printed copies circulated.  Almost all the units who were present at the session, took  part in the discussions, though it centered around mainly on the work report.  During the discussions, the following points were made out by the delegates.

(a)    The continuing delay in getting registration;
(b)   The flimsy financial position of the CHQ.
(c)    The need to convene a pension adalat at the Board’s level;
(d)   The need to take special steps to form units in NW region and Bihar;
(e)   To have frequent meetings of the Sectt. And the NE meeting every six months
(f)     The proposal to raise the rate of subscription ought to have been placed;
(g)    To ensure that one of the office bearers of the ITPF chq attends the meetings of the Units.
(h)   Appreciated the steps taken to revive units in Pune, vidharba, Kerala and Mumbai
(i)     The non payment of subscription dues by certain units.
While summing up the discussions, the Secretary General accepted most of the proposals made by the delegates  and concretized the same as under:-

1.        The Sectt. meeting will be held once in six months  and the next meting will be at Delhi.
2.       The treasurer will take steps to collect the arrear subscription;
3.       The NCCPA journal intake by ITPF members will be monitored b the treasurer.
4.       The Sectt. Meeting will evolve the ways in which the revival of the functioning of certain units, viz. Pune, M.P. Mumbai and kerala  could be  made possible.
5.       In so far as Gujarat unit, special efforts will be taken to widen the units to Surat and Rajkot regions;
6.       The GB meeting of Kerala Unit slated for 9th Jan 2020 will be attended by the Secretary General.
7.       The setting up of NW region unit will be taken up by the Secretary Geeral and treasurer together on a priority basis to ensure that it is done before the next NE meeting, which is slated to be held at Noida.
8.       Com.S.K.Sharma, besides the registration related work will concentrate on the expansion of the Units to other parts of U.P. especially Kanpur, Dehradun, Bareilly, Varanasi etc.
9.       The registration process is expected to be over by the next NE meeting.
10.   The proposal of raising the subscription rates ,Com.SG stated , was not  possible to be accepted at present.  The same will be thought of at the next conference.
11.   ITPF will pass a resolution demanding the pension adalat at the Board’s level.
12.   Secretary General wil undertake tours to revamp the existing units as also in setting up new units.
13.   The next NE meting will be held at NOIDA, Sectt. At Delhi and the conference at Mumbai.
14.   The commemorative souvenir will be brought about before the Next NE meeting.  All Units wil be again reminded to collect advertisements to strengthen the financial base of the CHQ
15.   The house authorized the.Sect. (which was specifically sought for )to carry out the requisite amendments to the constitution to enable it to get the registration from the competent authorities.

With the above assurances and proposals, the audited accounts ( for the years 2015-16,2016-17,2017-18,, 2018-19 and the receispt and payment account for the period from. 1.4.2019 to 3011-2019) and the report of the Secretary General were accepted and approved by the house.  There had been no issues for discussion under agenda item No. c and d. 
Agenda No. f.Policy and programme:  The  Secretary General formally placed the resolution on policy and programme which was a verbatim reproduction of the same of the NCCPA.  The house adopted the same  and also decided to carry out all the programs of the NCCPA.   The Sectt. Was also authorized to chalk out programmes of action as needed to pursue the I.T Pensioners related issues.  The house requested that a specific programme may be taken if possible at the level of NCCPA to provide support and solidarity of the working employees who will be on strike on 8.1.2020. (NOTE: The National Sectt. Of NCCPA met on 15th and  has decided to cal upon al units to organize either dharna or demonstration on 7th jointly at a central place in all State Capitals and district h.qrs.)

Agenda Item No.(g). Demands:   The members were given a copy of the resolutions adopted at the conference of the NCCPA on pensioner related demands and the compendium of suggestions on CGHS related issues.   There was a detailed discussion on the CGHS problems.   It was decided to endorse those resolutions .  This apart, the house discussed and directed the sect , to attend on the  following matters.

1.       The notional pay fixation with effect from 1.1.1996 in the case of Inspectors and Officers, whose pay scales were revised in 2004. Matter pending before Mumbai high court and Kolkata High Courts;
2.       Fixation of pay of Inspectos on .1.1.2006  at Rs. 7450.   Court case in which the ITEF is a party at Delhi Tribunal.  The case has been disposed in favour of the applicant.  The Govt. is still to act upon it.
3.       MACP w.e.f. 1.1.2006.  To file the case before the Delhi Tribunal.
4.       Award of an increment forthose who retire on 30th June
5.       Option No.1. to go to court even if the NCCPA does not go.

There had been no isues for discussion under agenda Item No. (h)
Agenda Item NO. (i). The house adopted the recommendation of the Sectt. To appoint Com.Dhiren Joshi as the Internal Auditor for the ensuing term.

Agenda(b): Election of office bearers.

                The following comrades were elected as the office bearers for the ensuing term of office.
1.       Patron:                                                         Shri Sudhir Chandra(Delhi)
2.       Advisor                                                        V.K. Sreedharan(Mumbai)
3.       President:                                                   Umesh Mehta(Gujarat)
4.       Vice Presidents:
(a) Shanthi Kumar(Andhra Pradesh)
(b) Ashok Salunkhe(Mumbai)
©  R.B.Deshpande(Karnataka)
(d) P.V. Ramachandran(M.P)
(e) S.K.Sharma(Meerut)
(f) R.N. Mohanty(Orissa)
  5. Secretary General                                       K.K.N. Kutty(Tamiln adu)
  6. Addl. Secretary                                            Baswanand(Delhi)
  7. Finance Secretary                                       C.M.Badola(Meerur)
8. Asst. Secretaries:                                     
  (a) R.P. Chaudhary(Rajasthan)
   (b)Sheoji Mishra(Allahabad)
 9. Organising Secretaries:   
 1. Com. Perumal (Tamilnadu)
2. G. Surya Prasad(A.P)
   3. Srinivasa Shetty(Karnataka)
 4. E.P.K.Vasudevan(Mumbai)
 5. N.M.Bhat(Gujarat)
  6. Shekawat(Rajastan)
 7. Vijay Singh Negi (Delhi)
  8. V.K. Bajpai (Lucknow)
  9. Geetha Ghoshal (West Bengal)
   10. Sarbananda Das (NE Region)
 11. K.T. Unnikrishnan (Kerala)
  12. Chikate (Nagpur)
  13.R.K.Goyal (Ghaziabad)
  14. P.B.Sarvalkar (Kolhapur)
 10. Auditor:            Com. Bhiren Joshi (Gujarat)       

Agenda (f)  Any other matter :
                Com.President detailed the discussion at the last NE meeting  in the matter of bringing out a souvenir  to commemorate the annual Conference. He said that it could not be done mainly due to the non receipt of funds from the Units.  He wanted the house to permit the sectt. to make more efforts in this direction.  After some discussions, it was agreed that the souvenir might be released after procuring some more advertisements before the next NE meting, which is slated to be held at Noida.  All Units were requested to take renewed efforts to achieve the targets. e said H  

                The newly elected team of office bearers were invited to the diaz thereafter and introduced to the house.  The next sect. meeting would be held in March 2020 at Delhi.  Thereafter the Secretary General on behalf of the affiliated units and the sect. profusely thanked the host unit and its volunteer comrades for the exemplary manner they had acquitted themselves in discharging the onerous functions entrusted to them ,  He added that the arrangements for both the conduct of the conference and for boarding and lodging of the comrades were simply excellent and would be remembered for a long time by the delegates who attended the conference.  He especially thanked the comrades who undertook the job of volunteering to help the comrades who have come from various parts of the country even at the very advanced age, some of them drove their own vehicles to complement the conveyance arrangements.  It would be remembered for the money saved but for the spirit with which the members of Vadodara Unit had responded, he further stated. The conference was declared closed by the President, thereafter with a request to the delegates to inform the transport committee of their return journey details so as to enable them to pick them from the hotels and drop them at the Railway Station or airport as the case may be.  The conference was concluded at 6.00 PM.  List of units who deployed delegates to attend the conference is attached. 

List of Units:

1.       Kerala, 2. Tamilnadu, 3. Andhra Pradesh, 4. Karnataka, 5. Vidharbha,  6.Mumbai,  7. Pune,  8. Madhya Pradesh. 9. Rajasthan.  10. U.P. Meerut, 11. U.P. Allahabad. 12. U.P. Ghaziabad. 13. Orissa, 14. West Bengal, 15 N.E. Region. 16. Gujarat, Baroda. 

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NCCPA CIRCULAR DT23 september 2022

NATIONAL CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS. (Registered under the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021 PAN No.  AAEAN858...