Manishinath Bhawan
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027
E mail.
President: Com. Umesh Mehta
Secretary General. Com. K.K.N. Kutty
Dated: 11TH November, 2020.
Dear Comrade,
The National Secretariat of ITPF met today at 3.00PM. The video meeting was presided over by Com. Umesh Mehta. After observing two minutes silence for the comrades who passed away during the period between the last and the present meeting, the agenda items were taken up for discussion.
Journal: Com. Secretary General explained the circumstances under which the decision was taken to pubish the journal through electronic medium. He explained that the electronic copy would not be a replacement of the print copy. Efforts had been taken to bring out the magazine in print form. As and when it is published the same would be dispatched to the subscribers The electronic copies are being sent through e mail and are placed on website. This, he added was to help the comrades to access the publication as quickly as possible. Regarding the subscription it was clarified that the payment of subscription for the journal may continue to be made as before. It would be better that the state secretaries collect the individual contribution from the subscribers and remit the same to the Kolkata office. The copies will be sent to the residential address of the pensioner member. The electronic copies would be sent only to those comrades who subscribe to the magazine.
NCCPA programme in support of the working class strike slated for 26th November, 2020. The issue was discussed at length. It was finally decided to endorse the decision of the NCCPA. Accordingly, the comrades, who are staying nearby the office premises in each metro cities wouldl if health permits, to go over and organise demonstration/dharna abiding by the State directives on Covid on 25th. Others will send a communication to the Central Trade Unions, Confederation etc. assuring of the support of the pensioner community towards the struggle. Similar letters will also be written to the Government requesting them to settle the issues by the individual member.
Other issues discussed:
On question of grant of one increment and such other issues, viz. MACP etc, it was decided that the concerned State unit depending upon the members involved will agitate before the Tribunals.
Com. Secretary General will circulate a draft letter addressed to the Cabinet Secretary regarding the litigation issue on the question of pay fixation after revision of pay scales of Inspectors and ITOs in 2004. On receipt of the feedback, the letter would be finalised.
The problems faced by the pensioner comrades of Kerala in the matter of procedural tangles for transfer of registration from one centre to another and taking treatment at the new wellness centres at Calicut, Kannur and Ernakulum will be communicated to the Secretary in the form of a Note. Com. Secretary General will take up the issue with the authorities.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
Secretary General.
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