Manishinath Bhawan
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027
E mail.
President: Com. Umesh Mehta
Secretary General. Com. K.K.N. Kutty
Dated: 14th December, 2020
Dear Comrade,
We are sending herewith the circular letter of NCCPA of 14th December, 2020, in connection with the observance of Indian Pensioners day on 17th December, 2020. Kindly go through the same. A web meeting of the National Executive of ITPF will be held on 17th December, 2020 at 11.00AM. The link will be sent to all the members in due course. Kindly make it convenient to attend the webinar. After the observance of the pensioners day, we may discuss for a few minutes of the specific issues to be taken up with the Government. In the last meeting, we discussed about the need to make available the coronoa vaccine at the CGHS dispensaries We will further discuss the issue and other matters. The members will be permitted to raise the issues for discussion We expect to conclude the meeting latest by 12.30 PM.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.
Dear Comrades,
The historic Judgement in D.S. Nakara and others was delivered on 17th December, 1982. The judgement coming from the highest court of the land, which considered pension as an inalienable right of the wage earner became a landmark nor only in our country but also the world over. The impact and implication of the judgement was so significant that it rejuvenated the pensioners movement in India and transformed it into fighting organisations. Pensioners as a community got the self respect as the society and the Government characterizing pension as a gratis had reduced them to the status of parasites. The very requirement of financial security in the evening of one’s life came to the fore after the spectacular observation of the learned Judges that the pension was indeed a deferred wage. The struggles that got impetus thereafter brought the parity question to the centre stage of deliberations and the cementing factor for building united movement of pensioners. The united campaigns, petitions, struggles , agitatioonal programmes, made the successive Pay Commissions to address the parity question with the consideration it deserved. The victory over that issue, as every success in life, provided the requisite confidence to march ahead. Observing or commemorating that day Is the most apt and appropriate action, the pensioners organisations must do . NCCPA thus requests all its affiliates, State Committees and the Branch formations to observe the day in a befitting manner that demands the occasion to the best of their ability.
In our very considered opinion, we must also dedicate this day to express our solidarity and support with the fighting farmers of the country. We salute their determination, courage and unflinching faith in the organisation and organised peaceful resistance against the authoritarian attitude from whichever corner it emanates. We must also take lesson from the way they have gone about projecting their issues despite all odds and repressive measures and the insurmountable difficulties created by using brutal police power. Let us remember the sad fact that when the most important service benefit of the civil servants, the statutory pension, was taken away, our resistance did not unfortunately reach the pinnacle and could not compel the rulers to retrace. One day and it must not be far away, we must emulate the farming community to ensure that every Indian on reaching the age of sixty will become entitled for pension. This promise will make the observance of 17th December, 2020 different from the previous occasions and should provide us the impetus to work hard to achieve that objective. We once again salute the farmer brothers.
Yours fraternally,
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