Monday, 4 July 2022

celebration of ITPF Foundation Day at Mumbai on 4th June 2022






Manishinath Bhawan,

A/2/95 Rajouri Garden

‘New Delhi. 110 027.

22nd June, 2022

Dear Com.

The foundation day celebration  was held at Aakar Bhawan, Shamiana, Mumbai on 4th  June, 2022 . The ITPF flag which was designed in consultation with all Units was hoisted by Com. Umesh Mehta, President  at 10.30 AM in the presence of the National Executive Committee members and active comrades of ITEF and members of ITPF , Mumbai Unit.  The unfurling of flag was greeted by raising slogans and was followed by the song “We shall overcome  - Hum Honga kamiyab- by lady comrades of ITEF Mumbai Unit.   Com. Umesh Mehta in his brief speech reminded the comrades of the strenuous efforts they had undertaken in building a strong movement of Income tax employees and requested them to spend their rest of the life to build up equally strong ITPF.   The flag hoisting was flowed by placing flowers at the martyrs’ column.

The convention which was planned as part of the celebration commenced at 11.15 AM. Very many pensioner comrades, from Mumbai  despite their failing heath had attended the function, notable was the presence of Com.VKS, President of Mumbai Unit and Com. H. Syed Shajahan.  Com. VKS attended the function with the help of his son and Com.Shajahan came over despite excruciating back pain.   The National Executive expressed their gratitude to these two comrades.  

On behalf of the host Unit, Com.Ashok Salunkhe welcomed the guest and members of NE as also the active comrades of ITEF and members of ITPF .  The convention was presided over by com. Umesh  Mehta,  Despite being a holiday, the hall could not accommodate all comrades and had to arrange alternate arrangements outside the hall. The convention paid homage to all the comrades, who passed  away especially during the covid period. The main speaker at the convention was the great Indian Journalist and social workers, Shri P. Sainath who had won the internationally famous Japanese award and the  Ramon Magsasay Award.  He is better known to the Indian People for the crusade he had undertaken to bring to light the plight of the Indian Farmers after the neo-liberal economic policies,  which had snatched the life of many of them.  But for the untiring efforts, the plight of farmers, which drove them to commit suicide would never have been known to the world.   He was introduced to the house by Com. K.K.N. Kutty, Secretary General, ITPF and in the speech which lasted for more than an hour,  he touched upon the various contours of Indian Economy in the post-liberal period.   He drew the attention of the audience to the growing inequality, the  widening gap between the have and have nots in the society, contrary to the constitution directive to the Government to bring in an egalitarian society.  During the covid period the country’s economy  had nosedived, a world phenomenon.  But even before that tragic period, the economy had been in a recessionary trend.   The economic growth had been stunted and the policy decisions like demonetisation etc. had only accentuated the process.  While the economy registered a negative growth during the tragic period,  the rich in the country had amassed wealth during that  occasion,.   While the poverty had been rising phenomenally, pushing India’s position further down in the comity of Nations, the country registered a huge rise in the dollar billionaires.  The number of dollar billionaires had risen to 160 and the top among them had increased his wealth by 400%  during this period.  The lamentation of the Government of having not enough resources to provide succour to the poor people,  he said was untrue.   It was in fact the unwillingness on the part of the Government to tax the corporate houses and wealthy people is very much visible.   He pointed out that through the bail-out packages, the Government has transferred millions to the corporate houses.   The country’s democracy has become for the corporate and by the corporate.   He added that if the Government reintroduce the wealth-tax which was abolished in 2016, and make it applicable at least  to the dollar billionaires, the country could  easily collect 59 Trillion rupees, sufficient for the entire outlay for MNREGA scheme for the next 24 years.  The reversal of these policies would not come about, he added, unless struggles are organised with determination as was done by the farmers of the country.  It was their determination that had brought laurels to their movement and one should remember that the promises held out to them are still to be honoured.   Our host unit has recorded the full speech and sooner we shall place the full text of it on our website.  

The convention was greeted by Com.Arvind Trivedi, President, ITGOA,  Com. Roopak Sarkar, Secretary General, ITEF, Com. M.S. Vengatesan, President, ITEF,  Com. Ravi B. Nair, President,  Confederation of Central Government employees and workers,  Com. Santhosh Nair, General Secretary, ITEF Mumbai Unit,  Com. Gupta, Secretary, ITGOA Mumbai Unit.  The convention was concluded by a vote of thanks by Com. Ashok Salunkhe.

The National Executive met immediately thereafter.  Almost all States were represented at the meeting except, Bihar, NW Region, Pune, Nagpur and Allahabad.  While Sheoji Misra had informed of his inability to attend the meeting  due to his prior domestic commitment,  Com.Chikate from Nagpur could not make it for not getting reservation at the last minute.  There had been no information from Com. Sarvalkar  of Pune Unit. Shri Sudhir Chandra had informed of his inability to attend the function due to some function  in his family.   The meeting also could not discuss the financial matters as Com. Badola who had fractured his leg could not come over to the meeting.   However, he had circulated the due statement of each Unit.  Com. President requested the comrades to clear off the arrears on account of subscription.  

The meeting then discussed the need for some action programme in respect of the deteriorating health facilities especially in the matter of CGHS beneficiaries and the denial of arrears of DR for 18 months by the Government.  Com. Secretary General informed the house that the confederation who represent the working employees are also concerned of this issue and they have assured him of some concerted action when they meet on 14th June, 2022 at New Delhi.  The meeting suggested to organise some demonstrative action before Nirman Bhawan, especially in the matter of the health care facilities.  Comrades  who participated in the programme wanted simultaneous action at the State level so that it will catch the attention of the authorities.  

Organisational.  The meeting was of the opinion that the Secretary General should pay visit to Bihar and North West Region to bring about ITPF units there.   It was also decided that while the Unit conference may be held once in two years or three years, the General Body meetings of the Central and State Units are required to be held as per the provisions of the registration Act and information may be provided to the CHQ in this regard.  It is better, the meeting concluded that one of the Sectt. Members attend such meetings and report to the CHQ of the proceedings.   The meeting discussed the proposal made by the Secretary General for affiliation with TUI of WFTU.  After some discussions, it was agreed upon.

The meeting decided that the foundation day hereafter must be an annual affair and must be observed in all States and at the CHQ on 4th June.  The customary message from the President will be circulated well in advance of the date.  Every Unit  which was present at the meeting  was handed over a flag and one sheet of the letterhead where the logo of the ITPF has been depicted.   All the participants expressed their happiness over the excellent arrangements made by the host Unit for the function  and expressed their gratitude .   The meeting was concluded at 2.45 PM.  The lunch was provided at the IT. Canteen for which great efforts had been undertaken by Com. Warkhade,.  On behalf of the National Sectt. Com. President praised him for the gesture.   The decisions taken at the meeting is briefly enumerated as under:=

To revitalise the functioning of Units.  Hold GB. Meeting annually. Invite one of the National Sectt. Members for the said meeting.

Make remittances to the CHQ of the arrear subscription.

CHQ will continue its efforts to get the registration under the T.U. Act.

CHQ will circulate the account for the year 2020=21, and 2021-22. The Sectt. Is authorised to appoint the CA for auditing the accounts.

June, 4th every year will be observed as the foundation day by the CHQ as well as Units.

CHQ will take stesp to file the requisite statements to the Registrar of Socieities.

 The flag and logo will be used by all Units.

Steps will be taken to collect funds for looking after the comrades who would be coming to Delhi to participate in the programme before Nirman Bhawan.

CHQ will make the payment of NCCPA dues.

Application  for affiliation with TUI  of WFTU will be sent by the Secretary Genera

 The Secretary General will visit Patna and NW region to bring about functioning units in these states.  

The National Executive concluded its deliberation with the thanks giving speech of Com. Secretary General.  He profusely thanked the host unit for getting up the function in an excellent manner and the arrangements made for the comfortable stay of the N.E. members.

With greetings

Yours fraternally


K.K.N. Kutty.

Secretary General.




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