Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Manishinath Bhawan
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi.110 027.

E mail address:

Dated: 28th March, 2016.

All Office bearers :
Dear Comrades,

                We had sent you an SMS proposing to hold the meeting of the office bearers at Delhi on 18th April, 2016.  As you are aware, we had earlier given notice for a meeting to consider the recommendations of the 7th CPC.  Since the submission of the report was delayed by 4 months, we had to per force postpone the meeting.  We had been communicating you the developments in the negotiation with the Government on recommendations concerning common issues.  The negotiation has come to a halt after the notification for election of five State assemblies was announced.  There is no likelihood of the talks resuming before 19th May, 20p16. 

                In the meantime we have submitted a Note  concerning the points to be considered by the ECS in respect of retired personnel.  These issues were discussed by the Staff Side of the JCM and most of them have been incorporated in their letter to the Cabinet Secretary.  Apart from the common issues, there might be some issues which are of importance to us and will have to be taken up separately.

                We,therefore give notice for the meeting of the office bearers on 18th April, 2016 at Delhi.  We are in touch with the ITEF Delhi Unit to have the meeting at the Civic C entre.  This could be finalised only on 6th.  We shall send you another communication thereafter.   We propose to discuss the following issues at themeeting.

1.       7th CPC recommendations: Formulation of points for improvement and
Discussion with the appropriate authorities.
2.       Organisational structure: States: Steps to be taken to ensure the formation of StateUnits.
3.       Finance.
4.       Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
We propose to hold the meeting at 2.30 PM so that the comrades  can reach in time for the meeting.  We must conclude the deliberation latest by 6.00PM.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.

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