Monday, 25 April 2016

Manishinath Bhawan
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi.110 027.

E mail address:

Dated: 25th April, 2016.


All Office bearers :

Dear Comrades,

The meetings of ITPF CHQ Secretariat was held at New Delhi. (R.No.G-2 E-2 Block, Civic Centre) on 18th April 2016 as scheduled. We had the attendance of the following comrades-

Com. Lajpat Rai,- Advisor and Patron from Delhi
Com. Umesh Mehta- President from Gujarath
Com. Santi Kumar- Vice President From AP
Com. KKN Kutty -Secretary General
Com. Baswanand- Addl. Secretary from Delhi
Com. R.N.Mohanti- Organising Secretary from Orissa
Com. S.K. Bhargava –do---from Orissa
Com S.K.Sharma- vice president from Meerut
Com. CM. Badola- Finance Secretary from Meerut
Com. R.S. Shekhawat -Oranising Secretary from Rajastan
Com. Gopal singh Jadoo—do—from Rajastan
Com. V.K Bajpai ---do----from Lucknow
Com. Tapan Deb Burman-----do--- from Bengal
Com. Vijay Singh Negi---do—from Delhi
Com. Ashok Salunkhe ---do—from Mumbai
Com. Shambu Prasad. Bihar, Patna

Com. K.T. Unnikrishnan from Kerala, Com. Deshpande, Com. Srinivas Shetty from Karnataka, Com. V.K. Sreedharan from Mumbai, com. Sarbanda Das from Guwahati Com.  PV.Ramachandran from Bhopal had intimated their inability to attend the meeting. No intimation was received from other office Bearers.
The meeting was presided over by Com. Umesh Mehta. The agenda wise decisions are as under.
7th CPC recommendations.
The points taken up with the Govt. were detailed. The details thereof are available in our previous circular letter.  The Government’s reaction over the demands, Com.Kutty said would be available only by the end of May, 2016.

Comrades from Karnataka had raised the following points in their communication which was placed before the meeting for discussion.
Revision of Pension. Change needed in the multiplication factor.  The multiplication factor would undergo change once the minimum as determined by the 7th CPC. Is revised by the Government during negotiation.
Uniform Multiplication factor. They wanted the uniform multiplication factor to be applied in the determination of the pay matrix for various levels.  Com. Kutty said that the same has been taken up already with the Government.  However, the same is linked with the determination of the minimum wage, he added.
To count the number of increments earned instead of the number of years of service one has put in  the computation of Pension under Option 2 stipulated by the 7th CPC. Thisis to take care of the advance increments gained by the I.T. employees  and officers for passing the various examinations. It was pointed out at the meeting that the demand before the Government in this regard is could be formulated only when their decision in this regard is made known.
To increase the 7 year norm to 10 year for enhanced family pension
Increasing FMA. Etc . The demand before the Government is to enhance the FMA toRs. 2000 p.m.                                                 
Commutation value to be refunded after 12 years.   The working in this regard sent by the Karnataka affiliate will be placed on the website whereby the demand for refund of the value after 12 years gets justified.

Department Specific Issues.
As you are aware the ITGOA had filed a case before the CAT Mumbai for the nominal fixation benefit from.1.1.1996 in the case of Inspectors and Officers when the  pay scales were  revised to Rs. 6500-10500  and 7450-12000 respectively.  Though the CAT judgement was in favour of the employees the Government has gone to high court, where the matter is pending for years.  After some discussions, it was decided that Com. Ashok Salunkhe will take necessary steps to get the matter. Sorted out in the court. He will get in touch with Com. Bhaskar Battacharya SG ITGOA  and will do the needful. 
Welfare Fund
The SG/ Addl. Secretary will meet the Chairman in July to present this matter. They will also insist upon the setting up of  pension Adalath in Income Tax Department.
CGHS related problems
A note will be prepared by the Secretariat and taken up with Ministry of Health comprehensive.

Organizational matters
Registration of ITPF was considered as the most important issue and the meeting decided to give up most urgently for it.
The affiliates which  are registered under the Society’s Act shall send the copy of constitution/ By laws etc to the CHQ(both the soft and hard copy).Other formalities will be completed by the Addl. Secretary Com. Baswanand and the paper work made ready by end of July 2016.

The president/ SG or Addl. Secretary will make visit to those units where primary works has not yet   been commenced. Priority was decided to be to be given to NW Region, UP East and West Bihar and Rajastan in the first phase

Periodical meeting of the Office Bearers of ITPF will be convened. The next meeting shall be on 4.9.2016 at New Delhi.

Com. C.M. Badola,Finance Secretary indicated the fund position. All affiliates will be requested  to immediately remit the subscriptions.
The meeting decided that Com. Lajpat Rai would henceforth function as the patron of the ITPF and Shri Sudhir Chandra as Chief Patron
Any other matter
Various issues were discussed viz. the health insurance scheme, CGHS    accommodations in the State Units in the Offices, pending disciplinary proceedings of comrades, The BCPC meetings etc.
The meeting was then concluded at 5.30. PM 

With greetings,
Yours fraternally,

Secretary General.
Copy for information of all members placed on the ITPF website.

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