Dear Comrades,
Placed here under is the copy of the Constitution of ITPF (Memorandum of Association and Rules and regulations) as approved both at the Haridwar Convention and later at the Sectt, meeting held at New Delhi. We request all of you to kindly go through the same for any omission or commission and write back to us immediately for necessary action at our end.Once the same is submitted to the Registrar of Societies, it would be difficult to carry out any amendment atleast for some time to come.We again remind the General Secretaries/Secretaries ofthe affiliated Associations to kindly send to us (both by post and by e mail)copy of their constitution if the same has been registered by the respective Registrar of societies. We need this for submitting applications. The full address, PAN No.of the Association etc. may also be sent to us. with greetings, yours sincerely, KKN. Kutty. Secretary General.
Placed here under is the copy of the Constitution of ITPF (Memorandum of Association and Rules and regulations) as approved both at the Haridwar Convention and later at the Sectt, meeting held at New Delhi. We request all of you to kindly go through the same for any omission or commission and write back to us immediately for necessary action at our end.Once the same is submitted to the Registrar of Societies, it would be difficult to carry out any amendment atleast for some time to come.We again remind the General Secretaries/Secretaries ofthe affiliated Associations to kindly send to us (both by post and by e mail)copy of their constitution if the same has been registered by the respective Registrar of societies. We need this for submitting applications. The full address, PAN No.of the Association etc. may also be sent to us. with greetings, yours sincerely, KKN. Kutty. Secretary General.
Name: The name of the
Association shall be the “Income-tax Pensioners’ Federation” hereinafter
referred to as ITPF.
Headquarters: The
headquarters of the ITPF shall be at New
JURISDICTION: The jurisdiction of the ITPF extends to whole of
India. Any dispute arising from the action
taken in consonance with the provisions of this constitution shall, therefore,
only be under the jurisdiction of the Courts of law situated in New Delhi.
4. Aims and objects: The aims and objects shall be:-
(i) To organize the pensioners of Income-tax
Department and formation of Pensioners’ Associations.
(ii) To
secure, protect, promote and safeguard the interests and rights of the
Income-tax Pensioners and Family Pensioners and to take such measures as may be
necessary to achieve the objectives.
(iii) To take such
measures as considered necessary to ensure speedy implementation of orders of
the Central Govt. or of judicial decrees under which relief to pensioners is
(iv) To affiliate with
National Co-ordination Committee of Pensioners’ Associations.
(V) To work in co-ordination with
organizations having similar objectives for the wellbeing of the members of the
(vi) Promotion of education, health,
literature, fine arts, charity and sports among members of affiliated
Associations and their families.
(vii) To co-ordinate and guide the activities of
the affiliated Associations.
(viii) To do all such things as are incidental to
or conducive to the attainment of the aims and objects mentioned above.
NOTE: 1. All the income, earnings,
moveable, immovable properties of the ITPF shall be solely utilized and applied
towards the promotion of its aims and objects set forth in the memorandum of
association and no profit thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or
indirectly by way of dividends, bonus,
profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or past members of the ITPF
or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present and past
Note 2: No member of the Federation shall have any personal
claim on any moveable or immovable properties of the ITPF or make any
profit, whatsoever by virtue of its membership.
1. Name: The
name of the Association shall be the “Income-tax Pensioners’ Federation” hereinafter referred to as ITPF.
2. Headquarters:
The headquarters of the ITPF shall be at A/2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi.
3. Jurisdiction.
The jurisdiction of the Federation extends to the whole of India. Any dispute arising
from the action taken in consonance with the provisions of this constitution
shall, therefore, only be under the jurisdiction of the Courts of law situated
in New Delhi.
4. Membership:
Any Association/Union of the Pensioners of the Income-tax Department shall be
eligible to become a member of ITPF provided it agrees to abide by the rules
and regulations of ITPF. The Associations/Unions , which are so admitted
as members will abide by the decisions taken by the ITPF.
5. Admission.
Any Association/Union of pensioners of Income-tax Department desirous of
becoming a member shall make an application in writing to the Secretary
General, ITPF together with affiliation fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand
only) along with a copy of its memorandum of Association and Rules and
Regulations or Bye laws as the case may be together with latest annual report
and audited statements of accounts if any, giving the number of its
members. The Secretariat will be competent to admit such
Association/Union as a member of ITPF.
6. Forfeiture of
(a) Any affiliated member
Association/Union may be disqualified of its membership of the ITPF if it is in
default of subscription for more than one year or it is working against the
interest of the ITPF. The disqualification is done by the Working
Committee after affording an opportunity of being heard to such
Association/Union by the Secretariat.
(b) Such membership may be restored on payment
of all dues subject to the approval of the Secretariat.
7. Subscription.
All affiliated Association/Union shall pay an annual Subscription to the
ITPF as follows:
(a) Membership upto 500. Rs. 2000 p.a
(b)Membership: 500-1000 Rs.
3000 p.a.
1000-2000 Rs. 4000p.a
(d)Membership above 2000 Rs.
8. Organisation and
management.: For the management, administration and governance of the
ITPF there shall be
(i) Delegates Conference;
(ii) Working Committee
(iii) Secretariat
9. Delegates Conference.
(a) The Delegates
conference shall be the supreme body of the ITPF consisting of the Secretariat;
working committee members and delegates authorized by the affiliated
units. The Association/Unions may send one delegate for every 100 members
or part thereof subject to a minimum of one delegate for each affiliated unit. The conference shall ordinarily
meet once in three years at a convenient place and time to be formally notified
and will consider inter alia the following agenda.
(i) To consider
and adopt the report of the Secretary General and audited statement of accounts
approved by the Working Committee
(ii) To
elect Office bearers.
(iii) To consider matters as
may be referred to by the working committee.
(iv) To amend the
constitution for which proper notice is given
(v) To pass resolutions for which prior
notice is given.
(vi) To consider the budget
estimates for the next term.
(vii) To appoint Internal auditor
and Chartered Accountant for the ensuing term.
(viii) To consider any other with
the permission of the President or the Chair
10. Special Delegates
Conference: A Special Delegates conference may be convened
(a) on the recommendation of
the Working Committee
(b) On a requisition
made by not less than two third of the affiliates.
(c) On
the directions of the Registrar
11. Notice.:
The notice for the Delegates conference shall be given at least 45 days in
advance and Special Conference 30 days.
12. Quorum:
The quorum for conference and special conference shall be one third of the
total number of affiliates. In the event of quorum being not available
within 30 minutes of the scheduled time of the meeting, the meeting shall be
adjourned for 30 minutes. If there is still no quorum the adjourned
meeting can proceed with the members present and transact business notified in
the agenda.
13. Voting Power:
Voting power of each affiliated unit shall be on the basis of one vote for
every hundred members of part thereof subject to a minimum of one vote for each
affiliated unit. Every delegate who is present in the conference shall
have one vote. The President of the Conference shall have the casting
14. Working Committee:
The Working Committee shall consist of Members of the Secretariat and
Secretary/ General Secretary of the affiliated units or any other office bearer
nominated by the affiliated association/union to represent its Secretary
/General Secretary and shall meet once in a year to consider inter alia the
To consider annual report
of the Secretary General
To consider and approve
audited accounts
(iii) To consider resolutions
(iv) To consider any other matter with the permission of the chair.
Note: Decision in
the Working Committee shall be taken on the basis of views expressed by
majority of the members present in the meeting.
15. Secretariat:
The Secretariat shall consists of the following: -
1. Chief Patron;
2. Patron
3 The President
4. Six Vice Presidents
5. Secretary General
6. Additional Secretary General
7. Joint Secretary.
8. Finance secretary
9. Six Assistant Secretaries who shall be nominated by the
President in consultation with and the consent of the Secretary General.
10. One Organising
Secretary for each affiliate nominated by the respective affiliate.
a. The Members of the
Secretariat shall be the primary members of any of the affiliated units.
b. All the members of the
Secretariat other than Assistant Secretaries and Organising Secretaries shall be elected by the Delegates Conference
with their consent to be expressed in writing though they may not be physically
present in the conference.
(c) The Assistant
Secretaries shall be nominated by the President in consultation with and
consent of the Secretary General. The person so nominated as Assistant
Secretary shall be a primary member of the affiliated Association/Union. The
President shall consult with the General Secretary/Secretary of the affiliated
Association/union in which he is a primary member before such nomination is
(d) Each affiliate shall
be entitled to nominate one of its primary members as the Organising Secretary
of the ITPF. The person so nominated shall be a member of the ITPF Secretariat.
(e)The term of office of
the Secretariat shall be three years. They are eligible to be re-elected
in the delegates conference.
(f).Filling up of
vacancies in the Secretariat: The vacancies in the secretariat shall be
filled up by President after getting approval of the Secretariat and the
working committee.
16. Powers
and functions.
(a) Chief Patron and Patron:
They will attend all meetings of the ITPF Secretariat, Working Committee
and the Delegates Conference and will guide the members of the Sectt, Working
Committee and delegates of the Conference as the case may be to ensure the well
functioning of the ITPF. They shall be the members of the Sectt. Working
Committee and delegate for the Conference.
(b) President:
President shall preside over all meetings of the Secretariat, Working committee
and Delegates Conference. In all matters of procedure, the ruling given
by the President shall be final. He shall have the casting vote.
(c). Vice Presidents:
Vice Presidents shall assist the President. In the absence of the President,
one of the Vice Presidents shall preside over the meetings.
(d). Secretary
General: Secretary General shall be the Chief Executive of the
ITPF. He shall carry out the mandate of the Conference, the Working
Committee and the Secretariat. He shall conduct all correspondence and
make representation with the authorities concerned. He will prepare the
annual report to Working Committee and Conference He shall maintain
all records, convene the meeting of the Secretariat, working committee and the
conference and do such other things as may be necessary from time to
time. Between the meetings he will act on matters of vital importance on
the basis of the views of of the Secretariat. He shall be the joint
signatory with Finance Secretary for operating the Bank accounts. He shall be
allowed to keep an amount of Cash of Rs.5000/- (Rupees five thousand only) and
shall render accounts for the same to the Finance Secretary. He will also
have powers to incur expenses of recurring nature.
(e). Additional Secretary
General. The Additional Secretary General shall assist the Secretary
General on day to day functioning of the ITPF. In the absence of the
Secretary General, he shall function as the Secretary General of the
(f). Jont Secretary. In the
absence of both the Secretary General
and the Additional Secretary General, the Joint Secretary shall act as the
Secretary General. In the normal course he shall assist the Additional Secretary General and shall
carry out the functions specifically assigned to him by the Secretary General.
(g) Finance Secretary: Finance secretary
shall be responsible for the maintenance of accounts and will be responsible to
the working committee for rendering proper accounts of the monies vested with
him. He shall operate the Bank accounts along with the Secretary General.
He shall allow to keep an amount of cash
of Rs.5000/- with the Secretary General. He shall render audited accounts
to the meeting of the working Committee and the Conference.
(h) Assistant
Secretaries: The Assistant Secretaries shall function under the guidance
and direction of the Secretary
(i) Organising
Secretaries. The Organising Secretaries
shall function as link between the
affiliates and the ITPF Secretariat. They will be ex-officio members of
the Secretariat of the respective
affiliate. They will report the deliberations of the ITPF Sectt. to the Sectt.
of the affiliate and vice versa. They will ensure the carrying out the
decisions of the ITPF in the respective affiliates. The Organising Secretaries
shall also carry out the functions specifically assigned to them by the
Secretary General.
17. Accounting year:
The accounting year of the ITPF shall be the financial year i.e. from 1st of
April to 31stof March and the account shall be audited each year by
the auditor and the Chartered Accountant
nominated in the Delegates Conference.
18. Funds:
Funds of the ITPF consists of affiliation fees and subscription from affiliated
units. In addition the Federation may also receive donations and grants
and collection by circulation of periodicals. The Funds of the Federation
shall be deposited in any of the Scheduled Banks in the name of the ITPF
and shall be operated jointly by the Secretary General and the
Finance Secretary.
19. Audit of accounts:
The accounts of the federation shall be audited and presented to the delegate
conference after its approval in the Working committee.
20. Election.
Election to the members of the Secretariat shall be held
triennially. The nomination of Assistant Secretaries and Organisational
Secretaries shall be made as per the procedure and provisions made in the
provisions 15(9) and 15(10) of the rules
and regulations of the constitution. The entire process of election viz.
calling for nomination, withdrawals, declaration of names of eligible candidate
and the actual election if there be a contest shall be commenced and completed
at the conference of the ITPF itself.
21. Affiliation:
The ITPF shall be affiliated with the National Co-ordination Committee of
Pensioners Associations. It may seek affiliation with any other all India
organization of pensioners or world body of pensioners/retired personnel, if
decided by the Working Committee.
22. Amendment:
The amendment to the Constitution (Memorandum of association and rules and
regulations) shall be made in the Delegates/Special Delegates Conference only
if two third of the delegates present at the conference votes in favour of such
23. Dissolution:
Dissolution of the ITPF can be decided upon by a Special Delegates Conference
called for the purpose after giving one months notice. The ITPF can be
dissolved only if three fifth of the affiliates present in the conference
approves the dissolution.
24. Registration: The ITPF shall
be registered with the Registrar of Societies in India at New Delhi and will
abide by its rules and regulations.
25. Notwithstanding
anything ibid, the provisions of Societies Registration Act 1860 shall be
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