Saturday, 22 June 2019




NEW DELHI. 110 027.


Dated: 21st  June, 2019.

Dear Comrades,

            As per the notice issued on 17th May, 2019, the National Secretariat met at New Delhi on 20th.06.2019.  the meeting was chaired by Com. Umesh Mehta, President, ITPF.  The meeting commenced its deliberations at 11.30 AM and was concluded at 2.30 PM. We give hereunder the decisions on each items of agenda discussed

Agenda Item No,1

Review of implementation of the decision of the last meeting held at Chennai in December, 2018.

Notional Fixation of pay for Inspectors and Officers: Please see mention elsewhere in this circular letter. CGHS issues.  The minutes of the discussions we had with the Secretary health has been placed on the website.  Health insurance. The meeting decided to study the scheme introduced by the Government of Kerala for their employees and pensioners. Membership: All efforts are to be taken by the units to expand the membership and substantially increase the same before we meet at the next conference. Widening subscription base of the journal, finance of the ITPF  and the next conference are discussed and the minutes of the same are depicted elsewhere in this circular.

Agenda Item No. 2.

47th meeting of the National Council JCM.

The Secretary General presented the crux of the discussions at the meeting.  The Staff Side letter and the minutes are placed on the website.

Agenda Item No.3

CGHS matters.

The minutes of the discussion with the Secretary, Health and the new items introduced in the agenda are placed on the website.  Kindly see the same in the next issue of our journal. .

Agenda Item No. 4.

Organisational: Registration

The Registrar’s office has written to the Director Ministry of Consumer affairs for certain clarification, copy of which has been given to us.  The  Sectt. will pursue the matter and will obtain the registration thereafter. It has been decided that the Secretary General and President will try to visit all units before the conference.  They will give priority to the State of Bihar, North West Region and Pune where the units have not started functioning. 

Agenda Item No. 5.


Com. Badola, Finance Secretary submitted a due-paid statement indicating the dues from each unit.  The meeting decided to request the units to clear the subscription amount before 31st Jul, 2019.  It was also decided that the ITPF must pay Rs. 15,000 as donation to NCCPA towards attending the TUI Congress at Bogota, Columbia as its share.   This has been distributed amongst the units @ Rs. 1000 per unit.  All are requested to kindly clear the dues immediately.  The ITPF Chq has remitted the subscription due to NCCPA upto and including  for the year 2018-19. 

Agenda Item No. 6.

All India Conference.

The meeting accepted the proposal of the Baroda unit to host the next conference at Baroda.  It was also decided to bring out a souvenir to commemorate the occasion.  Com. Shanthi Kumar will be the chairman of the committee.   It will have one member from each unit.  The committee will get in touch with all concerned to procure as many advertisements as possible so that the Conference will be able to be conducted smoothly as also provide some financial base for the organisation in future. They will contact the Office bearers of ITEF  and ITGOA both at the CHQ and at the States.  Com. Secretary General and Com. President will  try to visit all major units before the conference for this purpose. The Conference will be held in two days.  On the first day, the inaugural session will commence in the afternoon  It will be followed by the National Executive Committee meeting.   Next day the business session will be held.  It is expected to be concluded on the second day.  The accommodation will be for two nights.  Whoever wants to overstay, must intimate the host unit.  The host unit will make some alternate arrangements, of course on payment.  The food and accommodation for the two nights will be provided by the host units.  The meeting also decided that every unit may be allotted 4 delegates including the Central office bearers.  I.e. 1+3.  Those who wanted to depute more or less number of delegates must contact the Secretary General immediately. 

Agenda Item No. 7. 

Journal subscription.

The meeting decided that every unit must strive to enlist atleast twenty additional subscribers and remit the amount at the rate of Rs. 72 per copy per year to the Assistant Treasurer, NCCPA before 30th November, 2019.  They can requisition  the copies to be delivered at the respective residential addresses or in a bulk at the office address of the Unit.

Agenda Item No. 8.

Mumbai high Court case on notional pay.

In the absence of the representatives from Karnataka, the meeting could not be presented with a clear picture of the status of the court case at Mumbai High Court in the matter of grant of notional pay with effect from 1.1.1996 for the Inspectors and Income tax Offices, whose scale of pay had been revised in 2004.  However, the meeting was fortunate enough to have the presence of Com. Amitaba Dey, Secretary General ITGOA who could brief the house of the present state of affairs in the case.  After listening to Com. Dey, the house decided that the Karnataka Comrades could be requested to pursue the same.   Besides, the Secretary General was also asked to explore the possibility of filing another case on the same issue before the Principal Bench of the Tribunal in association with the ITEF and ITGOA (CHQ)

Agenda Item No. 9.

Any other matter.

The meeting noted that the following units had been able to procure accommodation to house the office of the respective organisations at Baroda, Mumbai, Delhi, Bengal, Assam, Tamilnadu, AP & Telengana  and Karnataka.  Others are requested to take immediate steps to obtain the same as it would help to run the units properly.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General.

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