Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Manishinath Bhawan
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027
Website: Itpfchq.blogspot.com

Dated: 05.11.2019

                Notice is hereby given for the all India Conference/General Body meeting of the Incometax
Pensioners Federation to be held at Baroda on 7th and 8th December, 2019.  The conference will commence at 4. 30PM on 7th and is expected to be concluded by 5.30 PM on 8th.  The venue is “Aayakar Sabha Gruh. Aayakar Bhawan, Incometax Office,Race course Road, Vododara, 397007.  The conference will consider the following agenda and will take appropriate decisions. 

1.       Confirmation of the minutes of the previous conference
2.       Setting up of the Steering committee and Credential committee.
3.       Consideration and approval of the report of the Secretary General
4.       Consideration of the statement of accounts presented by the Treasurer for the years ending on 31.3.2016.2017. 2018 and 2019.
5.       Receipt and payment account for the period ending on 30.1.2019
6.       Resolution on Policy and programme
7.       Resolution on amendments to the constitution and bye-laws
8.       Resolution on demands of the Income tax Pensioners.
9.       Election of office bearers for the ensuing term
10.   Consideration and assenting approval for the proposal of National Executive Committee for the appointment of Internal Auditor.
11.   Consideration and approval of the proposals to abide by the directive under the Socieityt’s registration act.
12.   Any other matter with the permission of the Chair
Secretary General

Manishinath Bhawan
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027
Website: Itpfchq.blogspot.com
  5th November,2019.

Notice is hereby given for a meeting of the National Executive of the Incometax Pensioners Federtion to be held on7th December2019 at Aaykar Bhawan Race Course Road, Vadodara at 7.30PM.  The meeting will consider the following agenda and will take appropriate decisions.

1.       Confirmation of the last NE meeting minutes
2.       Consideration and suggestion on Secretary General report and the Statement of Acounts to be presented to the Conference.
3.       Resolution on amendment to the bye laws and constitution.
4.       Proposal for appointment of the Steering Committee, Credential committee and nomination for the post of Auditor.
5.       Finalization for the time table to conduct the conference.
6.       Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.

Secretary General

P>S.  All delegates and observers who are deployed to attend the conference and the members of the National Executive are requested to kindly inform the reception committee of their arrival departure details  so as to enable them to receive the delegates and observers  and provide the accommodation etc. The accommodation is avialble only from 12Noon on 7th to 12 noon of 9th December, 2019.  Any comrade who want to overstay may kindly inform the reception for making alternate arrangements at their cost.  The reception committee will issue  further circular letter containing the other details, which will be placed on the website   .

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