Manishinath Bhawan
A/2/95 Rajouri
New Delhi. 110 027
Website: Incometax
E mail.
Dated: 9th November, 2019
Dear comrade,
you are aware the all India conference of ITPF is slated to be held at Baroda
on 7th and 8th December, 2019.. In fact as per the provisions of the
constitution and bye-laws, the said conference ought to have been held a year
back. It is the financial constraints
that prevented in holding the conference within the stipulated time. The National Sectt. Of ITPF had subjected the
issue for discussion on many times, but for
want of affiliates coming forward to host the meet, the holding of the
conference could not materialize.
was then decided that we should simultaneously
resolve the financial dificultiries and the Baroda Unit was requested to do the
needful in the matter. The Sectt. Decided
to bring out a souvenir on the occasion of the second conference at Baroda and accordingly
a souvenir committee was set up under the
convenorship of our Vice President, Com. Shanthikumar. He had taken
efforts to get in touch with all the affiliates as also some of the well
wishers of the organization. He has sent
in the tariff forms for procuring advertisements, which we hope you must have
received by this time.
reception committee has informed us that the response so far has not been very
satisfactory. They have already booked accommodation
for the stay of delegates and the conference hall. It is high time that we must do make our efforts
together to ensure that the procurements
of advertisements for the souvenir is expedited., so that the host unit will be
able to host it in a congenial atmosphere.
conference is likely to be inaugurated by the NCCPA president Com.Shiv Gopal
Mishra on 7th afternoon. All
delegates are requested t reach Baroda by 7th . The host unit has
booked the rooms to be occupied at 12 non on 7th. The rooms are
available upto 9th morning.
The climate will be slightly chill.
Cary light warm clothing.
appeal to you to please use your good offices and contacts to procure as many
advertisements as possible for the souvenir so as to enable us to create a work
fund to conduct organizational functions
in the ensuing term Kindly consider this communication with al the
seriousness it deserves and do the needful.
K.K.N. Kutty
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