Wednesday, 16 December 2020

link of seminar to commemorate Pensioner's Day on 17th December, 2020 from 11 AM. onwards

Dear Com. I am sending herewith link for ITPF CHQ webinar to be conducted on 17th December 2020, Thursday at 11.00 AM positively to commemorate the Pensioner's Day. Kindly be sure to attend to participate as per Agenda.. means first to commemorate Pensioner's day and then to discuss the problems if any. Webinar shall be on Google Meet software and till then you can kindly download google meet from play store on your laptop or mobile. Regards SK Sharma.

Monday, 14 December 2020

Observance of Pensioner's Day on 17th December 2020


Manishinath Bhawan

A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027


E mail.

President:                          Com.  Umesh Mehta

Secretary General.          Com. K.K.N. Kutty

Dated: 14th December, 2020

Dear Comrade,

We are sending herewith the circular letter of NCCPA of 14th December, 2020, in connection with the observance of Indian Pensioners day on 17th December, 2020.  Kindly go through the same.  A web meeting of the National Executive of ITPF will be held on 17th December, 2020 at 11.00AM.  The link will be sent to all the members in due course.  Kindly make it convenient to attend the webinar.  After the observance of the pensioners day, we may discuss for a few minutes of the specific issues to be taken up with the Government.  In the last meeting, we discussed about the need  to make available the coronoa vaccine at the CGHS dispensaries  We will further discuss the issue and other matters.  The members will be permitted to raise the issues for discussion  We expect to conclude the meeting latest by 12.30 PM.  

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General.

Dear Comrades,


The historic Judgement in D.S. Nakara and others  was delivered on 17th December, 1982.   The judgement coming from the highest court of the land, which considered pension as an inalienable right of the wage earner  became a landmark nor only in our country but also the world over.  The impact and implication of the judgement was so significant that it rejuvenated the pensioners movement in India and transformed it into fighting organisations.  Pensioners as a community got the self respect  as the society and the Government characterizing pension as a gratis had reduced them to the status of parasites. The very requirement of financial security in the evening of one’s life came to the fore after the spectacular observation of the learned Judges that the pension was indeed a deferred wage.   The struggles that got impetus thereafter brought the parity question to the centre stage of deliberations and the cementing factor for building united movement of pensioners.  The united campaigns, petitions, struggles , agitatioonal programmes, made the successive Pay Commissions to address the parity question with the consideration it deserved.  The victory over that issue, as every success in life, provided the requisite  confidence to march ahead.  Observing or commemorating that day Is the most apt and appropriate action, the pensioners organisations must do . NCCPA thus requests all its affiliates, State Committees and the Branch formations to observe the day in a befitting manner that demands the occasion to the best of their ability.

In our very considered opinion, we must also dedicate this day to express our solidarity and support with the fighting farmers of the country.   We salute their determination, courage and unflinching faith in the organisation and organised peaceful resistance against the authoritarian attitude from whichever corner it emanates.  We must also take lesson from the way they have gone about projecting their issues despite all odds and repressive measures and the insurmountable difficulties created by using brutal police power.  Let us remember the sad fact that when the most important service benefit of  the civil servants, the statutory pension, was taken away, our resistance did not unfortunately reach the pinnacle and could not compel the rulers to retrace.  One day and it must not be far away, we must emulate the farming community to ensure that every Indian on reaching the age of sixty will become entitled for pension.  This promise will make the observance of 17th December, 2020 different from the previous occasions and should provide us the impetus to work hard to achieve that objective.  We once again salute the farmer brothers.

Yours fraternally,





Tuesday, 24 November 2020


13-C Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi.110 001

Dated: 23/11//2020

President: Com. Shiv Gopal Misra,           9717647594

Secretary General: Com. K.K.N. Kutty      9811048303


The NCCPA, the apex level organisation of all Pensioners Associations and Federations in the country, conveys their fraternal greetings to the working class including the agricultural workers and Kisans who will be making the one-day general strike on 26.11.2020 a grand historic action.  This strike action despite the serious pandemic situation of corona COVID-19 in the country is expected to elicit the participation of crores of Indian workers, surpassing the earlier record.    The very fact that the strike primarily centres around the demand for the reversal of the ongoing neo liberal economic policies makes it dear to the millions of Indian people, who love this country, who want a self- reliant India to come about.   Every segment of the Indian working class has been targeted by the present Government, the last and fierce being the new labour code.   The method adopted by this Government to get the seal of approval of Rajya Sabha for the new enactment, which takes away the rights, privileges and benefits enjoyed by the workers conferred upon them by the very same Parliament is indicative of the despotic tenor of the governance of the present ruling dispensation.    

The 2019 electoral verdict obtained employing the hate agenda and divisive policies is effectively being used to ensure that crony capitalism is the cardinal principle of governance.  Emboldened by that verdict, the Government has been taking various steps which are totally anti labour in content and character.  The Kisans who are supposed to be the backbone of Indian economy has also been attacked leaving with no alternative for them except to tread the path of struggle.  NCCPA notes with great happiness that many Kisan organisations as also the Agricultural workers Union has lent support to this historic struggle and are participating in this historic action.  The coming together of the Kisaans and workers, NCCPA, notes with great satisfaction is bound to be a great harbinger to bring about a real and lasting change in the society.

The pensioner community, especially those retired from the Central Government service received the most unanticipated shock when the Government decided to deny the dearness relief to them for 18 months from Ist January, 2020 to 1s July, 2021.  The dearness compensation which was meant to arrest the erosion of the real value of pension has thus been stopped.  Read with the notification recently issued in respect of changing the basket of commodities in the computation of the consumer price index and switching over the base year from 2001 to 2016 one genuinely apprehends whether the DR system will remain or not in future.  The present ruling class had always been opposed to the cost indexed wage system and once the same is denied to the workers, undoubtedly the pensioners will have to follow.  This apart, the reduction of rate of interest   effected on term deposits by the Government has considerably reduced the income of the Pensioners as most of them had chosen to invest their savings and retirement wealth in bank deposits.     The pandemic has made them immobile and the Government has made them virtual prisoners in their own homes. They are unable to make the both ends meet with considerable reduction in their income and the Government has chosen to impose additional burden by denying them the dearness compensation, which they are otherwise entitled.  No special consideration has been given to them   either in terms of finance or in terms of priority in case of hospital treatment.

Recently the Central Government has issued an order covering all the employees of Public Sector Enterprises also that their DA will be frozen from 01.10.2020 to 30.06.2021. This is another serious attack. The Government was reluctant initially to extend the benefit of revised pension to the pensioners of autonomous bodies.  Many financial benefits that were provided to them on par with the Central Government employees have been stopped on one pretext or the other.   The revision of pension in the case of BSNL pensioners has been made to pend since 2017.  The pensioners of the BSNL are denied the medical reimbursement, which was in vogue as part of agreement.  The revision of pension entitlement of Bank employees especially those retired from the Punjab National Bank has not taken place for years despite the fact that the Bank holds huge reserves as pension fund.  In the name of amalgamation of banks, these pensioners are denied their legitimate rights. 

The large majority of the Central Government pensioners are denied medical facilities who stay in non-CGHS towns and villages.  Those who are affected by the deadly disease of COVID-19 are to incur heavy financial burden, which is not reimbursed by the Government.  Almost all private hospitals without exception charges exorbitantly for treatment of COVID-19 patients.

The facility to Senior Citizens granted by the Indian Railways wherein their train fare was reduced by 40% and 50% respectively to gents and ladies had been cancelled in the name of discouraging travel by senior citizens. This is atrocious. Despite many representations from various quarters, the Central Government has not come forward to restore the facility.

The NCCPA has already called upon its affiliates and members to organise dharna/demonstration on 25th to express solidarity and support to the working class in the country.  NCCPA fervently feels that the 26th November, 2020 strike will bring to the centre stage of discourse the real issues.  NCCPA salutes the workers in the country for the strenuous efforts undertaken by them to make the 26th November, 2020 a grand success.  NCCPA expresses its solidarity with them unequivocally and expects the future course of action to be more intense, more united and more militant.


Sunday, 22 November 2020

Press statement dated 28 october 2020 from Confederation of CGE & Workers.Placed hereuinder is the Press Statement issued by the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and workers in respect of revision of base year for the computation of consumer price index. The ITPF and NCCPA had endorsed this view. KKN Kutty Secretary General, ITPF.




Dated: 28.10.2020

Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers notes with distress that the Government has made yet another attempt to depress the wages of the workers this time in the organised sector.  The indexation of wages and the consequent grant of compensatory allowance  had been the product of bitter  and prolonged struggles of the workers. The present system of computing the dearness compensation, though varies from sector to sector, is based on the consumer price index brought out in stipulated periodicity by the Ministry of Labour.  There had been varied and wide ranging criticism over the manner and methodology adopted in the computation of the index figures.  Instead of addressing those genuine and legitimate deficiencies, the  Government has gone now to create a new series which would further accentuate those very defects to the utter disadvantage of the workers. It is all the more deplorable as the Government has chosen the pandemic days to usher in the new series of CPI.

The Government will bring out the new series with 2016 as the base year.  2016, in so far as Indian economy is concerned, is an extremely extra ordinary year when the economic activities almost came to a grinding halt over the grand declaration of demonetisation.  It is an established dictum that base year selected must be a normal year, sans political, social and economic upheaval.  Why then 2016, has no logical explanation. 

The Government has also decided to change the components of the basket.  Post justification had been an afterthought, conceived to cover up.  Had there been a consultation with the stake holders, many of the controversies that have arisen could have been avoided.  By depressing the food content in the basket, the lower rung in the working class will lose out more.  In the past, the base year change used to be effected once after two decades.  Why then the periodicity was reduced and bring out a new series now begs reasoned explanation.

Another important decision that would further depress the dearness compensation to the workers is that the Government has chosen the PDS prices of the commodities for computation.  Universal PDS was disbanded when the new liberal economic policies were ushered in years back.  The present truncated PDS targets only a segment of the population and most of the Central Government employees are excluded from the PDS in almost all States in the country.  This apart the prices of the commodities sold in the PDS is highly subsided.  Consequently, the prices of commodities included in the basket are nothing but imaginary and often below even the cost of production of such items.  Since dearness compensation as an accretion to wages is available for the workers in the organised sector, the new series will bring about drastically reduced  salary packet.  The Centrals Government employees especially will lose out heavily once the new series are put in operation, which is announced to be with effect from September, 2016 onwards.

On the advice of the Technical Advisory committee, the geometrical mean will be employed instead of the arithmetical average .  The conversion factor of 2.88 is devised possibly without taking this factor into account.  The conversion factor will be employed in the case of Central Government employees for a very long time to come from September, 2020 onwards. The ruling class was always opposed to the grant of dearness compensation, rather the very concept itself.   In the long run, they want the wages to remain static and the prices dynamic to ensure that the Corporates are happy.  The resentment against this arbitrary, unilateral and anti-employees decision must be manifested by the increased participation of the Central Government employees in the ensuing one day general strike slated for 26th November,2020, which is organised by the Central Trade Unions on behalf of the Indian working class. 

                                                             R.N. PARASHAR

                                                             SECRETARY GENERAL.

Friday, 13 November 2020

minutes of the meeting held on 11-11-2020

Manishinath Bhawan

A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027
E mail.

President:                        Com.  Umesh Mehta
Secretary General.          Com. K.K.N. Kutty
Dated: 11TH November, 2020.
Dear Comrade,
The National Secretariat of ITPF met today at 3.00PM. The video meeting was presided over by Com. Umesh Mehta.  After observing two minutes silence for the comrades who passed away during the period between the last and the present meeting, the agenda items were taken up for discussion.  
Journal:  Com. Secretary General explained the circumstances under which the decision was taken to pubish the journal through electronic medium.   He explained that the electronic copy would not be a replacement of the print copy.  Efforts had been taken to bring out the magazine in print form.  As and when it is published the same would be dispatched to the subscribers  The electronic copies are being sent through e mail and are placed on website.  This, he added was to help the comrades to access the publication as quickly as possible.  Regarding the subscription it was clarified that the payment of subscription for the journal may continue to be made as before.  It would be better that the state secretaries collect the individual contribution from the subscribers and remit the same to the Kolkata office.  The copies will be sent to the residential address of the pensioner member.  The electronic copies would be sent only to those comrades who subscribe to the magazine.
NCCPA programme in support of the working class strike slated for 26th November, 2020.  The issue was discussed at length.  It was finally decided to endorse the decision of the NCCPA.  Accordingly, the comrades, who are staying nearby the office  premises in each metro cities wouldl if health permits, to go over and organise demonstration/dharna abiding by the State directives on Covid on 25th.   Others will send a communication to the Central Trade Unions, Confederation etc. assuring of the support of the pensioner community towards the struggle.  Similar letters will also be written to the Government requesting them to settle the issues by the individual member.
Other issues discussed:
On question of grant of one increment and such other issues, viz. MACP etc, it was decided that the concerned State unit depending upon the members involved will agitate before the Tribunals.
Com. Secretary General will circulate a draft letter addressed to the Cabinet Secretary regarding the litigation issue on the question of pay fixation after revision of pay scales of Inspectors and ITOs in 2004.  On receipt of the feedback, the letter would be finalised.
The problems faced by the pensioner comrades of Kerala  in the matter of  procedural tangles for transfer of registration from one centre to another and taking treatment at the new wellness centres at Calicut, Kannur and Ernakulum will be communicated to the Secretary in the form of a Note.  Com. Secretary General will take up the issue with the authorities.
With greetings, 
Yours fraternally,  

Secretary General.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

virtual meeting on 11.11.2020 on Google meet. pl attend

Virtual Meeting of the Income Tax Pensioners Federation on 11.11.2020.
To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link: 
Or open Meet and enter this code: iue-jkod-nfx

Friday, 6 November 2020


Manishinath Bhawan

A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027

President:                           Com.  Umesh Mehta
Secretary General.          Com. K.K.N. Kutty

Dated: 4TH October, 2020.


Notice is hereby given for a meeting of the National Sectt. of ITPF on 11th November, 2020 at 3.00PM through virtual platform video meet.  All  Sectt. members are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting   The agenda for discussions is given hereunder.  The link for the meeting will be senton11th morning.  All members are requested to join the meeting at 2.45 PM. Once the meeting is commenced the video and audio of members may be muted.   Only the video and audit of the comrade who is permitted to speak by the President will be allowed to unmute them. This is to avoid disturbance of sound during the meeting 


1.Condolence ;
2.Electronic copy of the journal.  The suggestions placed by many members in the whatsap.
3.Decision of the NCCPA for solidarity action in support of the 26th November, strike action
4.Any other matter with the permission of the chair: (The members may kindly send the items to be discussed by 10th November, 2020 through e mail with brief note and the heading of the item conveyed through whatsapp.)
PS: The meeting is slated for a duration of maximum two hours.  Kindly co-operate.

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.
All members of the Sectt. through the email.   
Copy to Com. S.K. Sharma for placing this on website and whatsapp and sending the notice through e mail to all members of the National Sectt.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

 ITPF endorse the decision of NCCPA

Secretariat Resolves to extend Solidarity to Working Class Strike on 26.11.2020






13-C Feroze Shah Road,

New Delhi.110 001



Dated: 03/11/2020

President: Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra,           9717647594

Secretary General:Com. K.K.N. Kutty       9811048303


Dear comrades,

The National Sectt. of the NCCPA met on 2nd November, 2020 through video network at 3.00PM.  The meeting was presided over by the National President, Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra. The meeting was convened to discuss the following agenda:

1.       Support and solidarity action for the one-day general strike call of the Working class;

2.       Any other issue of importance with the permission of the President.

The members who participated in the discussions were unanimous of the opinion that the NCCPA must support the strike action as the anti-worker policy of the Government was responsible for the decision to deny the dearness relief to pensioners for 18 months and the recent one to change the base year for the computation of the Consumer price index.  The meeting noted with concern that there had been no consultation with the trade unions or the employees representatives, when the government takes decision concerning the service matters of the workers.  The meeting also inter alia took note of the serious and unabated spread of corona virus covid 19 in the country and the difficulties to be encountered by the senior citizens.  The consequent decision of the Government to restrict mobility especially of senior citizens have made them to be virtually under house arrest.  Despite the intense desire to be a participant in the struggles, the meeting noted that the imposed restrictions and the non- availability of public transport in certain areas will constrict them from participating in assembly of people.  The genuine apprehension of being a victim of the deadly pandemic was also expressed at the meeting.  Taking all those into account, the meeting decided to call upon its affiliate and state units:

(a)    To organise sit in dharna or demonstration programme on 25.11.2020 with as many number of comrades as could be mobilised in all important urban agglomerations and State capitals and at the end of the programme send the following message to  Ms. Nrmala Seetaraman, Finance Minister, Government of India, North Block, New Delhi through e mail.  Her e mail address is given hereunder:-

 EMail ID:                            

Text of the message:

Dear Madam,We support the one-day general strike of the working class in the country and request you to settle the issues they had projected.       

We also request you to kindly concede the following important demands of the pensioners urgently;

(a)    Release the Dearness Relief impounded;

(b)    Implement Option No. 1 of pension fitment formula as third option.

(c)    Reimburse the medical expenses of all pensioners and clear the pending medical bills of    BSNL pensioners;

(d)    Implement the Pension Revision from 01.01.2017 to BSNL Pensioners;

(e)    Revise the pension of PNB Pensioners without further delay;

(f)     Restore the rail travel facilities to senior citizens.

(g)    Sanction Festival Grant of 20,000/- to Pensioners/Family Pensioners.

Those who could not attend the dharna / demonstration programme due to difficulty of travel etc, may send the above message by email to the finance minister on 25th November.

(b)     Ensure that the wall posters, play card etc. are exhibited at the dharma venue depicting that NCCPA support for the one-day general strike on 26th November, 2020


(c)     It was also decided that the NCCPA CHQ will issue a press Statement in support of the strike.  The same will be placed on our website as also conveyed to all affiliates and State Committees through NCCPA WhatsApp Group.

 The demand for festival grant or advance was raised and the President was requested to take up the issue with the Finance Secretary.  Com. President said that the workers have not appreciated the conditions imposed by the Government for the festival advance.  Demanding the advance will amount to acceptance of the same conditions, which would make it worthless. However, he agreed to take up the issue of festival grant for the pensioners as a special case in view of the pandemic. 

Com. V.A. N. Namboodiri, who had to leave the meeting halfway due to technical problems, wanted the NCCPA to ask the Railways to rescind their decision to withdraw the Senior Citizen Facilities.  The NCCPA will forward a resolution in the matter to the Railway Board Chairman. 

The copy of the Press Statement and the resolution demanding restoration of the senior citizen facilities will be sent to you separately.

              With greetings,

Yours fraternally, 


K.K.N Kutty

Secretary General.

K Ragavendran
General Secretary AIPRPA


 National Coordination Committee of Pensioners Associations

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

NATIONAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS. 13-C Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi.110 001 Website: Email. Dated: 03/11/2020 President: Com. Shiv Gopal Misra, 9717647594 Secretary General:Com. K.K.N. Kutty 9811048303 Dear comrades, The National Sectt. of the NCCPA met on 2nd November, 2020 through video network at 3.00PM. The meeting was presided over by the National President, Com. Shiv Gopa Misra,. The meeting was convened to discuss the following agenda: 1. Support and solidarity action for the one day general strike call of the Working class; 2. Anyother issue of importance with the permission of the President. The members who participated in the discussions were unanimous of the opinion that the NCCPA must support the strike action as the anti-worker policy of the Government was resonsibile for the decision to deny the dearness relief to pensioners for 18 months and the recent one to change the base year for the computation of the Consumer price index. The meeting noted with concern that there had been no consultation with the trade unions or the employees representatives, when the government takes decision concerning the service matters of the workers. The meeting also inter alia took note of the serious and unabated spread of corona virus covid 19 in the country and the difficulties to be encountered by the senior citizens. The consequent decision of the Government to restrict mobility especially of senior citizens have made them to be virtually under house arrest. Despite the intense desire to be a participant in the struggles, the meeting noted that the imposed restrictions and the non- availability of public transport in certain areas will constrict them from participating in assembly of people. The genuine apprehension of being a victim of the deadly pandemic was also expressed at the meeting. Taking all those into account, the meeting decided to call upon its affiliate and state units: (a) To organise sit in dharna or demonstration programme on 25.11.2020 with as many number of comrades as could be mobilised in all important urban agglomerations and State capitals and at the end of the programme send the following message to Ms. Nrmala Seetaraman, Finance Minister, Government of India, North Block, New Delhi through e mail. Her e mail address is given hereunder:- Text of the message: Dear Madam, We support the one day general strike of the working class in the country and request you to settle the issues they had projected. We also request you to kindly concede the following important demands of the pensioners urgently; (a) Release the Dearness Relief impounded; (b) Implement Option No. 1 of pension fitment formula as third option. (c) Reimburse the medical expenses of all pensioners and clear the pending medical bills of BSNL pensioners (d)Impleent the pension revision from 1.1.2017 to BSNL pensioners; (e) Revise the pension of PNB employees and BSNL. Pensioners without further delay; (f) Restore the rail travel facilities to senior citizens. (g) sanction festival gant of 20,000 to pensioners/family pensioners. Those who could not attend the dharma programme due to difficulty of travel etc, may send the above message by e mail to the finance minister on 25th November 2020 (b) Ensure that the wall posters, play card etc. are exhibited at the dharma venue depicting that NCCPA support for the one day general strike on 26th November, 2020 (c) It was also decided that the NCCPA CHQ will issue a press Statement in support of the strike. The same will be placed on our website as also conveyed to all affiliates and State Committees through whatsaps. The demand for festival grant or advance was raised and the President was requested to take up the issue with the Finance Secretary. Com. President said that the workers have not appreciated the conditions imposed by the Government for the festival advance. Demanding the advance will amount to acceptance of the same conditions, which would make it worthless. However, he agreed to take up the issue of festival grant for the pensioners as a special case in view of the pandemic. Com. V.A. N. Namboodiri, who had to leave the meeting halfway due to technical problems wanted the NCCPA to ask the Railways to rescind their decision to withdraw the Senior Citizen Facilities. The NCCPA will forward a resolution in the matter to the Railway Board Chairman. The copy of the Press Statement and the resolution demanding restoration of the senior citizen facilities will be sent to you separately. With greetings, Yours fraternally, K.K.N Kutty Secretary General.


Tuesday, 6 October 2020





Published is the text of the speech delivered by Com. K.K.N. Kutty, Secretary General, NCCPA at the webinar  organised by the co-ordination committee of Pensioners Associations, Karnataka, Bangalore on 1st October, 2020 to observe and commemorate the International day for elders.




It gives me great happiness in associating myself with this gathering on this international Elders day. International days are occasions to educate people on issues of concern, to mobilise political will and resources to address global problems.  We are observing  this day in the midst of a global catastrophe, the covid 19 plandemic that threatens our very existence .


This year the theme of the day itself centres around this issue.  Healthy ageing.  Aged population has certain peculiar problems.  It did not have a social dimension a few decades back.   The earlier social set up in our country has undergone changes.  So is the problems concerning the ageing.   Looking after the aged people had not been considered as the responsibility of the society in those days.    The children considered it as the sacred duty to look after them and attend to their every need.


Globalisation did not only make changes in the way economic activities are organised in  a country, though that is the major thrust,  but has also impacted the social life.  Many old social ethos, customs and conventions have undergone vast changes.  And today few think  that it is their responsibility to take care of old people, despite cacophony of the ancient culture and civilisation of our country.


As you all know it was in 1982  the world attention was drawn to the problems connected with ageing.   International recognition and response came  after about a decade in 1990.   The United Nation’s General Assembly adopted a resolution  to observe Ist October as the international  day for elders, when the member countries will evaluate what they have done to the elder community and chalk out what they must further  do  in the coming years


NCCPA is affiliated with TUI  (Trade Union International Pensioners and Retirees) a unit of the  world federation of trade Unions.  To the best of my knowledge, NCCPA and two of its affiliates are those from India associated with the world movement . TUI (P&R)was founded in 2014 and ever since then, it has been observing this day  every year with larger and larger participation of its members.  This year the observance has a little more importance in as much as 2020 happens to be the 75th year of the UN existence  and the 30th year of the passing of the said resolution.   The milestones are important as the efforts put in during this period has yielded impressive gains to the aged population of the world.  This is also the year of nurses and midwife and the decade 2020-30 is declared as decade of healthy ageing. Incidentally It also happens to be the 75th year of the World Federation of Trade Unions.  The WFTU was founded 75 years back, i.e. on 3rd October, 1945 in Paris, France.  Its objective was and continues to be to create a  world sans exploitation and unite the working class to achieve that objective.


The international study  has estimated that by 2050 the word will have 1.5 billion old people most of them living in low or middle income Nations. Good number of them will be inhabitants of East and South East Asia.   By the end of 2020, the number of aged people in the world is expected to be more than the number of children below the age of 5.  These figures indicate the serious situation that might come about in the years to come.


The attitude of many of the Governments in the world towards the aged persons, especially after the globalisation scheme got accelerated in third world countries, is extremely unhelpful despite they being party to the UN resolution.   Any expenditure from the exchequer on aged people are considered as wasteful and to be curtailed.  It is reported in the media that in many countries the corona affected aged people are not treated at all. Or they are given the least importance.


Prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union as a socialist country, and before the advent of the globalisation process, even the capitalist countries had a good number of welfare measures targeting the weaker segment of the society including the old people.    Though It was conceived as a cushion to absorb the nagging resentment over the exploitative methods of the capitalist development,  it had its advantage to the society.  Subsidies, freee health care, food and shelter camps, unemployment allowance, concessional public transport, a fair taxation system, market protection,  Protection of home industry,  restriction over the extent of ownership of land, etc.. Most of the countries had an affordable or free social security system  by virtue of which the old and the aged, the retired and the pensioners  benefitted immensely. 


The collapse of  the soviet  socialist system  had its impact in as much as the capitalist world began to consider these welfare measures as a drain over the resources of the Government.  Intense propaganda was unleashed to the effect that the socialism is an impractical and utopian theory and must be destroyed as quickly as possible.  The ascendancy of the left ideals seen in the freedom struggles of the many Asian and African Nations in the early part of the 20th Century started sliding down.  The imperialist and despotic nations thrived.  The world became almost unipolar.   When the world was under the hegemonic dispensation of the two super powers, India took the initiative to  have a non aligned block.  India became the first to desert it after it adopted the new economic policies. Indian ruling class began to tilt and with an apology of there being no alternative sided with the west initially tacitly and later unashamedly openly.   The globalisation manta, the virtues of an integrated economy,  the abject surrender at WTO  the selling away of public sector undertakings,  withdrawal of Government from all welfare activities; diverting funds to  projects that help the corporates to thrive and maximise profit;  unbridled corruption were some of the features, we saw in the two decades that followed the grand declaration of globalisation, Liberalisation and privatisation in 1991.  When we meet today, in the aftermath of the of the about turn of the economic policies of free India, we  see our rulers standing in the shade of imperialist powers losing all self- respect of a sovereign country, the emergence of which millions sacrificed their life. 


I know many of our friends who are participating in this webinar belong to India of those yester-years.   We dreamt a free and egalitarian India bound together with the bond of friendship, bereft of poverty, bereft of communal or religious segregation.  We have tirelessly worked for such a prosperous and peaceful India.  We suffered deprivation to enable the Government to look after the unfortunate and poor countrymen.  Today we sit here apprehending whether the pension we had earned deferring our wages would be available tomorrow.  We are aware that those who were recruited in our time, who worked with us   may not get the pension for there is no guarantee of return for their contributions to the pension fund.


The denial of Dearness relief is just the harbinger of the things that are likely to emerge in the days to come.  Millions of workers who toil in the field, in the construction sites, in projects in remote places do not have any social security .  Can you imagine what type of old day life is waiting for them. The very resolution passed by the UN general assembly to have a healthy ageing talks about the dire need for such a pension. The Government and the society which consider the pension as a wasteful expenditure , to have a social security scheme a drain on the Nation’s economy seldom remembers  that the infrastructure facilities the present generation enjoys had been the product of the labour of those people whom they want to deny the security at their old age.    This is what we are to remember and remind the society while observing the international day for the elders.


It is often said that there is no ageing if you are concerned, convinced and determined.  We can fight the injustice rather we must.  Our erstwhile leaders who dreamt of a free India, wanted our polity to be a democratic republic, they wanted the citizens to abide by the law; they wanted no injustice is perpetrated; they wanted every child who is born in India should feel proud that he or she is born in this great country; Look around today; degeneration of politics and politicians is understandable.  But what about the great institution called the judiciary.  The needle of suspicion over its impartibility, its ability to be just and reasonable has been pointed. The moment the people lose confidence in this institution, anarchy will follow. 


Last year we observed the international day for elders in an entirely different atmosphere.  Had I been an invitee to that gathering we would have shared our bond of friendship through our palms.  Corona pandemic  has changed everything so drastically. The pandemic is spreading in our country without any leaps and bounds   Many States have no public health care system or machinery to combat this dangerous situation.  Wherever  existed,  it has been stretched beyond its capability . In the post independent era, systematic efforts were made to improve the public health care.  Primary and secondary level institutions were built    Super-speciality and research centres came up thereafter.   In the post 1991 days, we have systematically dismantled it paving way for the private entrepreneurs to enter into this sensitive area.  They built luxurious hospitals.  They could successfully convert the human misery into a lucrative business.  Together the health insurance companies came They also made huge profit out of anxiety and agony of the people. They now charge exorbitantly for covid treatment without any guarantee of recovery whatsoever.  The Government have forgotten that there had been a social obligation clause when they allotted the prime land in urban agglomerations to the private entrepreneurs.  Many of them have enjoyed the tax rebates and concessions.


The Central Government health Scheme was the product of hard negotiations.  Though it covered only a few cities, initially it was considered a very good venture.  The post 1991 policies saw it dismantled.  It was financially squeezed.  Its expansion was arrested on the plea that the Pay Commission has suggested an Insurance scheme  Had that institution been allowed to expand, it would have been of great help in this pandemic days not only for the Central Govt. employees but even to the society as a whole. They could have helped the meagre public health system in many states to survive.  If we are unable to cope up with the spread of the pandemic and treat the patients properly, without hesitation, we can assert that the single reason is the systematic dismantling of the public health care institutions.  My friend Com. Radhakrishna wanted me to speak on CGHS elaborately.  What I suggest is an interactive session where specific questions could be raised and replied.   Without doubt one can say that  the CGHS as an institution conceived to take care of the health related problems of Central Government employees; its days are numbered. 


As on today, more than 3.5 crores of people are affected by Covid 19.  And it is fast spreading.  More than 10 lakhs people are  In our own country, of which slightly less than one lakh lost their life.  The number of death is really alarming.  The people have started talking about fate and destiny instead of pinning any hope either over the medical system or the Governmental efficacy, even though the health workers all over the world have acquitted themselves creditably in combating the pandemic.   There appears to be only a slight degree of difference in so far as the attitude of the capitalist Governments are concerned with perhaps the exception of Switzerland, New Zealand, South Korea etc. 


The study that was conducted over the impact of the covid on world economy as early as in April, 2020.has stated that the disruption of supply chain of commodities due to closure of factories or reduction in the workforce will decelerate the growth by a whopping 32%.  How far this study was right could be seen from the fact that the India’s growth rate dipped to minus 24% in the last quarter. Some of the conclusions of the study were:

(a)    The world will have to face a severe economic crisis;

(b)    Delay of every month in combating the covid pandemic either by preventive or curative remedies, the world GDP  will have a reduction of 2.5 to 3% on an average

(c)     If the covid continues to spread in the same rate for another 2-3 months, the world will witness the greatest recession in the past two centuries. 


India specific situation is summed up as under:-


(i)                  The supply chain disruption was extreme in India, as the migrant workers fled from the work-spots in the absence of any protection provided by the owner of the factories or the concerned Governments;

(ii)                Demand reduction was of the order of 30% during the lock down period;

(iii)               Goods movements in Port was declined by 20% ;and in Railways by 30%

(iv)               Civil aviation sector alone registered a loss of Rs. 40 Billion dollars.

(v)                 Tourism industry became the worst affected and reached its turnover to almost zero during the lock down period.

(vi)               The farm goods were destroyed due to the non availability of personnel to harvest to the extent of 37%.

(vii)             Of the 46 crores employed in the country  42 crores were in informal sector.  Those who lost job in rural  areas was 57% and in the urban agglomerations 80%

(viii)           India’s manufacturing sector is predominantly in what is called the MSMEs. (Micro, small and medium enterprises) 30%  of the GDP is provided by this sector. 50% of our industrial workers are in this sector.  It is estimated that 40% of the Units will be  closed down permanently. 

(ix)               Tourism, hotel, real estate, financial services, Banks, metal industry, automobile, textile, electricity, mining, food products, all have incurred heavy losses during the lock down period.

(x)                 India will experience economic recession worse than what happened in 1929-30


Before, I talk of the micro issues, referred to by Com. Radhakrishna, in his welcome address, let me mention  a few facets of the 20 Trillion pandemic package of the Prime Minister.


We are witness to the global financial crisis of 2008.  It is now widely recognised that the unhindered use, abuse and misuse of Bank instruments and derivatives triggered the said crisis.  Profit at any cost is the single point objective of the corporate existence.  If India could, despite the globalisation of its economy escaped from its terrific fall out it was s due to the PSU banks..  Having recognised and having admitted that, our rulers consistently between 2008-2020 pursued the policy of privatisation of the PSU banks.   In the name of consolidation, the present government has started amalgamation of  various banks thereby withdrawing their presence from the market systematically.   The recessionary trend in the economy which has started even before the pandemic made its entry, will now turn into a full- fledged recession . It is not that our present day rulers are not aware of  it.  The  20 Trillion package was supposed to avert it.  But when the details were unfolded  one could find that 90% of  the package was to help out the corporates.  To address a production crisis some times, such stimulus package might be helpful.   Even the rate of reduction of taxation rates, especially for those in the manufacturing sector is considered a panacea.   But the present day scenario or the oncoming crisis is basically  the offshoot of the supply chain disruption and low demand due to the obliteration of wage earners from the society.  The remedial proposals ought to have been centred around the strengthening of the purchasing power of the common people.   Hardly 10% of the package went in for that.  The recent  survey indicated that most of the covid affected patients are from the lower rung of the society who are per force to go in search of work as the alternative is penury. It was in fact a Hobson’s choice between disease or destitution.  As mentioned earlier, the significant  cause  as to why we could not arrest the spread of the deadly disease is the weakened public health system and the unhindered  foray of private players in an area which basically must have  been service oriented and nor profit motivated.


As I mentioned initially, the convenor wanted me to address some of the issues he had raised.  The most important in my opinion is the organisational state of affairs of NCCPA.  NCCPA as the name suggests was meant to be an apex organisation of all Pensioners Associations and Federations especially of the Central Government employees.  In its Ratlam conference, decision was taken to open its doors to all organisations of the pensioners and  retirees.    The idea to submit a common memorandum to the 7th CPC  by all Pensioners Associations of the CGEs was mooted in the National Executive Committee meeting.  Due to the untiring efforts of Late Com.S.K. Vyas, that attempt had a fair chance of success.   But after the convention at Chennai and preparation of  a common memorandum, the enthusiasm seems to have been faded out.  Many presented a reflection of a perceived superiority over others.  To overcome this Com. Vyas suggested the formation of a confederation under the name and style of BCPC.  After his demise, both, the idea and the organisation, he so assiduously created were abandoned.  Quite a number of impediments had come up thereafter.  The registration of NCCPA as a federal set up could not be brought about.  It was decided at the last meeting to seek registration under the Trade Union Act.  The decision was put to practice.  All papers were prepared and submitted. Now it is pending for the reasons that in order to be registered as a federation, it requires two Associations registered under the trade Union Act  must be affiliated to the said federation.  Steps have been taken in this direction and we hope to fulfil this condition soon.


If any organisation has to be effective and perceived to be so, it must have the capacity to raise the issues of the members before the authorities and get them resolved.  The present Government has taken  the decision, it appears, to give representation to only those small state level organisations in the SCOVA set up.   Since both the President and Secretary General of NCCPA are members of the JCM  National council and are its standing committee members, many issues were taken up  in that forum and settlement brought about.  That effort has continued and quite a number of issues connected with the Covid 19 treatment of CGEs could be got settled.  Financially also, the organisation cannot be said to be on a sound footing.  The matter came up for discussion at our Jaipur conference and it has been decided to double the rate of subscription.  NCCPA has been publishing a journal, thanks to the help of our West Bengal comrades,  and the same has come  out uninterrupted upto March,2020. Consequent upon the Covid and the close down of Post offices, Printing presses etc. it has now been discontinued.   Attempts are being made to re-commence the publication.   In the meantime, the National Executive  decided to bring out the journal in electronic form .  The first edition of that will be released by 15th October, 2020.


As per the decision of the last conference, we had prepared a document on health insurance. This was subjected to one round of discussion.  There had been certain suggestions and certain reservation expressed by some comrades.   Once this is ironed out  it could be presented to the JCM Staff side as the insurance scheme covers the working employees also


Reduction of Bank interest will no doubt cause depletion of the income of the pensioners.  The rate is fixed taking into account various factors.  Consequent upon the reduction and the denial of Dearness relief  the pensioners have been put to hardship.  This will have to be taken up  with a view to find out a separate dispensation  for senior citizens.  


Autonomous organisations.    On the basis of the report of the Committee set up by the Government, the functioning and funding of autonomous organisations have been re-evaluated by the Government.   NCCPA will  take up the issue concerning pension with a view to protect the entitlements of the pensioners to whom the new scheme should not be made applicable  During the discussion earlier the Staff Side had demanded that the entitlement of the employees and pensioners must not be depended upon the performance of the organisation.  It is better, that the coffee board pensioners Association takes the initiative to have a meeting of all autonomous organisations’ leaders along with the National sect. of the NCCPA. 


Privatisation of many departments are on the anvil.  Normally the matter is discussed with the employee’s representatives in so far as its impact on service conditions are concerned.  In the matter of pension entitlement  there must be a specific clause in the agreement.


The denial of DR has been objected by the NCCPA and all its affiliates.  In fact we have spearheaded the programmatic action as per the decision taken at the National Executive meeting.  Thousands of E mail messages have been sent to the Prime Minister and the same is continuing.  We are in close  contact with the serving employees’ organisations.  Whatever joint decisions are taken, we will strive our best that it is implemented at all centres.


I thank all of you for the patient hearing.  I am grateful for the organisers for inviting me to this function to observe and commemorate the international day for elders.  Millions of retired persons must have joined together to observe this day throughout the world.  Let us be together in this endeavour that not a single elder person suffers in the world.  Thank you once again.  


Secretary General, NCCPA.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020



Manishinath Bhawan



A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027


E mail.


President:                           Com.  Umesh Mehta

Secretary General.          Com. K.K.N. Kutty


Dated: 10th September, 2020.


Dear Comrade:




We send herewith copy of the circular letter of NCCPA on the above subject.  It is the decision of the United Nations to observe 1st Ocfober every year as the international day for old and retirees .  The circular letter of NCCPA appended hereunder explains the significance thereof and the call for the observance of the day has come from the world federation of trade unions, Heeding to the call, the pensioners  and retirees all over the world would be observing it through holding demonstration etc. for an hour on 1st October, 2020.  We must be proud participants in the programme and on behalf of the National Sectt of ITPF, I request you to kindly take steps to enlist the participation of all our members in the programme despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic but abiding by all the directives of the Govt. 


With greetings,


Yours fraternally,

KKN Kutty

Secretary General.



                                                    NATIONAL CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE



E mail:

13.c Feroze Shah Road,

New Delhi. 110 001


SECy. GENERAL:          COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)

Dated: 10th September, 2020


All the affiliates, State Committees, CGPAs, State Cocs.


Dear Comrades,






We send herewith the circular letter from the General Secretary, TUI (Pensioners and Retirees) of the World Federation of Trade Unions written in connection with the observance of International day for older persons . Throughout the world the retirees and pensioners observe Ist October as  a day of solidarity with all those who fight against exploitation.  It is also to express solidarity with all old people to ensure that the well-being of senior citizens is the responsibility of the society.  To have a decent standard of living and well looked-after old age is considered an inalienable human right.   Unfortunately few countries and fewer governments have recognised this  right of the old people. The welfare society concept in fact came into being in the capitalist society to ward off the threat from the socialist ideology which was pervading in a major segments of the world in the beginning of the 20th Century.  Now that they could obliterate that threat by foul machinations,  In most of the countries the senior citizens are driven to a wretched life.  The world is now fed with the eulogy of free market, global economy, higher GDP growth rate, mega corporates, super profits and the consequent tickle down effect to serve the people and rescue from the misery and agony.  The greater the inequality , prosperous the country is the new propounded theory.  In our own country, social security and pension payment was considered a drain on the economy and a wasteful expenditure.  The next generation civil servants in the country shall live their retired life in uncertainty and penury as even their hard earned income would have been gobbled up by the so called mega corporations with the tacit help rendered by a Government elected by the same people in the hope that it will look after them. 


It was the avalanche of the renewed idea of exploitation that has compelled many countries to make a relook into their social security system and ensure its demolition as has happened in our own country.  They are mocking at the person who made the chair in which the ruler is today sitting.  Observance of this day is to rededicate ourselves to the cause of a struggle to bring in a society sans exploitation; to have a better evening in the life of a human being and a non-dependent existence. 


The world Federation of Trade Unions and the Trade Union International ( P&R)  have called upon us  to observe Ist October, 2020 in an appropriate manner. Not forgetting that we are in the midst of a deadly disease called corona virus covid 19 pandemic, we call upon our affiliates, State CoCs CGPAs and our members to organise demonstration by holding the placard, (specimen depicted hereunder) at-least for an hour. We know that this is a small step in the direction of the realisation of our dream – a world sans exploitation- but we are confident from our own experience that our small steps early in our life has enabled us to leap into giant strides. 


With greetings,


Yours fraternally,




Secretary General.







Copy of letter from:



October 1st was established by the UN as International Day of Older Persons, or also Day of the Elderly. Since the creation of the International Union of Trade Unions (TUI) of Pensioners and Retirees of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), this date has become a world day to fight against exploitation, due to the requirement to defend the rights of pensioners and retirees, for a decent life based on the wealth that the working class produces every day with its work.


Once again, from the WFTU TUI of the WFTU, we call all our organizations and friendly organizations to action, in order to make next October 1st a day of vindication and fight for the rights of those who have already reached retirement and for the right to worthily retire for those who have not yet reached this stage of life, whether their activity has been carried out in the formal economy or in the informal economy.


It is an inalienable human right that, after a life of work, people of working class and popular extraction can leave their habitual activity and live with dignity. We qualify a decent life as one in which, thanks to the retirement pension or the income to which one is entitled, sufficient resources are available, such as habitable housing, drinking water, healthy food and health care, culture, leisure and free, quality public commuter transportation. Today there is enough wealth on the planet for all this; it is only enough to distribute it fairly, instead of spending it in imperialist wars.


However, the reality is very different and many people who should have reached retirement must continue working because they do not have access to a sufficient pension, while many of those who have retired cannot have a decent life, a situation that worsens in the case of those who have been unemployed for a time or have worked all or part of their lives in the underground economy or in caring for other people, something that especially affects women.


The real and fundamental cause is the capitalist, unfair and exploitative mode of production, strengthened after the temporary defeat of the socialist countries. Currently, the capitalist governments are promoting new anti-worker measures, against pensioners, the working class and the people. In general, the working life is extended, the years of contribution are increased to be entitled to a pension and the amount received is decreased, all with the final objective of privatizing pensions and converting into another business for financial capital, what should be a universal right. That is the meaning of the existence and extension of the Pension Fund Administration entities (AFP) in numerous countries and the approval, by the European Union, of the so-called European Personal Pension Plan (PEPP), which as TUI of P&R of the WFTU We have denounced (in Europe the First European Action of the P&R was held on June 17).


In the name of capitalist competitiveness, retired people and pensioners around the world experience the worsening of their living conditions and those of their descendants, while social goods are commercialized and bloody conflicts and wars are promoted (with money from all citizens) imperialists.

 Against all this, we call for coordinated international action on October 1. We will fight with unity and common action as the working class, the people and those who suffer capitalist exploitation, for our immediate objectives, but always with the perspective of a society without exploitation, oppression, poverty, war or calamities.


Every October 1st we will demand that a decent job is guaranteed for all people, adapted to their abilities, that allows them to live with dignity and generate a decent pension or, if this fails, that the state budgets assign them a decent pension. without the humiliating adjective of "non-contributory".


Every October 1st we will go out to the streets to approve, in the laws and constitutions of the countries, the obligation of the states to ensure, through public budgets, pensions that allow all people to retire from their jobs and live worthily.




July 2,020

TUI (International Union of Trade Unions) of Pensioners and Retirees (P&R) of the WFTU.





NCCPA CIRCULAR DT23 september 2022

NATIONAL CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS. (Registered under the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021 PAN No.  AAEAN858...