Manishinath Bhawan
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027
E mail.
President: Com. Umesh Mehta
Secretary General. Com. K.K.N. Kutty
Dated: 13th April,2022.
Notice is hereby given for a meeting of the National Secretariat of the Inometax Pensioners Federation over physical-cum-virtual platform on 26th April, 2022 at its H.Qrs Manishinath Bhawan, A/2/i95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110 027. The meeting will commence at 10.30 AM and is slated to be concluded by 2.00 PM. The members of the Sectt. other than the Organising Secretaries are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting by their physical presence if possible. The Organising secretaries may either attend the meeting through the virtual platform or physically as is convenient to them The link for the virtual platform meeting will be sent by 24th April, 2022. Since the meeting is held both virtually and physically, the duration of the meeting will have to be perforce restricted to a maximum of three hours. The notice is issued as per the decision taken at the last meeting of the Sectt held on virtual platform. To ensure that the meeting discusses the issues included in the agenda in detail all members of the Sectt. are requested to kindly attend the meeting on 26th and inform the undersigned as to the platform they would like to choose to participate in the meeting. The meeting will consider the following agenda.
Discussion over the observance of the foundation day meeting at Mumbai slated for 4th June, 2022. Com. Ashok Salunkhe will present the details of arrangements made for the meeting and the programme conceived for the day.
Presentation of the accounts for the financial year2020-21 and 2021-22 by the Secretary Finance, including the subscription dues from each circle/affiliate. Appointment of Chartered Accountants as per the statutory requirement under the societies act and presentation of the account to the Registrar of Societies.
Consideration of the resolution demanding the convening of Pension Adalat under the auspices of the Central Board of Direct Taxes.
Issues pertaining to pensioners other than included in the letter to the Honourable Minister of State for Personnel, sent by the Secretary General NCCPA and the recommendation of the 110th report of the standing committee of the Parliament. Special issues of the pensioners of I.T. Department,
Any other matter with the permission of the chair.
k.k.n kutty
Secretary General
All members of the National Sectt. with a request that intimation through whatsapp may be given to the Phone No. of the Secretary General: 9811048303 of the method chosen to attend the meeting. Please ensure that your intimation is sent before 20th April, 2022.
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