Thursday, 28 April 2022

The details of the National Sectt. Meeting of the Incometax Pensioners Federation held on 26th April, 2022



A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027


E mail.

Dated: 28.04.2022.


Dear Comrade,

The National Sectt. Meeting of the Incometax Pensioners Federation was held on 26th April, 2022. The meeting was held both on virtue and physical platforms.  The following corades attend the meeting on physical platform .

Com. Umesh Mehta, Com. P.V. Ramachandran, Com. K.K.N.Kutty, Com. C.M. Bdola,

Com. Shekawat, Com. Rameswar Prasad Chaudhary.  

Com. Umesh Mehta President, presided over the meeting. The meeting commenced by observing two minutes silence to condole the death of comrades between the last and this meeting.  A special condolence resolution has been taken in memory of Com. Gopal Singh Jadoo, former Vice President of ITEFand a very respected leaders of the incometax employees of Rajasthan. The full text of the resolution has been placed on our website.  

Since majority of the members were present on virtual platform and due to the constraints of usage of internet facilities, the meeting could not project a detailed discussion.  The following decisions were taken.  

Agenda Item No. 1. Observance of the foundation day.  As indication in the last meeting, the foundation day this year would be observed on 4th June, 2022 at Aaykar Bhawan, Shamiana, M.K. Rod, Mumbai. 400 020.  The following proposal is mooted:

11.00AM. Flag hoisting.  (ITPF newly designed flag will be used.)

11.30. AM. Floral tribute  to Martyrs.

12.00. Convention at Shamiana.  Besides the National Sectt. Members the members comrades of ITPF Mumbai and the active leaders of ITEF will participate.  There will be a key note address on the following subject.  The social security system presently available in modern developed countries of the world.  This apart, the invited guests from the fraternal organisation will present theire greeting.

1.30  to 2.30 PM. Luch followed by a brief meeting of the National Secretariat/Executive.

The foundation day observance will be held in all State Capitals on 10th June, 2022 (this year) and in all subsequent years, the day will be observed on 4th June, 2022.  

The meeting of the comrades, who were physically present discussed very briefly of the logo and the flag.  It was decided that the logo and the flag design will be circulated and  suggestions and opinions elicited from the State Secretaries and other National Sectt. Members.  The formal adoption of the logo and the flag will be made at the N.Sectt. meeting that would be held at Mumbai on 4th June, 2022.  

Agenda Item No. 2. Accounts.  Com. Badoa informed the house that the Bank had frozen the joint Account for want of KYC requirements.  He said that the same has been supplied and the accounts had been activated.  The meeting decided to close down the joint Account and transfer the funds to the account now opened in the name of the Incometax Pensioners Federation (Current Account) in Indian Bank, Rajouri Graden, New Delhi.  He had prepared a statement of account along with the due statement.  Certain other formalities are to be completed and as and when the same is finalised, the accounts so prepared would be circulated and place for approval of the Sectt. on 4th June, 2022.  As per the provisions of the Societies Act, the accounts are to be audited by a Chartered Accountant.  Com. Finance Secretary was authorised to select the Chartered Accountant and after consultation with the President and Secretary General to appoint him as the auditors for the FY 2020-21 and 2021-22.  

Agenda Item No. 3.  The meeting considered the proposal of the Secretary to adopt a resolution demanding the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Chairman to hold a Pension ad  alat to sort out the grievances of the I.T. pensioners throughout the country. The meeting noted that there are many cases of disciplinary proceedings, either initiated after retirement or on the verge of retirement of the personnel which are pending years together.  The text of the resolution will be placed on the website soon.  The State Secretaries are in the meantime, requested to collect the details of the pending cases of pensioners in their charge and inform the CHQ so that a compilation could be handed over to the Chairman, when the representatives meet him.

The General Secretaries of the State Units were requested by the President to intimate in writing the additional points they would like to take up with the Government other than what is contained in the NCCP letter to Minister and those incorporated in the 110th report of the Standing committee of the Parliament.  

Com President while declaring the conclusion of the meeting appealed to all Secretariat members and the Secretaries of the State Unit to attend the observance of foundation day on 4th June, 2022 at Mumbai without fail.  

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,


KKN Kutty

Secretary General. 

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