Friday, 23 September 2022

NCCPA CIRCULAR DT23 september 2022



(Registered under the

T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021


Website:                                 President:  Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra. (97176 47594)

E mail:                                  Secretary General: Com. K.K.N. Kutty. (98110 48303)

13.c Feroze Shah Road,

New Delhi. 110 001


Dated: 23.09.2022



Dear Comrades,

The meeting of the standing committee of National Council JCM was held today (22.9.22) under the Chairmanship of Secretary Personnel. There were many issues pertaining to the Pensioners in the agenda. The undersigned as a member of the Standing Committee participated in the discussions. The outcome of the discussions on each item is mentioned hereunder:-

1. FMA to Pensioners of National Institute of Ayurveda: The official side said that only after the Supreme Court directive they will be able to do anything in this matter.

2. Restoration of Senior Citizen Facility in Railways: The matter is under consideration.

3. Treating the Pensioners on par with the officials on duty for Guest House: Orders have been issued. Copy will be provided.

4. Pension to be exempted from Income Tax: The matter will be reconsidered in the light of discussions.

5. Disability Pension of War Heroes to be exempted from Income Tax: Will be reconsidered.

6. Pension revision in the case of Personnel Compulsorily retired: Orders issued.

7. Grant of enhanced pension on completion of 79 years: Not accepted.

8. Grievance redressal mechanism for Pensioners: The staff side wanted Pension Adalats to be held at Departmental levels. The issue will be further discussed.

9. Restoration of Commuted value of Pension after 12 years: Will be further discussed.

10. CGHS Related Issues:

i. Ward Entitlement.

ii. Lifetime CGHS facility for dependent disabled children.

iii. Health Insurance to Pensioners.

iv. To have Dispensary/Wellness Centres at all 108 Stations.

v. Enhancing FMA.

vi. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses for those who are not covered by CGHS.

vii. Increase the number of empanelled hospitals.

viii. Provision of sufficient staff in the dispensaries taken over from Postal Department.

ix. CGHS entitlement for Pensioners of Andaman and Lakshadweep Islands.

x. CGHS related Problems of Kerala.

xi. Online consultation facility.

xii. Cashless medical facilities to CGHS beneficiaries to be extended to all cities.

All the above items are to be discussed with Secretary Health. The date of the meeting will be indicated soon.


11. Board of Arbitration Awards: The matter will be discussed with the Staff Side.

12. MACP to be effective from 1.1.2006: The matter will be further discussed.

13. Notional Increment for those who retired on 30th June: Matter is subjudice.

14. Time limit to complete disciplinary proceedings of retired personnel: The staff side demanded that in case proceedings cannot be finalised within 3 years, he should be deemed to have been exonerated. The matter will be discussed further.


With fraternal Greetings.

KKN Kutty

Secretary General

Monday, 4 July 2022

celebration of ITPF Foundation Day at Mumbai on 4th June 2022






Manishinath Bhawan,

A/2/95 Rajouri Garden

‘New Delhi. 110 027.

22nd June, 2022

Dear Com.

The foundation day celebration  was held at Aakar Bhawan, Shamiana, Mumbai on 4th  June, 2022 . The ITPF flag which was designed in consultation with all Units was hoisted by Com. Umesh Mehta, President  at 10.30 AM in the presence of the National Executive Committee members and active comrades of ITEF and members of ITPF , Mumbai Unit.  The unfurling of flag was greeted by raising slogans and was followed by the song “We shall overcome  - Hum Honga kamiyab- by lady comrades of ITEF Mumbai Unit.   Com. Umesh Mehta in his brief speech reminded the comrades of the strenuous efforts they had undertaken in building a strong movement of Income tax employees and requested them to spend their rest of the life to build up equally strong ITPF.   The flag hoisting was flowed by placing flowers at the martyrs’ column.

The convention which was planned as part of the celebration commenced at 11.15 AM. Very many pensioner comrades, from Mumbai  despite their failing heath had attended the function, notable was the presence of Com.VKS, President of Mumbai Unit and Com. H. Syed Shajahan.  Com. VKS attended the function with the help of his son and Com.Shajahan came over despite excruciating back pain.   The National Executive expressed their gratitude to these two comrades.  

On behalf of the host Unit, Com.Ashok Salunkhe welcomed the guest and members of NE as also the active comrades of ITEF and members of ITPF .  The convention was presided over by com. Umesh  Mehta,  Despite being a holiday, the hall could not accommodate all comrades and had to arrange alternate arrangements outside the hall. The convention paid homage to all the comrades, who passed  away especially during the covid period. The main speaker at the convention was the great Indian Journalist and social workers, Shri P. Sainath who had won the internationally famous Japanese award and the  Ramon Magsasay Award.  He is better known to the Indian People for the crusade he had undertaken to bring to light the plight of the Indian Farmers after the neo-liberal economic policies,  which had snatched the life of many of them.  But for the untiring efforts, the plight of farmers, which drove them to commit suicide would never have been known to the world.   He was introduced to the house by Com. K.K.N. Kutty, Secretary General, ITPF and in the speech which lasted for more than an hour,  he touched upon the various contours of Indian Economy in the post-liberal period.   He drew the attention of the audience to the growing inequality, the  widening gap between the have and have nots in the society, contrary to the constitution directive to the Government to bring in an egalitarian society.  During the covid period the country’s economy  had nosedived, a world phenomenon.  But even before that tragic period, the economy had been in a recessionary trend.   The economic growth had been stunted and the policy decisions like demonetisation etc. had only accentuated the process.  While the economy registered a negative growth during the tragic period,  the rich in the country had amassed wealth during that  occasion,.   While the poverty had been rising phenomenally, pushing India’s position further down in the comity of Nations, the country registered a huge rise in the dollar billionaires.  The number of dollar billionaires had risen to 160 and the top among them had increased his wealth by 400%  during this period.  The lamentation of the Government of having not enough resources to provide succour to the poor people,  he said was untrue.   It was in fact the unwillingness on the part of the Government to tax the corporate houses and wealthy people is very much visible.   He pointed out that through the bail-out packages, the Government has transferred millions to the corporate houses.   The country’s democracy has become for the corporate and by the corporate.   He added that if the Government reintroduce the wealth-tax which was abolished in 2016, and make it applicable at least  to the dollar billionaires, the country could  easily collect 59 Trillion rupees, sufficient for the entire outlay for MNREGA scheme for the next 24 years.  The reversal of these policies would not come about, he added, unless struggles are organised with determination as was done by the farmers of the country.  It was their determination that had brought laurels to their movement and one should remember that the promises held out to them are still to be honoured.   Our host unit has recorded the full speech and sooner we shall place the full text of it on our website.  

The convention was greeted by Com.Arvind Trivedi, President, ITGOA,  Com. Roopak Sarkar, Secretary General, ITEF, Com. M.S. Vengatesan, President, ITEF,  Com. Ravi B. Nair, President,  Confederation of Central Government employees and workers,  Com. Santhosh Nair, General Secretary, ITEF Mumbai Unit,  Com. Gupta, Secretary, ITGOA Mumbai Unit.  The convention was concluded by a vote of thanks by Com. Ashok Salunkhe.

The National Executive met immediately thereafter.  Almost all States were represented at the meeting except, Bihar, NW Region, Pune, Nagpur and Allahabad.  While Sheoji Misra had informed of his inability to attend the meeting  due to his prior domestic commitment,  Com.Chikate from Nagpur could not make it for not getting reservation at the last minute.  There had been no information from Com. Sarvalkar  of Pune Unit. Shri Sudhir Chandra had informed of his inability to attend the function due to some function  in his family.   The meeting also could not discuss the financial matters as Com. Badola who had fractured his leg could not come over to the meeting.   However, he had circulated the due statement of each Unit.  Com. President requested the comrades to clear off the arrears on account of subscription.  

The meeting then discussed the need for some action programme in respect of the deteriorating health facilities especially in the matter of CGHS beneficiaries and the denial of arrears of DR for 18 months by the Government.  Com. Secretary General informed the house that the confederation who represent the working employees are also concerned of this issue and they have assured him of some concerted action when they meet on 14th June, 2022 at New Delhi.  The meeting suggested to organise some demonstrative action before Nirman Bhawan, especially in the matter of the health care facilities.  Comrades  who participated in the programme wanted simultaneous action at the State level so that it will catch the attention of the authorities.  

Organisational.  The meeting was of the opinion that the Secretary General should pay visit to Bihar and North West Region to bring about ITPF units there.   It was also decided that while the Unit conference may be held once in two years or three years, the General Body meetings of the Central and State Units are required to be held as per the provisions of the registration Act and information may be provided to the CHQ in this regard.  It is better, the meeting concluded that one of the Sectt. Members attend such meetings and report to the CHQ of the proceedings.   The meeting discussed the proposal made by the Secretary General for affiliation with TUI of WFTU.  After some discussions, it was agreed upon.

The meeting decided that the foundation day hereafter must be an annual affair and must be observed in all States and at the CHQ on 4th June.  The customary message from the President will be circulated well in advance of the date.  Every Unit  which was present at the meeting  was handed over a flag and one sheet of the letterhead where the logo of the ITPF has been depicted.   All the participants expressed their happiness over the excellent arrangements made by the host Unit for the function  and expressed their gratitude .   The meeting was concluded at 2.45 PM.  The lunch was provided at the IT. Canteen for which great efforts had been undertaken by Com. Warkhade,.  On behalf of the National Sectt. Com. President praised him for the gesture.   The decisions taken at the meeting is briefly enumerated as under:=

To revitalise the functioning of Units.  Hold GB. Meeting annually. Invite one of the National Sectt. Members for the said meeting.

Make remittances to the CHQ of the arrear subscription.

CHQ will continue its efforts to get the registration under the T.U. Act.

CHQ will circulate the account for the year 2020=21, and 2021-22. The Sectt. Is authorised to appoint the CA for auditing the accounts.

June, 4th every year will be observed as the foundation day by the CHQ as well as Units.

CHQ will take stesp to file the requisite statements to the Registrar of Socieities.

 The flag and logo will be used by all Units.

Steps will be taken to collect funds for looking after the comrades who would be coming to Delhi to participate in the programme before Nirman Bhawan.

CHQ will make the payment of NCCPA dues.

Application  for affiliation with TUI  of WFTU will be sent by the Secretary Genera

 The Secretary General will visit Patna and NW region to bring about functioning units in these states.  

The National Executive concluded its deliberation with the thanks giving speech of Com. Secretary General.  He profusely thanked the host unit for getting up the function in an excellent manner and the arrangements made for the comfortable stay of the N.E. members.

With greetings

Yours fraternally


K.K.N. Kutty.

Secretary General.




Thursday, 5 May 2022

Com Gopal Singh Jadoo


The demise of Com. Gopal Singh Jadoo  conveyed by our Rajasthan Comrades, through whatsapp message  saddened many of us who had worked with him for several years.  Com. Jadoo born in August, 1947 entered the I.T. Department in 1967 at the age of 21. These two years i.e. the  year of birth and the year o f entry into the Incometax Department happened to be one and the same in the case of the undersigned too; a co-incidence, which I had no occasion to notice in the past.  He was recruited to the then prevailing lowest strata of the hierarchy of the I.T. Department.  The vantages of the feudal society that had remained refusing to vanish despite the strong movement built up in the wake of the independence struggles of the country had made the early life of Com. Jadoo rather miserable.  Naturally he could not receive the requisite formal education required for a decent job but the one he got was enough to pull him and his family out of the agony.  The day to day happenings, the sheer injustice meted out to personell at the lower rungs;  the subjugation hurting self respect played a vital role in transforming his personality.  He found the trade union movement and the platform of the Association as an important vehicle to transform himself and embolden him to question the traditions and traditional behaviours of the superior officers.  He became an active members of the then prevailing Group D (Class IV) Association of Rajasthan.  He strived hard as an activist of the Association and over a period of time received respect and admiration from his colleagues for the courage and steadfastness he could command.  In a small span of 4 years, he became the President of the Association i.e. in 1971 and continued in that position till 1978.   The one day strike of 19th September, 1968 and the after effects of it in which hundreds of comrades had to face repressive and vindictive action from the Administration unfortunately gave room for differences at the apex level of the organisation and the consequent disruption in the otherwise united movement of tax employees.  Those differences did not remain static at the apex level.   It started percolating down to the grass root level.  Rajasthan was no exception to this unfortunate phenomenon.  The difficulties created by the disruption affected the Group C Unins (Class III Unions) most.  The Rajasthan Incometax Employees Association faced a serious onslaught of the disunity.  Com.Jadoo stood firm with the comrades who were fighting the disruptive elements and made great contribution in halting disruption and bringing out the unity. However, they had to undergo terrible repressive measures from the local administration of Rajasthan.  One must unhesitatingly admit that it was the rock like solid support and solidarity extended by Com. Jadoo and his comrades that helped the Rajasthan Incometax Employees Association to weather the storm and become ultimately successful. His unwavering faith in the ITEF and its leadership at that point of time made that possible.

There were innumerable occasions thereafter, When Com. Jadoo had lent his superb leadership qualities for the ITEF to become stronger and stronger in unity.  The formation of the Joint Council of Action in 1985  and the struggles waged by the ITEF through that united platform in which all Associations/Unions of the employees and promotee officers participated widened the arena of activities of Com. Jadoo.  The first industrial action of the entirety of the employees and promotee officers of the I.T. Department in 1987 threw up very many promising comrades to the National level and Com. Jadoo was prominent among them.   He remained the General Secretary of Rajasthan Aaykaar Karamchari Sangh  for a number of years and spearheaded a number of struggles both at the National and local levels and rose to become ITEF’s All India Vice President. He was very uncompromising on principles and had fought valiantly for his comrades.  The large number of casual and contingent workers, which had  been  unpardonably huge in Rajasthan ,  had aspired to be regularised having put in number of years without any job security.  The enduring efforts of Com. Jadoo and his colleagues ultimately ensured that all of them were regularised.  The court cases he fought for his comrades in the Cours of Rajasthan had been innumerable.   In 2007 he retired from active service but his comrades wanted him to continue, which under the  extant dispensation was not possible.  He became their patron and advisor and continued to serve them for a number of years thereafter.  That was the extent of love and affection and respect he enjoyed amongst the grass root level members of the Association.  When the efforts were to be undertaken to form the Pensioners Association of the retired personnel from Income-tax Department, he took the initiative in Rajasthan and had been an active worker and office bearer for a long time till he was  bed-ridden.  He was very close to Com.S.K. Vyas who was the Secretary General of Confederation and who hailed from the State of Rajasthan and worked full time to ensure the well functioning of the Co-ordination Committee of Central Government Employees of Rajasthan.  

Com. Jadoo was a very courageous man capable of facing any eventuality  and any challenge in any situation.  He was of the opinion that the issues as and when it arises must be addressed and should not be allowed to be procrastinated.  More than respected, the personnel in the management had been looking at him with an element of fear as his action moments could not have been anticipated.   They had tried many time to break the unity of the members of the Rajastan Aaykar Karamchari Sangh, but without success.  

While he was very active in the Pensioners movement at Jaipur , he fell ill and unfortunately became a prisoner in his own home unable to move about.  It was only through telephone  that he had been in touch with his friends and comrades.  Com. Jadoo will be remembered with fondness by all who were associated with him and especially the Income tax employees of Rajasthan.   Rajasthan became a very prominent affiliate of the ITEF and Com. Jadoo had played a very vital role along with others to achieve that position.  

As he was a man who could not tolerate injustice,  he was also very affectionate and was loved by one and all especially by his family members. He received love and affection in abundance from all the members of his family, who lived together.  He had conveyed to this writer the affection and co-operation he has received from his family members which alone had been responsible for the success of his life. In his demise, certainly they had lost the most affectionate head of their family and are naturally grieved grievously along with the family members innumerable Comrades who were employees of IT Department will remember him and shall very remain graved for a lovely family .   While we dip our flag in memory of this great comrade, Com. Gopal Singh Jadoo,  we convey our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved members of his family.  

KKN. Kutty

Secretary General, NCCPA

Saturday, 30 April 2022

May Day message from Com KKN Kutty, Secy Gen, NCCPA/ITPF

Dear comrades,
The May day we all remember for the great sacrifice of those who fought for 8 hour work at Chicago more than a century back. The 8 hour term has now been overturned   by the present Indian government. The need for a total unity of the workers requires no emphasis.  The attrocious attempt to divide the society on religious, Caste and regionwise must be defeated. Only unnited movement of workers can do it. Let all Pensioners under our banner join the workers to observe May Day. KKN Kutty. Secy. Gen. NCCPA and ITPF.

Thursday, 28 April 2022

The details of the National Sectt. Meeting of the Incometax Pensioners Federation held on 26th April, 2022



A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027


E mail.

Dated: 28.04.2022.


Dear Comrade,

The National Sectt. Meeting of the Incometax Pensioners Federation was held on 26th April, 2022. The meeting was held both on virtue and physical platforms.  The following corades attend the meeting on physical platform .

Com. Umesh Mehta, Com. P.V. Ramachandran, Com. K.K.N.Kutty, Com. C.M. Bdola,

Com. Shekawat, Com. Rameswar Prasad Chaudhary.  

Com. Umesh Mehta President, presided over the meeting. The meeting commenced by observing two minutes silence to condole the death of comrades between the last and this meeting.  A special condolence resolution has been taken in memory of Com. Gopal Singh Jadoo, former Vice President of ITEFand a very respected leaders of the incometax employees of Rajasthan. The full text of the resolution has been placed on our website.  

Since majority of the members were present on virtual platform and due to the constraints of usage of internet facilities, the meeting could not project a detailed discussion.  The following decisions were taken.  

Agenda Item No. 1. Observance of the foundation day.  As indication in the last meeting, the foundation day this year would be observed on 4th June, 2022 at Aaykar Bhawan, Shamiana, M.K. Rod, Mumbai. 400 020.  The following proposal is mooted:

11.00AM. Flag hoisting.  (ITPF newly designed flag will be used.)

11.30. AM. Floral tribute  to Martyrs.

12.00. Convention at Shamiana.  Besides the National Sectt. Members the members comrades of ITPF Mumbai and the active leaders of ITEF will participate.  There will be a key note address on the following subject.  The social security system presently available in modern developed countries of the world.  This apart, the invited guests from the fraternal organisation will present theire greeting.

1.30  to 2.30 PM. Luch followed by a brief meeting of the National Secretariat/Executive.

The foundation day observance will be held in all State Capitals on 10th June, 2022 (this year) and in all subsequent years, the day will be observed on 4th June, 2022.  

The meeting of the comrades, who were physically present discussed very briefly of the logo and the flag.  It was decided that the logo and the flag design will be circulated and  suggestions and opinions elicited from the State Secretaries and other National Sectt. Members.  The formal adoption of the logo and the flag will be made at the N.Sectt. meeting that would be held at Mumbai on 4th June, 2022.  

Agenda Item No. 2. Accounts.  Com. Badoa informed the house that the Bank had frozen the joint Account for want of KYC requirements.  He said that the same has been supplied and the accounts had been activated.  The meeting decided to close down the joint Account and transfer the funds to the account now opened in the name of the Incometax Pensioners Federation (Current Account) in Indian Bank, Rajouri Graden, New Delhi.  He had prepared a statement of account along with the due statement.  Certain other formalities are to be completed and as and when the same is finalised, the accounts so prepared would be circulated and place for approval of the Sectt. on 4th June, 2022.  As per the provisions of the Societies Act, the accounts are to be audited by a Chartered Accountant.  Com. Finance Secretary was authorised to select the Chartered Accountant and after consultation with the President and Secretary General to appoint him as the auditors for the FY 2020-21 and 2021-22.  

Agenda Item No. 3.  The meeting considered the proposal of the Secretary to adopt a resolution demanding the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Chairman to hold a Pension ad  alat to sort out the grievances of the I.T. pensioners throughout the country. The meeting noted that there are many cases of disciplinary proceedings, either initiated after retirement or on the verge of retirement of the personnel which are pending years together.  The text of the resolution will be placed on the website soon.  The State Secretaries are in the meantime, requested to collect the details of the pending cases of pensioners in their charge and inform the CHQ so that a compilation could be handed over to the Chairman, when the representatives meet him.

The General Secretaries of the State Units were requested by the President to intimate in writing the additional points they would like to take up with the Government other than what is contained in the NCCP letter to Minister and those incorporated in the 110th report of the Standing committee of the Parliament.  

Com President while declaring the conclusion of the meeting appealed to all Secretariat members and the Secretaries of the State Unit to attend the observance of foundation day on 4th June, 2022 at Mumbai without fail.  

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,


KKN Kutty

Secretary General. 

Monday, 25 April 2022

Link for ITPF Meeting on 26th April 2022

Dear Comrade,

Good Evening.

As per the notice we have our National Secretariat Meeting of ITPF in physical as well as virtual meet tomorrow (26.04.2022) @2 .30 PM. 

To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link:

Or open Meet and enter this code: jyu-czez-zfp

With Greetings,

KKN Kutty

Thank you 🙏

Thursday, 14 April 2022

Notice is hereby given for a meeting of the National Secretariat of the Inometax Pensioners Federation over physical-cum-virtual platform on 26th April, 2022 at its H.Qrs Manishinath Bhawan, A/2/i95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110 027


Manishinath Bhawan

A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027


E mail.


President:                        Com.  Umesh Mehta

Secretary General.          Com. K.K.N. Kutty

Dated:  13th April,2022.



Notice is hereby given for a meeting of the National Secretariat of the Inometax Pensioners Federation over physical-cum-virtual platform on 26th April, 2022 at its H.Qrs Manishinath Bhawan, A/2/i95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110 027.  The meeting will commence at 10.30 AM and is slated to be concluded by 2.00 PM.  The members of the Sectt. other than the Organising Secretaries are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting by their physical presence if possible. The Organising secretaries may either attend the meeting through the virtual platform or physically as is convenient to them  The link for the virtual platform meeting will be sent by 24th April, 2022.  Since the meeting is held both virtually and physically, the duration of the meeting will have to be perforce restricted to a maximum of three hours.  The notice is issued as per the decision taken at the last meeting of the Sectt held on virtual platform.  To ensure that the meeting discusses the issues included in the agenda in detail all members of the Sectt. are requested to kindly attend the meeting on 26th and inform the undersigned as to the platform they would like to choose to participate in the meeting.  The meeting will consider the following agenda.




Discussion over the observance of the foundation  day meeting at Mumbai slated for 4th June, 2022.  Com. Ashok Salunkhe will present the details of arrangements made for the meeting and the programme conceived for the day.

Presentation of the accounts for the financial year2020-21 and 2021-22 by the Secretary Finance, including the subscription dues from each circle/affiliate.  Appointment of Chartered Accountants as per the statutory requirement under the societies act and presentation of the account to the Registrar of Societies.

Consideration of the resolution demanding the convening of Pension Adalat under the auspices of the Central Board of Direct Taxes.

Issues pertaining to pensioners other than included in the letter to the Honourable Minister of State for Personnel, sent by the Secretary General NCCPA and the recommendation of the 110th report of the standing committee of the Parliament.  Special issues of the pensioners of I.T. Department,

Any other matter with the permission of the chair.  


k.k.n kutty

Secretary General


All members of the National Sectt. with a request that intimation through whatsapp may be given to the Phone No. of the Secretary General: 9811048303 of the method chosen to attend the meeting. Please ensure that your intimation is sent before 20th April, 2022.  

Thursday, 3 February 2022

The Union Budget 2022

(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021 
Website: mail:
13.c Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi. 110 001
PRESIDENT:                COM.SHIV GOPAL MISHRA.(97176 47594)
SECRETARY GENERAL:          COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 48303)
Dated: 2ND February, 2022.
Dear Comrade,
The Union Budget 2022
On 1st February, 2022, (the customary date fixed for  Union Budget) Ms. Nirmala Sitaraman, Finance Minister, Government of India, presented the budget for the financial year 2022-23 to the Lok Sabha at 11.00 AM. The Budget is an instrument from which the common people expect the Government of India to extend its helping hand to remove their agony.  They normally glue to the TV sets or listen to the Radio broadcast to know whether the empathy has been translated into tangible terms.  The people had expected a lot from this budget as they thought that the Government was aware of the deprivation suffered by the common multitude due to the still-not-abated pandemic, covid 19.  The continuing pandemic situation for the last two years had affected severely the life and means of livelihood of the people at large.  It was during the period of pandemic, the Indian people realised the worth of public health system and how disastrous had been its concerted destruction over the years by the Government.  
Most of the time in the year 2021, the country had to face several lock downs as the only way to arrest the severity of the pandemic.  The sudden halt of all economic activities had its terrible toll.  Many families of the people at the lower strata of the society had been driven to the shores of penury and poverty during the period.  It is, therefore, necessary that the budget proposals are seen through their eyes.
It is difficult to discern any positive features in the budget, viewed from the common man’s perspective.  With the rising tax revenue, mostly from indirect taxes, like GST, Customs and excise duties, nay even from the corporate and income tax, the Government could have announced certain welfare measures benefiting the poor and suffering people.  In fact the allocation on health, education, employment generation schemes, food and fertilizer subsidies, agriculture (for MSP, Crop insurance,) child welfare etc. has either remained  static or got reduced. A major share of the excise duty has come from the systematic and continuous increase in the petroleum products. The cost of LPG gas cylinder had almost been doubled by this Government between 2014 and 2021.  The phenomenal increase in the cooking gas alone brought distress to a large majority of the people in the lower and middle segments of the society.  The announcements like developing 25000 KMs National highways and 2200 KM new Railway tracks, 400 super-fast trains and above all the introduction of an official digital currency were in fact mocking at the poor people.  The total expenditure of the Government estimated in the Budget for the year 2022-23, despite a nominal increase is actually down from. 17.1% of GDP in 2020-21 to 15.3.% 
Without raising resources no government would be able to either increase the long term capital expenditure to create infrastructure asset base nor look after its people at lower strata.  In the difficult situation the people are placed, due to the un-abaiting covid and periodical lock outs, the Government ought to have raised resources from those who has the ability to pay.   Such a proposal must have been a must in the budget.  The Oxfam report, India supplement, which has just been released tells us the sordid story of the vast majority of the Indian people.  Amongst the poverty stricken Nations, India has further fallen from 94 to 104.  It also tells that the top 10 rich  persons in the country had been able to double their wealth during the covid period.  Most of the Indian corporate houses have increased their profit ratio. Why then the Government could not have raised the corporate tax rates or  the rate of income tax  at the super profit level, obviously elicits only one answer.  In fact, the Government had reduced the rate of corporation tax   from 33% to 22% as part of the covid specific bail-out package.  The least the Finance Minister could have done was to restore the old rates. 
Pensioner community is no different from the common people.  The senior citizens suffered immeasurably during this period.  Almost every one of them was afflicted with the covid virus.  Being old they were more prone to the pandemic.  Some of them despite being in self- proclaimed house arrest, still suffered from the virus infection.  The private hospitals in the country charged exorbitantly for the treatment.  Having almost dismantled the public health care system, they had no alternative but to be at the mercy of the private hospitals.  Pensioners and the senior citizens still suffer the post-covid health complications.  No concession has been granted to the old people in the Budget, whereas the Govt. has unashamedly taken crores of rupees from the pensioners by denying the Dearness relief due to them for 18 months.    Rather some of the facilities  like  air and train travel concessions were withdrawn .  Many expected that the Government would take note of the huge hospitalisation expenditure incurred by the pensioners and old people and would increase the ceiling limit of medical expenses in the Budget.  
Almost all of the the Pensioners and retired personnel had invested their retirement benefits on fixed term deposits in the Nationalised Banks.  Crores of rupees had been collected by the Banks from the pensioners and the fund has obviously been used to advance to rich and corporate entities.  A good chunk of such loans has now become non- performing assets and now a new Bad Bank to deal with such assets has been set up. From 2014 onwards, this government had been systematically reducing the interest rates on term deposits to facilitate the business enterprises.  The fall out has been terrible loss to the pensioner community.  Not only the real value of their income has been eroded   but even in quantum terms, the loss had been unbearable.  According to an estimate a person who had invested in Fixed Deposits, say 20 lakhs in 2014 would suffer a loss of Rs. 87,120 in the year 2021-22 due to interest rate reduction .  That is precisely Rs. 7260 per month.  While the income had a drastic reduction, the expenditure due to inflation and effected price rise on petroleum products has almost doubled.  
The 2022-23 Budget has, despite having increased revenue collection, sought to reduce its outflow on welfare measures  ,exposing  clearly where   the empathy of the rulers are. It refused to tax the rich who has increased their profit during the covid period.  It continues to proclaim to raise resources by selling away the Public Sector Units and lease out the infra structural assets for pittance to private enterprises.  Privatisation and crony capitalism had been the hall mark of the policy of this government.  How far they can go could be evidenced rom the fact that the company to whom  the contract for the production of the Vande Bharat coaches  has been given,  is permitted to manufacture it inside the ICF/RCF coach factories owned by the Government.  
The Budget is, therefore, not only disappointing but in a way reflects the insensitive mind-set of those in the governance of the country towards the suffering people.   There must be and will be strong reaction from the people at large to this anti people budget.  
With greetings, 
Yours fraternally, 
KKN. Kutty. 
Secretary General. 
SK Sharma
Gen Secy, ITPF Meerut

NCCPA CIRCULAR DT23 september 2022

NATIONAL CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS. (Registered under the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021 PAN No.  AAEAN858...